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Show Don't Tell Cards
Create a useful keychain for your students with these Show Don’t Tell cards -these can then be hung from your writing display, providing easy access for your class.
Show Don’t Tell is an important technique to teach KS2 children, encouraging them to use clues and build the excitement or suspense in their writing.

Story Starter - Abandoned
A historical fiction story starter that jumps between past and present. This could be used in different ways: children could write the scene after the past description of the castle and begin to describe its downfall. Alternatively, they could continue the battle scene.
This could also be used as a reading activity to discuss language choices and make comparisons.

Story Starter - Road's End
A story starter linking to Literacy Shed’s video, Road’s End. This could be used to develop children’s use of noun phrases in descriptive paragraphs or they could write what happened in the middle scene.
Alternatively, they could make predictions as to what will happen next.

Science Challenge Cards
14 challenge cards that can be used as extension activities in Science, focusing on the skills of interpreting data, drawing conclusions, identifying variables and identifying equipment.
These are designed to develop children’s critical thinking and ability to apply what they know.

Year 5 VIPERS & Model Text Bundle - The Enchanted Forest
A copy of The Enchanted Forest model text and success criteria, along with 6 VIPERS activities, each one focusing on a different objective.

Year 5 VIPERS & Story Starter Bundle - Road's End
A copy of Road’s End story starter and success criteria, along with 6 VIPERS activities, each one focusing on a different objective. I would suggest using each skill in a separate lesson.

Year 5/6 SPaG Challenges
12 weeks’ worth of mini SPaG quizzes. These are great for SATs prep and repeat similar-style questions to ensure children don’t forget any topics!
I complete these weekly with my class in small groups as a team challenge and use them to inform my planning because I can easily identify gaps in their knowledge.

VIPERS Question Cards
A set of 56 reading questions, each one focusing on a different VIPERS skills - vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval or summarise/sequence. If printed back-to-back, the sentence stems to support with answering will be on the back of the corresponding question.

Story Starter - Viculus Discovery
A science-fiction story starter that could be used to develop children’s descriptive vocabulary and use of senses. Children could also continue the story with what happens next.

Year 5 Model Text - The Enchanted Forest
A model text that could be used to support children with using descriptive vocabulary in fantasy settings or as Pie Corbett’s story plot of journey tales.
Success criteria to identify key features of Year 5 writing also included - I would identify examples in the model text with the children so that they know what to look for when editing their own writing.

Year 5 Model Text - The Olzid
A model text for non-chronological reports, linking to the Science unit of Earth and Space.
Success criteria has also been included to highlight the key grammar and punctuation.

Times Table Key Chains
Create keychains for your class to support them with learning times tables and Maths lessons. My students have loved the independence of taking one of these when they need them!

Story Starter - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A Year 5 story starter that could be used as a model for descriptive writing, encouraging use of the five senses or for children to continue the story.

Alma - Detective Inference Hook Lesson
This detective investigation is designed as a hook lesson for Talk 4 Writing, using the YouTube/Literacy Shed short video, Alma.
The resource includes:
Hook Lesson PowerPoint presentation
Missing person newspaper article
Evidence 1 - 4 x CCTV images, 1 x email and 3 x witness statements
Evidence 2 - 1 x CCTV image, 1 x police interview
(I do not own the rights to the images)

Story Starter - Nicholas and the Phoenix
A Year 5 story starter that could be used as a model for writing myths and legends, relating to the History unit of Ancient Greece.

Year 5 Model Text - Journey
A model text that follows the Talk 4 Writing structure of a journey tale, using Aaron Becker’s picture book, Journey, for inspiration.
Success criteria has also been included to highlight the key grammar and punctuation.

Year 5 Model Text - Should We Ban Uniforms?
A model text for balanced arguments, discussing some advantages and disadvantages to school uniforms.
Success criteria has also been included to highlight the key grammar and punctuation.

Year 5 Model Text - Rainforest Adventure
A model text that follows the classic writing structure, featuring an opening, build-up, dilemma, action and resolution.
Success criteria has also been included to highlight the key grammar and punctuation.

UKS2 Model Text - Letter of Application
A model text for letters of application, focusing on applying for a job in a bakery.
Success criteria to identify key features of Year 5 writing also included - I would identify examples in the model text with the children so that they know what to look for when editing their own writing.

UKS2 Model Text - Legends
A model text for myths and legends, using Beowulf as a stimulus.
Success criteria has also been included to highlight the key grammar and punctuation.