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Head of Year mentor meeting record
Head of Year mentor meeting record - helps to log discussions with key pupils. Drop down menus that can be edited to suit your setting

C1.1.1 Introducing Particles
Ocr Gateway - Combined Science Chemistry
Lesson 1 of Chapter 1: Particles
Introducing particles

How to Revise Science
PowerPoint/Google Slideshow covering
What is revision?
why revise?
The brian
How to revise - time management
- how to prioritse
- Revision techniques
- suggested websites/apps/podcasts etc
- least effective methods
Great starting point for any year group on where to begin with their revision.

Convection and Conduction KS3
Differentiatied Questions:
Mulitple choice Questions
Short answer questions
Challenge question

Unit 4 Forensic investigation Procedures in Practice: Introduction to the unit
Short PowerPoint introducing Unit 4 of the BTEC course ‘Forensic and Criminal Investigation’ (converted from gogle slides format)
What will be covered
Learning aims and their content
Assessment criteria table
Space to add your assignment brief
Some useful websites for learning aim A

CC3/4: Atomic Structure and Periodic Table Mind Map
Revision Mind Map including examples. Edexcel 9-1 combined.

CC5/6 Bonding Revision Mind Map
Revision Mind Map with worked examples and diagrams. Edexcel 9-1 combined.

CC9: Calculations Involving Masses Revision Mind Map
Revision Mind Map for CC9. Including worked examples. (edexcel 9-1 combined)

Key concepts in Biology, Topics 1-3 Edexcel Biology 9-1 (Cells, Microscopy and Enzymes)
Key concepts in Biology
Topics 1-3 Edexcel Biology 9-1 (Cells, Microscopy and Enzymes)
Full lessons including AfL throughout, notes, videos and visually stimulating material.

Enzymes and Investigating enzyme activity. (Edexcel Biology 9-1)
Full Lesson including:
- Notes
- Diagrams
- AfL - calculations and extended response questions
- Practical activities

Assess, Plan, Do, Review - Parent questionnaire
Questionnaire to be sent out to parents in advance of the APDR meeting each term to gain their views.
Provides parental voice and can be collated alongside school and child questionnaires as evidence to back up targets.

Assess, Plan, Do, Review - proforma
This form can be used to facilitate meetings with parents, set targets for students and review previous targets set.
As outlined in the new SEND code of practice, this process has to take place 3 times a year for SEND students - this form evidences and tracks the whole cycle.

Cells and specialised cells full lesson
Includes videos, notes, activities and assessment throughout.
Can be used with a KS3/4 class.

Peer assessment sheet - oral presentations/poster presentations
Peer assessment sheet - oral presentations/poster presentations.
Can be printed on a different colour paper and stuck into exercise books providing students with feedback from their peer group.

Long response questions - plants
Could be used as a homework activity or a plenery during a lesson - possibility for peer assessment