WRITEhere-writeNOW study packs are designed to support learning in the classroom, consolidate knowledge#, encourage students to think critically and engage in creative activities aligned to the topic of study.
#completed work should always be kept for revision
Importantly, WRITEhere-writeNOW resources are ideal for working independantly and remotely.
Additionally, these resources are ideal for online catch-up work, given to early task finishers in class or to be assigned for homework.
WRITEhere-writeNOW study packs are designed to support learning in the classroom, consolidate knowledge#, encourage students to think critically and engage in creative activities aligned to the topic of study.
#completed work should always be kept for revision
Importantly, WRITEhere-writeNOW resources are ideal for working independantly and remotely.
Additionally, these resources are ideal for online catch-up work, given to early task finishers in class or to be assigned for homework.
Press Day, (Writing & Communicating Skills)
Created by a professional media team, featuring a Public Media specialist, magazine Editor, Feature Writer, a published Creative Writer and Graphic Designer.
Curated by a highly experienced Head of English.
Press Day is an ideal term starter activity, for when exams are finished or the end of a term.
Designed to engage 60-120 students. Ideally create news teams with a combination of students from each year group.
Year 6/7 students will have freer ideas and more energy than others!
Including 6th formers will engender team spirit and provide task focus, just by their presence. But I’m sure you know that already.
If your school is larger, split up the student body to enable all your students to enjoy this very creative, very active opportunity on different days.
Press Day will guide your students to conduct research, practice and show their communication skills, use language, write specifically, work in a team and build their confidence.
This event should be fun but that’s up to you, and them!
Working to a deadline will improve exam writing performance.
This whole-day event aims to actively engage students in using their learning in an active, focused and practical way.
Engaging in the process is key, NOT the outcome!
Critical thinking, using language and creativity are the key elements that students will experience.
Every student will have opportunities to take on responsibility and support other students.
Resources - 28 A4 pages:
Covers every aspect of tabloid & broadsheet newspaper production.
Job descriptions & checklists for every role;
Layout Artist
Marketing (Ads)
Info sheets:
Press Vocabulary
Research docs
Comprehensive ‘How tos’ for students
Staff support info
You can have a lot of fun adopting a character and role-playing, in response to answering the persuasive questions of students, or not!
I could come to your school and do this as CPD to take staff through the process, or lead the day with your students at your school.
Aim for each team to fill 4 sheets of A4 paper.
An A3 colour printer is ideal.
It’s best if each newspaper is formed by folding one sheet of A3 paper in half.
This event has been successfully run in schools with great engagement and fun for both staff and students.
A great pre-reading introduction to reading the novel to encourage active and thoughtful reading.
Six pages suitable for KS2, KS3 and KS4 students, dependant on teacher assessment of ability.
With a focus on the natural pre-existing ability and preference for students to visually engage.
Most popular novels read at school are included in this series of 15 guides/workbooks, including KS2, KS3 and some KS4.
Using visual stimuli these novel specific guides encourage students to engage in deduction and inference, as well as critical and analytical thinking.
Giving students visually stimulating front covers, each workbook contains either four or five different choices.
Students are presented with a series of questions to answer which can be used to promote discussion in pairs, groups or the whole class.
There are opportunities for students to write their own questions & answers, to then challenge each other.
In addition, the ideas generated in preparing to read the novel can provide a foundation for analytical writing when reading the novel has finished.
Guidance sheets are included for the multiple meanings of colours, and the symbolism of objects.
These guide/workbooks present more able students with opportunities to compare and contrast the effects on readers of more than one front cover.
Differentiation is by outcome.
WRITEhere-writeNOW study packs are designed to support learning in the classroom, consolidate knowledge# and encourage students to think critically and engage in creative activities aligned to their topic of study.
#completed work should always be kept for revision.
This resource adheres to the principles outlined in the UK Department for Education programmes of study for English & Drama:
Namely that, studies of English Language & Literature will support students to be able to write well so that they can communicate information and concepts, as well as their thoughts, feelings and ideas to others.
Literature can be one of the best sources, enabling students to learn how language works using WRITEhere, writeNOW with a selection of the work from well known writers, while at the same time increasing access to higher levels of vocabulary.
Reading critically and engaging in analysis using the resources available in WRITEhere, writeNOW gives students opportunities to gain knowledge, build on what they already know and prepare them to engage in higher and deeper levels of learning.
Using WRITEhere-writeNOW your students will be able to actively engage in learning by exploring well-known literary texts using visual literacy skills and applying imagination and creativity.
Learning how to use the skills of language could not be more important, WRITEhere, writeNOW.
WRITEhere-writeNOW study packs are designed to support learning in the classroom, consolidate knowledge# and encourage students to think critically and engage in creative activities aligned to their topic of study.
#completed work should always be kept for revision
Importantly all WRITEhere-writeNOW resources are ideal for working independantly and remotely.
Suitable for Key Stage 2&3 students.
This resource gives students a simple, fun and interesting introductIon to the life of Shakespeare and an opportunity to get to know the basic events in Macbeth.
Can be used as study progresses to build an aide memoir or completed at the end of each topic to consolidate learning.
In additIon, the results will provide excellent classroom display material.
Simple visual images are used to make this resource accessible, therefore easier to understand and memorable for all learners.
Additionally, these resources are ideal for online catch-up work, given to early task finishers in class or to be assigned for homework.
Using WRITEhere-writeNOW your students will be able to actively engage in learning by exploring well-known literary texts using visual literacy skills and applying imagination and creativity.
To enable your students to ‘show what they know’ students should be given opportunities to complete verbal, visual and/or video* presentations, which should also help build confidence.
*making a film of themselves presenting their results, for example using CLIPS by Apple, a free, easy to use app that helps students produce high quality results, using an iPhone or iPad.
WRITEhere, writeNOW materials adhere to the principles outlined in the UK Department for Education programmes of study for English:
Namely that, studies of English language & literature will support students to be able to write well so that they can communicate information and concepts, as well as their thoughts, feelings and ideas to others.
Literature can be one of the best sources, enabling students to learn how language works using WRITEhere, writeNOW with a selection of the work from well known writers, while at the same time increasing access to higher levels of vocabulary.
Reading critically and engaging in analysis using the resources available in WRITEhere, writeNOW gives students opportunities to gain knowledge, build on what they already know and prepare them to engage in higher and deeper levels of learning.
Learning how to use the skills of language could not be more important, WRITEhere, writeNOW.
WRITEhere-writeNOW study packs are designed to support learning in the classroom, consolidate knowledge# and encourage students to think critically and engage in creative activities aligned to their topic of study.
#completed work should always be kept for revision
Importantly all WRITEhere-writeNOW resources are ideal for working independantly and remotely.
Suitable for Key Stages 2-4 students.
This resource is aimed at engaging students in descriptive writing using prior knowledge of Macbeth, as an added support.
Teachers of ambitious students may want to allow students to apply the skills of inference and deduction, if they have not yet studied Macbeth.
Additionally, these resources are ideal for online catch-up work, given to early task finishers in class or to be assigned for homework.
Using WRITEhere-writeNOW your students will be able to actively engage in learning by exploring well-known literary texts using visual literacy skills and applying imagination and creativity.
To enable your students to ‘show what they know’ students should be given opportunities to complete verbal, visual and/or video* presentations, which should also help build confidence.
*making a film of themselves presenting their results, for example using CLIPS by Apple, a free, easy to use app that helps students produce high quality results, using an iPhone or iPad.
WRITEhere, writeNOW materials adhere to the principles outlined in the UK Department for Education programmes of study for English:
Namely that, studies of English language & literature will support students to be able to write well so that they can communicate information and concepts, as well as their thoughts, feelings and ideas to others.
Literature can be one of the best sources, enabling students to learn how language works using WRITEhere, writeNOW with a selection of the work from well known writers, while at the same time increasing access to higher levels of vocabulary.
Reading critically and engaging in analysis using the resources available in WRITEhere, writeNOW gives students opportunities to gain knowledge, build on what they already know and prepare them to engage in higher and deeper levels of learning.
Learning how to use the skills of language could not be more important, WRITEhere, writeNOW.
Pre-reading activities help learners prepare for what they will read. It can engage students in predicting the characters, setting or action. By completing pre-reading tasks learners can also anticipate the kind of language, vocabulary, and even grammar they will find in the text. This kind of active preparation can improve students’ understanding by activating prior knowledge, at the same time generating interest and motivating them to read.
This resource is ideal as preparation for reading the novel.
Supported by a completed example with sample questions & answers, There are four front covers for students to practice inference and deduction, writing about what they think will happen in the novel.
Initially the focus is on exploring the shapes, sizes, colours, proximity and position of the images/things. For example on page 2, the size of the shovel (spade), it’s place above everything and how it is shown in detail.
Students should write about the effects on readers.
Ambitious students will want compare & contrast 2 front covers and include symbolism.
WRITEhere-writeNOW materials adhere to the principles outlined in the UK Department for Education programmes of study for English:
Namely, studies of English language & literature will support students to be able to write well so that they can communicate information and concepts, as well as their thoughts, feelings and ideas to others.
Literature can be one of the best sources, enabling students to learn how language works using WRITEhere-writeNOW with a selection of the work from well-known writers, while at the same time increasing access to higher levels of vocabulary.
Reading critically and engaging in analysis using the resources available in WRITEhere-writeNOW gives students opportunities to gain knowledge, build on what they already know and prepare them to engage in higher and deeper levels of learning.
Learning how to use the skills of language efffectively cannot be more important than it is now with WRITEhere-writeNOW.
These stimulating worksheets come in three packs; a complete teacher resource (including all six characters) and two for students with different characters in each.
Each student pack has three characters to help focus creativity, with an extensive amount of guiding questions to support critical thinking.
Scenario and setting ideas are also included with storyboard planning sheets to enable extended narrative writing.
Students can choose to focus on a single character-led story. or combine two or three characters into a single narrative.
For students with focus issues teachers can, of course, give students a single character sheet to help with concentration.
Suitable for Key Stage 2-4 students.
Watch out for the ‘Building a Narrative’ student resource, coming soon.
WRITEhere, writeNOW study packs are designed to support learning in the classroom, consolidate existing knowledge and encourage students to think critically.
Made to support independent work WRITEhere, writeNOW resources are also ideal for working collaboratively.
Additionally, these resources are excellent for online catch-up work, given to early finishers in class or assigned as homework.
Using WRITEhere, writeNOW students will be able to actively engaging in critical thinking, applying and using imagination and creativity.
Enabling students to ‘show what they know’ by completing verbal, visual and/or video* presentations of their completed work, will also help build confidence.
WRITEhere, writeNOW materials adhere to the principles outlined in the UK Department for Education programmes of study for English:
Learning how to use the skills of language could not be more important, WRITEhere, writeNOW.
WRITEhere-writeNOW study packs are designed to support learning in the classroom, consolidate knowledge# and encourage students to think critically and engage in creative activities aligned to their topic of study.
#completed work should always be kept for revision
Importantly all WRITEhere-writeNOW resources are ideal for working independantly and remotely.
Additionally, these resources are ideal for online catch-up work, given to early task finishers in class or to be assigned for homework.
Using WRITEhere-writeNOW your students will be able to actively engage in learning by exploring well-known literary texts using visual literacy skills and applying imagination and creativity.
To enable your students to ‘show what they know’ students should be given opportunities to complete verbal, visual and/or video* presentations, which should also help build confidence.
*making a film of themselves presenting their results, for example using CLIPS by Apple, a free, easy to use app that helps students produce high quality results, using an iPhone or iPad.
Suitable for Key Stage 2&3 students.
Part 1 contains a series of pre-reading activities, supported by a completed example to enable students to engage in inference & deduction.
Part 2 includes:
Writing in-role
Critical thinking
Visual mapping
Guided letter writing
A drawing task
Knowledge retention
Drama extension activity
Vocabulary support
Can be used to record in lesson study activities to consolidate learning & as an aide memoir.
WRITEhere, writeNOW materials adhere to the principles outlined in the UK Department for Education programmes of study for English:
Namely that, studies of English language & literature will support students to be able to write well so that they can communicate information and concepts, as well as their thoughts, feelings and ideas to others.
Literature can be one of the best sources, enabling students to learn how language works using WRITEhere, writeNOW with a selection of the work from well known writers, while at the same time increasing access to higher levels of vocabulary.
Reading critically and engaging in analysis using the resources available in WRITEhere, writeNOW gives students opportunities to gain knowledge, build on what they already know and prepare them to engage in higher and deeper levels of learning.
Learning how to use the skills of language cannot be more important, WRITEhere, writeNOW.
2 resources:
An aide memoir for Key Stage 2 & 3 drama students, covering the five fundamental personal tools that all students of drama have full control over.
Vivid inspiration.
A4 & A3 versions included.
An in-depth visual learning resource and revision aide for the play Macbeth.
Suitable for Key Stages 3&4
Ideal for all students, including kineasthetic and visual learners.
Three levels of differentiated support and challenge - Strive for lower-level students, Aspire for mid-level and Pursue for higher-level learners, enabling all students to do well.
Written in student friendly language.
A3 full-colour poster base to facilitate classroom display.
Three levels of student workbook are included and a teachers book containing all student resources.
WRITEhere-writeNOW study packs are designed to support learning in the classroom, consolidate knowledge# and encourage students to think critically and engage in creative activities aligned to their topic of study.
#completed work should always be kept for revision
Importantly all WRITEhere-writeNOW resources are ideal for working independantly and remotely.
Additionally, these resources are ideal for online catch-up work, given to early task finishers in class or to be assigned for homework.
Using WRITEhere-writeNOW your students will be able to actively engage in learning by exploring well-known literary texts using visual literacy skills and applying imagination and creativity.
To enable your students to ‘show what they know’ students should be given opportunities to complete verbal, visual and/or video* presentations, which should also help build confidence.
*making a film of themselves presenting their results, for example using CLIPS by Apple, a free, easy to use app that helps students produce high quality results, using an iPhone or iPad.
WRITEhere, writeNOW materials adhere to the principles outlined in the UK Department for Education programmes of study for English:
Namely that, studies of English language & literature will support students to be able to write well so that they can communicate information and concepts, as well as their thoughts, feelings and ideas to others.
Literature can be one of the best sources, enabling students to learn how language works using WRITEhere, writeNOW with a selection of the work from well known writers, while at the same time increasing access to higher levels of vocabulary.
Reading critically and engaging in analysis using the resources available in WRITEhere, writeNOW gives students opportunities to gain knowledge, build on what they already know and prepare them to engage in higher and deeper levels of learning.
Learning how to use the skills of language cannot be more important, WRITEhere, writeNOW.
An comprehensive step-by-step guide to producing comprehensive timeliines that can double as a super fast, fact-filled learning aide and revision guide.
Suitable for Key Stage 2-4 students.
Written in a student friendly language to enable students to organise and clearly structure their learning.
Lots of completed examples with clear explanations to illustrate all key timeline features.
Accessible to all learners, with a focus on visual representation to aide learning and knowledge retention.
A3 timeline blanks are included to facilitate pair and group work.
Blank A4 student timelines included for future topics.
Extensive 21 page guide and workbook for students devising drama at Key Stage 3 and 4 (I/GCSE Drama course focus).
Twenty-one A4 pages filled with the key information needed for learners to do well and practical tasks to help them achieve excellent results they can be proud of.
Written in student friendly language with a broad range of stimuli to suit all students, including kinaesthetic, visual and auditory learners.
WRITEhere, writeNOW materials adhere to the principles outlined in the UK Department for Education programmes of study for English & Drama:
Namely that, studies of English language & literature will support students to be able to write well so that they can communicate information and concepts, as well as their thoughts, feelings and ideas to others.
Literature can be one of the best sources, enabling students to learn how language works using WRITEhere, writeNOW with a selection of the work from well known writers, while at the same time increasing access to higher levels of vocabulary.
Reading critically and engaging in analysis using the resources available in WRITEhere, writeNOW gives students opportunities to gain knowledge, build on what they already know and prepare them to engage in higher and deeper levels of learning.
Learning how to use the skills of language through drama could not be more important, WRITEhere, writeNOW.
Based around UK exam board specifications, using a step-by-step method to enable students to organise and clearly structure their work.
Lots of completed examples of the devising process with blank planning sheets for students to complete.
Extra A4 Play Planner blanks for students included in the teachers pack
Two A3 sized motivational drama posters included.