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Millington's Lessons

Hello all! Do you want to enjoy your half term by planning less? Well come take a peak at my resources like vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers, specific heat capacity, transport of substances in living cells (e.g. osmosis). Mark schemes are ready to print as are worksheets and exam questions! So don't waste another minute pop in, click and pick... a resource and enjoy the rest of your half term doing the things you deserve!




Hello all! Do you want to enjoy your half term by planning less? Well come take a peak at my resources like vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers, specific heat capacity, transport of substances in living cells (e.g. osmosis). Mark schemes are ready to print as are worksheets and exam questions! So don't waste another minute pop in, click and pick... a resource and enjoy the rest of your half term doing the things you deserve!
Activate 2- Using Electromagnets worksheet for Year 8

Activate 2- Using Electromagnets worksheet for Year 8

Year 8 students can watch a series of videos to support their completion of the worksheet. As the teacher, you can give students the option to complete the gapfill or complete their own explanation of the use of electromagnets in the three devices once they have watched the video; (alternatively, students can use the AQA Activate 2 textbook to complete this task). An answer sheet is also provided.
P12.6 Uses of Ultra sound

P12.6 Uses of Ultra sound

This resource may be used for a low to mid ability. It firstly gains their interest using a 2d image to begin a discussion and explores how ultrasound (echos) are ultimately used to produce prenatal scans
P12.7 Seismic waves

P12.7 Seismic waves

This lesson may be taught over two hours and include the following: a starter which allows students to discuss their existing knowledge about earthquakes and seismic waves. the operation of a seismometer a research task which further analyses the types of seismic waves followed by a Venn diagram task to compare seismic waves. a video further summarising what seismic waves teach us about the structure of layers of earth students then summarise their learning in the form of a mock BBC Science report. Homework further consolidates their understanding of the operation of a seismometer, interpreting seismographs and what seismic waves teach us about the structure of layers of earth
P2.1 Energy transfer by conduction

P2.1 Energy transfer by conduction

Students are firstly introduced to the lesson by completing a starter assessing their previous knowledge on the processes that allow energy to reach the eggs and comparing the rate of energy transfer. (Triple) students then complete a practical where they investigate the effectiveness of sheets of materials as insulators. There is also an option for to test the effectiveness of an increasing amount of layers of a specific thermal insulator. In addition to the plenary which consolidates the idea of energy transfer in particles in a solid through conduction there is also a set of exam questions based on this lesson.
History of the atom

History of the atom

Students explore the discovering of the atom by completing a literacy activity and extend themselves further by making comparisons of the Plum Pudding Models and the Atomic Model of the atom.
Discovery of the nucleus

Discovery of the nucleus

This lesson draws on the familiar concept of how pole in magnets behave when their magnetic fields interact before relating this to the charges of subatomic particles and their behavior when in contact. Students then compare the Plum pudding model and nuclear model of the atom before getting an overview of the alpha particle scattering experiment. The lesson then closes with students understanding what the evidence from this experiment reveals about the structure of the atom and nucleus.
P2.4 Specific heat capacity

P2.4 Specific heat capacity

The resource contains a simple introduction into factors which affect the amount energy transferred when the temperature of an object changes and then gets students to consider numeracy skills in completing calculations of specific heat capacity. It then concludes with students getting an opportunity to complete calculations (of specific heat capacity, temperature change, and so on).
The National Grid

The National Grid

Student are firstly introduced to how electricity is generated followed by their completing of a research task on the national grid. There is also a quick true false plenary which students assesses students' learning. Video links are also available for further reading and consolidation of how the National Grid works.
3.1.4 Pressure

3.1.4 Pressure

The resource explores the how a knowledge of pressure may be used do things such as breaking and scratching objects. It also explores why objects are able to float, or sink on state of matter such as liquids.
P2.2 Radiation

P2.2 Radiation

For the Do Now task students distinguish the hotter parts of the objects from the colder ones using infrared images (thermograms). This is then followed by a discussion on the nature of infrared radiation where links are made to the electromagnetic spectrum, and showing how IR is detected. Students then explore the nature of ‘black body radiation’ by observing changes in the radiation given out by a filament lamp as it heats up. This concept is further explored by studying changes in the black-body emission graphs. Exam questions for this lesson are also included and mark schemes for all tasks are provided in the powerpoint lesson.
P8.1 Vectors and scalars

P8.1 Vectors and scalars

This lesson is the first in the series of AQAs P8 unit Forces. Students are introduced to measuring instruments before being introduced to the scalar and vector quantities as well as their differences. This is followed by students linking the instruments from the starter to the type of quantities they could be used to measure (scalar and/ or vector), with distance and displacement used to exemplify these ideas. The second chunck of the main lesson cover scale diagrams (and written descriptions) to represent vector quantities. The plenary consolidates vectors and scalars quantities where students choose the correct words to complete a summary of the key points from the lesson.
Inverse square law- BTEC Applied Science

Inverse square law- BTEC Applied Science

This lesson is based on the inverse square law for Applied Science (Extended Certificate). It introduces the idea of attentuation which forms some of the basis for understanding the mathematics behind the equation for the inverse square law. It also includes main activities such as a demonstration in case practical equipment is not available to explore this concept, presenting results in a graph and calculations using the two equations required in for this lesson. Mark schemes for each activity as well as hints for calculations are also provided.
P8.2- Forces Between Object

P8.2- Forces Between Object

The lesson has an option of 2 starters to introduce students to the concept of the effect of interaction of forces on objects. This is then followed by the two types of forces, examples and when these forces occur. The main lesson is also divided into two sections. Firstly, students are introduced to the nature of forces (through Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion) using some examples of force pairs; thereby establishing that forces are vector quantities. This is then followed by students completing of an activity to consolidate these ideas (types of forces, nature of forces and force diagrams). There is also an option of two plenaries where students have an opportunity to demonstrate key concepts covered in this lesson.
P8.3 Resultant forces

P8.3 Resultant forces

This lesson introduces students to resultant forces by getting students to develop students’ mathematical skills using addition sums including negative numbers to check their understanding. This is then followed by the main part of the lesson ‘Resultant forces and their effects’ (balanced and unbalanced forces) supported by Newton’s First law of Motion. Studnets then move on to free- body force diagrams before consolidating main conepts of the lesson.
P12.2 The properties of waves

P12.2 The properties of waves

This resource could be used for the second or third lesson in P12.2. The first activity focuses on the simple mechanics of the wave equation and then gives students an opportunity to complete relatively simple worded problems to build confidence. A quick multiple choice plenary is also provided for quick assessment of student’s progress at the end of the lesson. There is also a focus numeracy skills such as conversions and formula rearrangement to further support students.
P2.3 More About Radiation- Global warming

P2.3 More About Radiation- Global warming

This lesson introduces the idea of how the temperature of systems (e.g. the earth and its atmosphere) could be controlled. It then focuses on skills such as graph interpretation to understand how factors such as green house gas emissions from human activity can enhance the green house effect and therefore cause global warming. Lastly, students get to use their creative skills, all their knowledge and understanding covered in the lesson to create a poster to describe and explain the process of global warming.
BTEC Applied Science C1_Lesson 1_Introduction to show different types of waves

BTEC Applied Science C1_Lesson 1_Introduction to show different types of waves

Students are introduced to the lesson by collating their knowledge of waves from Key Stage 4 and how waves can be produced. A wave machine is then used to show how a wave machine can be simply built. This is then followed by a practical activity where learners, in groups, build a wave machine as shown in the video or of their own design and make predictions about how wave speed may be increased/ decreased. In the practical, students test their prediction by collecting relevant data to calculate the wave speed. Results are then discussed as groups give their results and explain how their results/ calculations agree or disagree with prediction. Key terms required to describe waves are then introduced and consolidated by completion of calculation using the equation f=1/T when either f or T is given. A quick quiz is also included and may be completed at the end of calculation questions a=or at the start of the next lesson in the series.