We are a Tuition business located in London, UK. We offer engaging tuition by fully-qualified teachers. Our experienced educators possess a comprehensive grasp of the national curriculum, enabling them to craft customised learning materials.
We are a Tuition business located in London, UK. We offer engaging tuition by fully-qualified teachers. Our experienced educators possess a comprehensive grasp of the national curriculum, enabling them to craft customised learning materials.
This resources is designed for Year 5 Maths. It covers multiplying a 3-digit number by a 2-digit number. It includes a step-by-step guide with a variety of arithmetic and problem solving questions.
This resources is designed for Year 5 Maths. It covers mixed multiplication and division with remainders. It includes a variety of problem solving questions.
This resources is designed for Year 5 Maths. It covers calculating fractions of an amount with simple step-by-step guides. It includes bar model representations to abstract number sentences as well as a variety of arithmetic and word problem questions.
This resources is designed for Year 5 Maths. It covers calculating the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and polygons.
It includes finding perimeter of regular and rectilinear shapes with missing lengths. The final page includes word problem questions to challenge learners.
This resources is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers multiplying fractions by integers and other fractions in arithmetic style questions to consolidate learning. The final page includes word problems to challenge all learners.
This resources is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers solving for percentages of an amount and missing values using bar model representations, abstract numbers and word problem questions. This resource also has step by step guides at the top of each page to model methods.
This resources is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers solving for the area of pictorial representations of triangles and parallelograms using the formulas in the step by step guides. The final page includes word problem questions to challenge all learners.
This resource is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers dividing decimals by 10 and 100 using place value charts and abstract calculations. At the top of each sheet there is a guide to support learners in applying their learning.
This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
This resource is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers rounding decimals to the nearest whole number using number lines to support all learners. The second page also includes some abstract questions including rounding with numbers to two decimal places.
This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
This bundle contains 17 booklets of Year 6 Maths work following the English National Curriculum. All resources are designed by a fully-qualified teacher.
Topics Covered:
Numbers to 1,000,000
Numbers to 10,000,000
Round Numbers
Add Numbers
Subtract Numbers
Square and Cube Numbers
Multiply a 4-digit number by a 2- digit number
Short Division & Long Division
Multistep Problems
Order of Operations
Equivalent Fractions & Simplifying
Add & Subtract Fractions
Multiply Fractions by an integer and fractions
Divide Fractions by an Integer
Fractions of an amount
Metric Measures
Imperial Measures
This resources is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers adding and subtracting 1’s across 10 and 10’s across 100 using number lines to support all learners. The final page includes a couple of word problem questions to challenge learners.
This resources is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers adding two-digit and three-digit numbers with no exchange, an exchange across 10 and an exchange across 100.
This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It focuses on using known multiplication and division facts to complete trickier calculations. For example; 6 x 3 =18 therefore 60 x 3 = 180.
The resources contains pictorial representations with fact family number sentences, questions with missing numbers and a page of problem solving questions.
This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers equivalent masses in g and kg using both bar models and abstract numbers to support all learners. It also includes a problem solving page with addition and subtraction calculations.
This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It introduces unit and non-unit fractions. It also includes identifying the numerator and denominator in pictorial representations and shading in fractions.
The final page includes comparing fractions with the same numerator through bar models and sentence stems and a challenging word problem with more than one correct answer.
This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers comparing and ordering non-unit fractions and investigates fractions on number lines.
This resource uses pictorial representations, abstract numbers and number lines to support all learners. It also includes a page of problem solving to challenge learners.
This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It covers equivalent fractions.
This resource uses pictorial representations, bar models and number lines to support all learners.