This is part of an ongoing revision package I am developing. It uses past question papers for images and context but with new questions. Great for a revision lesson or NASTY homework. Electricity, forces, units and radiation are the included topics.
Revision worksheets covering all topics except forces. Past question questions used to provide diagrams. Equation heavy but plenty of graph analysis as well. I am using this as homework booklet. Grades 7+
Thought this might help some people. Remembering the formulas will be the key to passing the physics exams. I have written out the formulas in words i.e. "The speed of a wave depends on the frequency and the wavelength. If either is bigger then the speed is faster." This can stimulate different thought processes especially if spoken aloud. Good starter and certainly can't hurt.
Part of an ongoing series of lovely revision materials for physics. Past question papers provide images and context but the questions/exercises are all new. Grade 6+. Topics covered include waves (mainly) and electricity.
I wrote these is the show that format i.e show that the voltage required to push a current of 2A through a 12 Ohm resistor is 24V. (Most are a bit trickier than this). This allows a self check and should inspire confidence.
This is an accessible revision/test that I put together for an intervention group. It reiterates the most commonly asked questions. It contains easy (ish) calculations
This bad boy looks at the calculations needed for module 1. Unit swaps, formula manipulation are included. I will give the 1st part as a formative type assessment which I will go through and the second half as a marked assessment.
This starts with syllabus statements. This then leads on to Grade 4/5 questions based on past exam questions. Extension question with rearrangement to finish
Nice double sided sheet with nice hard questions. Starts with some syllabus and explanation. Uses all four relative equations. Grade 7-9. Past question images makes it look presentable
The syllabus statements relating to charge are at the head of this worksheet. There then follows questions based upon past paper diagrams. There is one extension question that requires rearranging.
Exam type questions based upon past paper images. Grade 7+. Lots of calculations. 2-3 hours of good quality stuff. There are a number of others of a similar type.Waves, electricity, magnetism, forces, momentum and radioactivity included.
Lots of lovely tough questions for Grade 7+ physics. Lots of calculations and analysis. I will be using these as homework but equally good for in class. Topics include waves, forces, energy.
Lots of lovely revision for clever kids. Grade 7+. Lots of calculations. Topics include space, radioactivity, electricity and light. Part of an ongoing series. 2hrs worth.
Electricity heavy revision worksheets. Calculations, graphs and symbol recognition. Some radioactivity and energy included for 'fun'. Grade 6+. Great for pre exam or homework. Part of an ongoing series. Past question images add context. Please review