Welcome to the world of Science Geeks! We provide fun, science resources for the busy teaching boffins that educate the young science geeks of the future! Spread the word of the geeks and catch us on our YouTube channel to enjoy our free educational videos.
Welcome to the world of Science Geeks! We provide fun, science resources for the busy teaching boffins that educate the young science geeks of the future! Spread the word of the geeks and catch us on our YouTube channel to enjoy our free educational videos.
GCSE Physics starters to had festive fun to your physics lessons in the last week of term! Ticking the criteria of fun and christmas in one handy pack! Checkout our quiz link on the power point for a fun GCSE physics christmas quiz for year 11 students (or even sixth formers)…Enjoy! Physics revision and Christmas together? What more could your SLT ask for?
An activity packed powerpoint presentation putting the power back into this topic! Increase the rate of work done by students with this engaging presentation aimed at students of all abilities, including stretching the very able. Students undertake practical experiments to determine the power of their own legs. The presentation is packed with examples and questions to test student’s understanding. All answers are provided. Ideal for GCSE students or even A level. Power to the people! (Showing my age)
A new, updated version of our momentum presentation, with cool images, lots of questions and examples and challenges. What is momentum? What effects it? Who cares? Why are asteroids so scary? Not to mention bullets or rampaging elephants. This presentation will take students through simple momentum calculations and even deal with the difficult topic of the conservation of momentum in collisions and the calculations that show it for our higher ability students. Packed with activities, extension tasks and questions (all complete with answers), this is the idea presentation for teaching or revision.
Why do some collisions hurt? How can humans protect themselves during car accidents? Why is the rate of change of momentum so important to the size of force we experience? Containing videos, questions and activities. This presentation is ideal for students at foundation level dealing with the subject in a qualitative way and the second half of the presentation which introduces the equation and applies it with plenty of examples and questions for the students to try! Backed with visual delights, this presentation explains why the rate of change of momentum is important in collisions, explains car safety mechanism such as crumple zones, airbags and seat belts, and stretches more able students aiming for the very top grade. Also suitable for A level students as a reintroduction to the topic.
A presentation taking students through the life cycle of a star with lovely graphics, a video, activities and a quiz at the end! Ours of fun. Aimed at GCSE students, its also suitable for A level, and takes students through the life cycles of stars with a similar mass to the Sun and a much larger mass than the sun and their destructive deaths! Explaining the internal processes and science occurring in the star at each stage, this invaluable resource will fill an entire lesson for you!
The topic of our generation! A presentation packed with activities, a worksheet that will stretch all students and a literacy packed package of climate change and global warming based comprehensions and discussions. Vital science knowledge for the generation that will live with the consequences of our choices now! Great for independent study or “cover lessons”.
A presentation aimed at improving literacy in science along with debating skills. It also comes with a comprehension based worksheet encouraging students to engage with scientific vocabulary and the issue in the world all around them. This vital hot topic is the most important thing we can teach students about. This resource would also make an excellent cover lesson (or lazy Friday afternoon) activity. We also provide a video all about “Combustion” and its role in climate change!
A power point that will provide you with activities and information for at least two lessons and also contains links to quizzes, websites, videos and more!
Complete with answers to all questions! All at a special down price! What more could you ask for. Ideal for setting for COVER if you are poorly or otherwise engaged!
Yuletide #gcse fun! A fun worksheet full of festive physics It will even keep your A level students off the streets. Also a TWO links to free KS4 and KS3 blooket Christmas Quizzes! Enjoy! Full answer sheet provided for the double sided worksheet! Literally hours of fun. Put your feet up, educate and have a rest. Merry Christmas!
Five vital equations that you must learn in order to blag your way through your Physics or combined science GCSE! Complete with a summer holiday based “Famous Five/Enid Blyton physics” worksheet with complete answers and a link to a “Microsoft forms quiz” …Plus a youtube video to subliminally get the content into their heads!! It is the complete revision package! Enjoy!
Newton’s laws! Newton’s third law is a difficult concept! But have no fear! Here are all the resources you need. A presentation, a video explaining the whole thing and a question packed worksheet complete with full answers! Ideal for GCSE and also suitable for getting it into the brain of A level physics students. It is accessible to a wide range of abilities up to, and including, genius. Essential Physics and Science!
Ideal for use in normal lessons - or even more use if you need a to set a quick cover lesson due to illness or general teaching everyday stress related nightmare! Energy resources! The worksheet starts with simpler questions and activities in each section before moving on to more demanding and challenging activities later on. It also comes with free video links to our Science Geeks youtube videos where many of the issues are explored at different energy resources investigated! Plenty to fill one or even two lessons! Enjoy!
Utter Bargain! Ionising radiation! Models of the atom! Alpha, beta, gamma! Positron radiation! Background radiation! It’s all here! Videos, worksheets presentations! Ideal for home learning, revision and first teaching! This is a real bargain! Get it now whilst stocks last!
Bargain offer! Free video included! Conservation of energy used to be a fun, easily accessible topic. Not any more! The new model introduced several years ago is fiendishly difficult to implement in everyday lessons and situations. Fret no more! This comprehensive sixteen slide presentation, worksheet, exam style questions and is packed with theory, questions and challenges. All resources come with in depth answers. This is an ideal resource to deal with this difficult topic.
I’m feeling kind! Here is a free, fifteen mark set of GCSE style questions on that pesky topic of energy stores and energy transfers. Complete with answers and a free video. What’s not to like? (no reply necessary). Further resources linked to this topic are in our shop. Enjoy.
Conservation of energy used to be a fun, easily accessible topic. Not any more! The new model introduced several years ago is fiendishly difficult to implement in everyday lessons and situation! Fret no more! This comprehensive worksheet and free video is packed with questions and challenges. All resources come with in depth answers. This is an ideal resource to deal with this difficult topic.
Conservation of energy used to be a fun, easily accessible topic. Not any more! The new model introduced several years ago is fiendishly difficult to implement in everyday lessons and situation! Fret no more! This comprehensive sixteen slide presentation and free video is packed with theory, questions and challenges. All resources come with in depth answers. This is an ideal resource to deal with this difficult topic.
Half life!? What on Earth does that mean? This difficult concept is covered in depth with this FREE video and bumper PRESENTATION. Half life is explained with animated slides and the video. All slides contain questions with built in answers. The tasks increase in difficulty and include extracting information from graphs and simple half life calculations. There is a radioactive practical activity (“tillet cubes”/dice - or you can use coins or “m and m”'s). We even cover carbon dating. Ideal for home learning. Enjoy!
Half life!? What on Earth does that mean? This difficult concept is covered in depth with this FREE video and accompanying worksheet. It comes complete with a fully comprehensive answer sheet. The tasks increase in difficulty and include extracting information from graphs and simple half life calculations. We even cover carbon dating. Ideal for home learning. Enjoy!
Complete with a FREE video! This comprehensive worksheet will test your students understanding of ionising radiation. Alpha, Beta and gamma are covered plus positron decay and neutron emission. It comes with fully comprehensive answer sheet! Decay equations galore and problems for all abilities at a bargain price!