Firstly, my name really is Sunshine Susie! (I know! Can you believe it?!) My goal is to create and share products that engage your students, make your life easier, so you can get out of school and start living more. Have a lovely day! Sunshine.
Firstly, my name really is Sunshine Susie! (I know! Can you believe it?!) My goal is to create and share products that engage your students, make your life easier, so you can get out of school and start living more. Have a lovely day! Sunshine.
Inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery documents - Zippy Onion sparks discussion on rounding, students are encouraged to record their reasoning on facts known, also includes a self-assessment grid.
Year 4 objective - To reason on rounding facts known.
I have included four per sheet for ease of photocopying.
This Talk time discussion activity was inspired by NCETM Mastery documents.
Zippy Onion our class mathematician sparks reasoning and discussion on place value around the Year 4 Learning Objective - Find 1000 more or less than a given number.
I have given four to page for ease of printing.
A printable template to encourage children to see calculations as arrays, on a number-line , as repeated addition and pictorially. Shrink them down and use them for starter activities too.
I used it this week with my Year 3 class and they loved it.
No need to spend hours prepping for your reciprocal reading unit this week, this pack contains everything you need. No pre- cutting required – just print and go, and in line with Covid-19 concerns, all activities can be completed independently.
This pack contains 20 differentiated activities organized into the reciprocal reading focuses - Clarify, Summarize, Predict, Question, plus an addition GPS activity. Detailed planning matches the Learning Objectives from the current NC (2014).
Everything you need for your reciprocal reading unit, contains over 20 differentiated activities organized into the 5 reciprocal reading focuses - Clarify, Summarize, Predict, Questions, Infer, plus addition GPS activities. No cutting - just print and go!
Detailed planning for each day matching Learning Objectives from the current NC (2014).
Everything you need for a reciprocal reading unit on the text Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.
Contains over 20 differentiated activities organized into the reciprocal reading focuses - Clarify, Summarize, Predict, Question, plus addition GPS activities.
Detailed planning for each day matching Learning Objectives from the current NC (2014).
Everything you need for your reciprocal reading unit, contains over 20 differentiated activities organized into the reciprocal reading focuses - Clarify, Summarize, Predict, Question plus addition GPS activities. No cutting - just print and go!
Detailed planning for each day matching Learning Objectives from the current NC (2014).
5 easy to prep calculation games, which only need printing, a dice and some counters to get started. Great for embedding mental maths skills.
Learning Objectives covered:
(Yr. 1 Obj.) To add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20.
(Y.r 2 Obj. ) Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100.
(Yr. 2 Obj.) Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.
Use these Maths style starters to keep the GPS skills simmering in your class.
Contains 10 activities to practice and perfect when to use a or an .
L.O. from the 2015 NC - Use of the forms a or an according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or a vowel.
A bundle of 10 talk time activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents. Perfect for lesson starters to encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them means you always have written evidence of students reasoning skills! Set out in easy to photocopy format, 4 to a page.
Learning Objectives included:
LO: Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.
LO: Identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle.
LO: Identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn.
16 activities to help your class count on in tenths, and recognize and use fractions on a number-line.
This includes 15 exercises investigating fractions on a number-line, including some concept cartoons to encourage student reasoning. Plus an additional snap/matching game, matching fractions to number-lines to diagrams.
A differentiated activity using Cuisenaire rods to help students visualize fractions of a whole. A great resource for stimulating discussion about fractions.
Learning Objective covered:
LO: Visualize, recognise, find, name and write fractions as ½, ¼, ⅓ and ¾ of a given length.
A bundle of 6 Place Value talk time activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents. Perfect for lesson starters, presented with 4 activities to a page for easy photocopying.
Includes the following Learning Outcomes:
LO – To be able to recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number (hundreds, tens, and ones) (Yr. 3 LO. Mastery with greater depth).
LO - Solve place value problems (Yr. 3 LO. Problem Solving)
LO – To solve number problems and practical problems with number and place value. (Year 3 LO)
LO – To be able to recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number (hundreds, tens, and ones) (Place Value Reasoning- Yr. 3 LO)
Struggling with bar modelling and finding multiplication and division tasks which do more than test you students calculation skills?
These activities encourage lots of talk, lots of reasoning and provide examples of your students fluency with calculation skills. They are also an excellent way for students to show their understanding of Concrete, Abstract and Pictorial representations of the process of division and multiplication.
A bundle of 11 Place Value activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents (includes negative numbers). Perfect for lesson starters to encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them, means you always have written evidence of students problem solving and reasoning skills! Presented in easy to photocopy format, with 4 or 2 activities to a page.
Learning Outcomes included are:
LO - Recognise the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number (Yr. 4 - Problem solving)
LO - Solve number and practical problems with number and place value, with increasingly large positive numbers (Yr. 4 - Problem Solving & Fluency)
LO: Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Fluency)
LO - Solve problems including missing number problems, using place value and more complex addition and subtraction (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Reasoning)
LO - Find 1000 more or less than a given number (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Reasoning)
LO - Count in multiples of 1000`s through negative numbers (Yr. 4 Fluency)
A bundle of 10 Multiplication and Place Value talk time activities inspired by NCETM Maths Fluency and Reasoning documents. Perfect for lesson starters to encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them means you always have written evidence of students reasoning skills! Set out in easy to photocopy format, 4 to a page (sometimes 6 to a page).
Learning Objectives included:
LO – To count from 0 in multiples of 50. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO – To count from 0 in multiples of 4. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO – To count from 0 in multiples of 8. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO - Find 10 more or 10 less than a given number. (Fluency Yr. 3)
LO - Compare and order numbers up to 1000. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO – Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO – Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts and place value. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
10 fraction activities focusing on reasoning and mastery of basic concepts. Suitable for Year 2 and Year 3. Perfect for lesson starters or to collect written evidence of student reasoning about fraction concepts. Activities include fractional parts, fractions on a number line and concept cartoons.
This is a week of planning and resources - all tasks are pre-assessments of LO`s covered in Year 2 to be sure all gaps are covered before you move onto the Year 3 objectives. Task inspired by NCETM mastery materials.
Learning Objectives covered:
LO: To add fractions with the same denominator. (Yr. 3)
LO: To count in fractions up to 10, starting from any number and using the ½ and 2/4 equivalence. (Yr. 2)
LO: Recognise, find, name and write fractions as 1/3, ¼, 2/4 and ¾ of a length, shape or set of objects or quantity. (Yr. 2)
LO: recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity (Yr. 1)
A bundle of resources to help with reasoning and visual representations of fractions.
Learning Objectives covered:
Show using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators.
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator up to one whole.
Find pairs of fractions that add up to a whole.
Solve fraction problems using what I know so far about fractions.
Ten rounding activities, including rounding of decimals, with reasoning and problem solving.
Use them to start every maths lesson, encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them means you always have written evidence of students reasoning skills! Set out in easy to photocopy format, 4 to a page (sometimes 2 to a page).
Learning Outcomes included are:
LO - Solve problems involving rounding (Yr. 4 – Fluency & problem solving)
LO – To round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 (Yr. 4 – Fluency)
LO – To round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 (Yr. 4 – Reasoning)
LO – To be able to reason on rounding facts known (Yr. 4 - Reasoning)
LO - Solve problems involving rounding decimals (Yr. 4 – Problem Solving & reasoning)