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Black Lives Matter | What is Racism | Informative Colouring Pages For All Ages

Black Lives Matter | What is Racism | Informative Colouring Pages For All Ages

This resource will teach students about what the Black Lives Matter movement is, what racism is and what racism may look like. The resource is also meant to inspire young activists with words from Nelson Mandela, Anäis Nin, Robert Ingersoll, Elizabeth Gilbert and Maya Angelou. Additional Black Lives Matter resource can be found here: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/black-art-matters-black-lives-matter-anti-racist-art-resource-for-secondary-learners-12330969]
Henri Rousseau | Imaginary Jungle Task  | Nature & Plants  | Remote Learning | Watercolour

Henri Rousseau | Imaginary Jungle Task | Nature & Plants | Remote Learning | Watercolour

Each lesson comes with a video & worksheets, which include an artist narrative and brief history, artwork examples, ideas starters and easy to follow step-by-step instructions for an activity of which you can work on from home. In this lesson students can learn how to capture the beauty of nature though the appropriation of Henri Rousseau in the classroom or during remote learning. Within this resource you will: Know who  Henri Rousseau is and why his artwork is important Know what the word appropriation means Know that science & art often mirror each other Know what naïve  painting is Know how to create an imaginary forest landscape inspired by plants and nature
School Guidelines For Covid19 (Coronavirus) Printable & Downloadable Poster | Display

School Guidelines For Covid19 (Coronavirus) Printable & Downloadable Poster | Display

School Guidelines For Covid19 (Coronavirus) Printable & Downloadable Poster | Display Keep Our School Safe! Practice good hygiene: Stop hand shakes and use non-contact greeting methods Clean hands at the door and schedule regular hand washing reminders Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, and desks regularly Avoid touching your face and cover your coughs and sneezes Increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning Stay home if: You are feeling sick You have a sick family member at home
40 page Graphic Design | Poster Design | The Design Process

40 page Graphic Design | Poster Design | The Design Process

The Art & Craft Hut are very excited to announce our first remote and in class learning booklet for Graphic Design (Visual Communication Design) - Poster Design! This 40 page interactive book will teach & guide students through the poster design process, focussing on target audience, responding to a brief, the different styles & purposes of posters & much more!
67 Page Introduction To Digital Photography Workbook/Portfolio | Printable & Digital

67 Page Introduction To Digital Photography Workbook/Portfolio | Printable & Digital

67 Page Introduction To Digital Photography Workbook/Portfolio | Printable & Digital Appropriate for BTEC, A Level, GCSE Curriculum & at home learning What is  Digital Photography? What are the benefits of Digital Photography? Camera Components Exposure Lighting File storage – file formats Reading Images (photographs) Framing Photography techniques Target audience Brief Creating ideas in relation to a brief Taking images in response to a brief
7 FREE Christmas Activities Worksheets - Remote/In School Activity

7 FREE Christmas Activities Worksheets - Remote/In School Activity

7 FREE Christmas Activities Worksheets Some include: Christmas Tree Addition: How many Christmas trees do you see? Add them together, then write the correct answer in the box. A sweet Christmas treat awaits the first 5 groups to get a perfect score. Christmas Countdown: Santa has scattered plenty of presents in the living room. Count the number of gifts you find, and group them under the “small”, “medium”, and “large” categories! Win a special Christmas gift from Teacher Ann if you get all the answers right. A Merry Mathematics Game: Answer the equations given below. Once you get the answers, find and color the following numbers in the chart with the indicated color. Counting Santa’s Gifts: The red gifts are for the kids in Christmas Village, the green gifts are for the kids in Yuletide Village, and the gold gifts are for the kids in Holiday Village. Count how many gifts go to each village. Write them in the boxes below.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma:Creative Digital Media: Unit 12 Website Production - LOA, LOB & LOC.

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma:Creative Digital Media: Unit 12 Website Production - LOA, LOB & LOC.

3 Resources
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma:Creative Digital Media: Unit 12 Website Production - LOA, LOB & LOC. 95 pages - Fully planned - All learning & Assessment LOA: Learning aim In this unit you will: Understand the codes and conventions of website production What is website production? What are the different purposes of a website? What is a target audience? Common components of a web page Understanding the requirements of user experience & expectation Brand Identity Web accessibility Interactive content Assessment LOB: Learning aim In this unit you will: Prepare materials for website production What are website assets? Primary & secondary assets Legally sourcing secondary assets Website assets - problem based task 1 Website assets - problem based task 2 Assessment LOC: Learning aim In this unit you will: Produce a website for a specific purpose and audience.
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals- Creative Digital Media Production- Unit 3: Digital Media Skills Exam

Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals- Creative Digital Media Production- Unit 3: Digital Media Skills Exam

This booklet contains learning material for the completion of the preparatory work and activities for the set task for Unit 3: Digital Media Skills exam. ABOUT UNIT THREE EXAM: The assessment period lasts eight weeks and comprises: 5 hours for Activity 1 under supervised conditions 15 hours for Activity 2 under supervised conditions. **The best performing learners clearly used the preparatory period to: research their chosen theme develop a good understanding of relevant codes and conventions explore how the client’s specific requirements have been used in existing media products gather a range of assets/material from secondary sources **Specific marking guidance: The marking grids have been designed to assess learner work holistically. Rows within the grids identify the assessment focus/outcome being targeted. When using a marking grid, the ‘best fit’ approach should be used. ● Examiners should first make a holistic judgement on which band most closely matches the learner response and place it within that band. Learners will be placed in the band that best describes their answer. ● The mark awarded within the band will be decided based on the quality of the answer in response to the assessment focus/outcome and will be modified according to how securely all bullet points are displayed at that band. ● Marks will be awarded towards the top or bottom of that band depending on how they have evidenced each of the descriptor bullet points. **Formal supervision is the equivalent of examination conditions. Learners must work independently, cannot work with other learners, cannot talk about their work to other learners and will only be able to access the materials specified in the assessment. **Independent preparation is required in this assessment so that learners are able to source assets for their product. Centres need to make provision for this preparation using scheduled lessons and ensuring that learners have access to information and equipment that may be required. Learners should be working independently rather than being taught or directed. **Monitored preparation is provided when learners produce materials that are used in any formally supervised session. This includes notes, artefacts, assets, plans etc. as specified in the sample assessment. Monitored sessions are where learners are being directly observed. They may have, where specified, access to their own outcomes from preparation, access to the internet and use of appropriate resources. Learners are working independently and teachers/tutors will be able to authenticate that the outcomes for formal assessment meet the requirements and are authentic. At the end of the monitored preparation, centres will retain the assets which will be provided to learners during the formal supervised assessment.
At Home Lesson Planner

At Home Lesson Planner

I have created a printable & downloadable lesson planner for parents & teachers to share with parents. This will help learners maintain some kind of routine in the COVID-19 madness! I would make this as repetitive and structured as possible; for example begin each day with a mindfulness activity, then do some literacy & numeracy and finish the day with a creative task. Having a plan of lesson expectations printed & visible to children should also help with managing challenging behaviours! Don’t forget regular breaks are important so you can schedule those in too! Feel free to share!