When I was teaching chemistry, we bought an 'interactive periodic table" which turned out to comprise laminated printed sheets of the first 22 elements with their electronic configurations, and some blue tac. This is my response to that. CLICK ON AN ELEMENT AND THE ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION IS RETURNED. This compliments my drag & drop version.
Please note: in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my interactive resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.
I made a wacky presentation showing some constellations, and a tiny bit of information on the solar system. I also made a movie of the presentation set to music.
Just for fun really.
I have made a cartoon of dot cross type diagrams for all of the structures on the AQA specification. Simple double click on the covalent bonding.html file and it runs in your browser. Its nice and colourful, big and bold (zoom in with your browser to make it as big as possible). Could use around the whiteboard, or for independent study at a computer. It’s not intended as a whole lesson, but as a useful resource that can be revisited a number of times with a class to reinforce what they need to know for the exam. Could be starter or plenary or interlude.
Please note: in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my drag & drop resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.
This maybe helpful as a small revision exercise. Has a ‘check my answers’, ‘solve’, and ‘hint’ button.
This runs in your browser. Simply click on the file called ‘index’
Please note: in order to provide a rich interactive experience, my interactive resources are mini-web sites local to your computer. After unzipping, they comprise a folder containing the main .html file and another folder containing the graphic resources and my coding to make the resource work. Double click on the .html file and the resource will work. If, however , you move or delete any of the files from this hierarchy, the resource will not work.