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Traine23's Shop

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(based on 42 reviews)

Teacher of Biology in Leicestershire I aim to produce well-designed, creative and fun resources which students enjoy, but also form good AfL tasks.




Teacher of Biology in Leicestershire I aim to produce well-designed, creative and fun resources which students enjoy, but also form good AfL tasks.
3.7 Inheritance - 16 pages - worksheets & Answers, monohybrid, dihybrid, sex & autosomal linkage...

3.7 Inheritance - 16 pages - worksheets & Answers, monohybrid, dihybrid, sex & autosomal linkage...

16 pages of worksheets and answers to cover the following: monohybrid Codominance Multiple alleles Dihybrid Autosomal linkage Inheriance and chi-squared These are resources I use to teach the AQA specification. To give full coverage (e.g. sex linkage and hardy weinberg) and further exam practise, I also use a load of questions from exampro/PPQs) These often provide a bit more scaffolding (e.g. with linkage) and some easier questions, before more challenging PPQs are attempted.
AQA 3.6 Blood Glucose homeostasis - Insulin - Glucagon - Second Messenger

AQA 3.6 Blood Glucose homeostasis - Insulin - Glucagon - Second Messenger

2 worksheets and a crossword to cover blood glucose regulation. It covers the process of negative feedback of insulin in muscle/liver/adipose cells, as well as how glucagon is used to increase blood glucose via the second messenger model. Adrenaline and the second messenger model is also covered. A nice crossword included for all the confusing terms that start with ‘G’ Answers to all three provided.
A level Transcription - double sided worksheet and answers

A level Transcription - double sided worksheet and answers

A level Transcription - double sided worksheet and answers Covers the mechanism and the use of genetic code via a range of tasks (match/gap fill/open response) Also compares transcription to DNA replication, so check it fits within your teaching order. Does not need translation to have been taught
Sampling Plants 2 X Worksheets - GCSE - Biology - Ecology - Quadrats - Transect - Random Sampling

Sampling Plants 2 X Worksheets - GCSE - Biology - Ecology - Quadrats - Transect - Random Sampling

2 double-sided worksheets on sampling plants. Perfect for the British summers or consolidation of the required practicals. One is a sheet on a belt transect, the other is a sheet on random sampling. Both sheets involve data analysis and working scientifically skills. Suited to the AQA Ecology topic 7, but will be relevant to other exam boards where plant sampling is required. Suggested Answers included
A Level Biology Maths Skills - Logarithms, Log graphs and exponential increases

A Level Biology Maths Skills - Logarithms, Log graphs and exponential increases

A Level Biology Maths Skills - Logarithms, Log graphs and exponential increases worksheet 4 sides and all answers included. The Worksheet gives brief summaries of the skills involved in working with factors of 10 and logarithms, as well us using 2 to the power functions for calculating the exponential increase of cell populations. 2 pages focus on dealing with log scales on graphs. My students have found these particularly useful, and these are definitiely an area for marginal gains with the examboard. The logarithmic question for AQA 2023 paper 3 was poorly answered with 17% of candidates not even attempting the question. The log graph question in 2023 paper 1 saw only 7% of students achieve 2 marks.
AQA A level Biology - AS/Year one - Quiz of the year - End of term Quiz

AQA A level Biology - AS/Year one - Quiz of the year - End of term Quiz

A fun quiz of the year for AS Biology (AQA) - it is likely to overlap with other exam board specifications, but I cannot vouch for this! It contains nearly 90 Questions and it easily lasts an hour. Covers a range of topics, particularly from Biological molecules and cells topics, and has some more serious sections - identifying molecules/ proteins, and some less biology related rounds - flags / womens world cup badges. I have created a 1% club round based on the style of questions in the TV series, which my students have loved (those that watch actual telly and not Netflix at least!) I run it as a pub-style quiz. Groups of 2-4 students, and they mark each others after a round All answers are provided *one round (6Questions) is based on the 2023 Women’s world cup - this could be updated to 2024 Men’s world cup badges… or beyond!
A Level Biology Maths Skills - Revision - Solutions and Dilutions

A Level Biology Maths Skills - Revision - Solutions and Dilutions

A Level Biology Maths Skills - Revision - Solutions and Dilutions A worksheet based activity consisting of 2 sides This worksheet explores volume conversions, calculating how much mass of a substance is required to make up a particular concentration, how to dilute a stock solution, and how to perform serial dilutions. The second side is exam style questions. Markscheme included - handwritten as the working out is all fully shown
A-Level Biology Genetic Testing Gene Probes Micro Array Worksheet and Markscheme

A-Level Biology Genetic Testing Gene Probes Micro Array Worksheet and Markscheme

A three-sided worksheet that covers gene probes and genetic tests. It is specifically aimed for the AQA A level Biology spec, but will be appropriate for most exam boards. It assesses student understanding of some core principles, whilst running through how geentic tests are carried out for cystic fibrosis, huntington’s and digeorge syndrome (using chromsomal micro-array). Comprehensive and projectable markscheme included
A-Level Biology - Maths Skills Revision Relay Quiz

A-Level Biology - Maths Skills Revision Relay Quiz

A fun and engaging relay quiz which could be done in groups of 1-3 which covers maths skills related to enzymes, cells, heart, ecology and exchange. The maths skills covered are %, uncertainty, volumes, rate calculations, stats, sig figs to name a few. Takes about 30 minutes and provides an excellent opportunity for AfL . INSTRUCTIONS are included in the notes section of the markscheme
A Level Biology - Mitosis Relay Quiz - includes analysis and maths

A Level Biology - Mitosis Relay Quiz - includes analysis and maths

A Level Mitosis revision relay quiz. Team based quiz in which teams race to complete a series of questions correctly, whilst giving you the perfect opportunity to provide some verbal feedback! Instructions and markscheme included! Copy up the pack and sort using different coloured paper for each team - they have to chack their answers are correct before they progress onto the next question, providing you an excellent opportunity for AfL. Answers included Includes data and plenty of maths
A Level Biology Maths Skills - Logarithims Worskheet and Answers

A Level Biology Maths Skills - Logarithims Worskheet and Answers

This is a work sheet on Maths skills for Biologists, which focusses on Logarithms and guides students through how to use their calculator to work out log calculations. It includes a comprehensive markscheme. The seconds side just includes a PPQ involving natural logs from a past paper.