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Multiplying Triple Brackets Jigsaw : NEW GCSE Mathematics
A tarsia for GCSE Mathematics students to multiply three brackets. The cubic coefficient is 1 in all cases. The sign in the brackets is usually +. As this activity could take a long time there is also a reliance on recognising the difference of 2 squares.

Fizz Buzz Factors and Multiples
Can the pupils count up in ones? They are not allowed to say the numbers in the 3 or 5 (and even 7) timestables.
Evan in year 9 got to 481 before he made a mistake!
I get the pupils to stand in a circle, and move one at a time around the group counting on. If they make a mistake then they sit down. The last one standing is the winner!
Please rate the resource if you download it, whether you like it or not.

Adding fractions. New 1-9 Foundation Maths GCSE 2018 Mathematical Mastery FREE
A sample of our series of Mathematical Mastery approaches to the key elements of the new GCSE Mathematics.
Each section comprises 6 questions starting off with a question on a simple topic here it is adding fractions.
Each question increases in difficulty by adding algebraic techniques to the same method.

Pizza Mathematics. Proportion. Rich Task. My ROTW.
Use recipes to help calculate the right amount of ingredients for either Deep Pan or Thin Crust Pizzas.
I would recommend this for all groups from year 6 to 11 depending on ability.
There is a Powerpoint file for each version and a PDF for each version too.
Easy Version. Is a simple version of making enough pizza for 18 slices, these can all be the same type deep pan and thin crust.
More Challenging Version. Is a more complicated version of making pizza for a group of friends/mythical people or your preferred dinner party guests made up of your (living or otherwise) heroes. Making the lists is very important to the students. These can all be the same type deep pan and thin crust. More challenge can be added by making a combination of both types of pizzas.
More Challenging Version also includes information I found for the calorie content and current price of the ingredients. This can be very challenging.
The file Calculations is a macro enabled excel file which will show you the price of each pizza, the calorie content and the quantity of ingredients.

GCSE Maths: Chinese multiplication worksheet
This is a brilliant tool to use if you are teaching the napiers bones method of long multiplication. You can reveal each stage of the calculation one at a time and then click 'new&' for a brand new question. You may want to use this as a demonstration when you are explaining or as an activity with mini-whiteboards for the students to record their working and answers. Thank you for sharing
Intereactive EXCEL worksheet to show the method of Napiers Rode.

Direct Proportion Codebreaker
Direct proportion, leading to the phrase "THIS TAKES BARE TIME"
Idea taken from DANNYTHEREF

Metric and Imperial Pairing game
Maths I Have, Who Has?
This activity is 30 cards with 30 matching answers.
You are welcome to download this free of charge as long as you don't expect others to pay for your worksheets or activities.
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This is a game Danny The Ref called The Gold Rush to aid the revision. It covers topics at grade 1 to 3. The rules are included and the operation is fairly self evident. Click the question number to go to the question, anywhere to bring up the answer, the treasure chest to go back to the grid and a square in the grid to make it disappear. It’s basically an adaptation of Battleships with added Spandau Ballet!

NEW GCSE Mathematics Volume and Surface Area.
A revision lesson with strong AFL opportunities to discuss the work. I have split the questions on each slide to divide the group into 2 pairs.
Shapes that are used are Cube, Cuboid, Cylinder, Sphere and Cone.
The lesson can take up to 2 hours. I would advise you to use this with either a year 10 or 11 group aiming for Higher grades at GCSE 2017 onwards.
The first set of slides are colour coded, green and red, with red being more of a challenge.
Colour is used to differentiate the question too, with pupils asked to choose their own questions. Green numerical questions
Amber Easyish algebra questions
Red tough algebra questions
Algebra is used to differentiate the questions.
For specialists and non specialists alike the answers are given.

MATHS 2018 : Ratio bingo Mathematics
2018 GCSE MATHS Nth term and simplifying algebra
KS3 and KS4 Bingo game
Bundle Sale

£7 BUNDLE. New Mathematics GCSE 2018. Bundle from TES APPROVED AUTHOR.
For a short time these resources are available for £7.
A bundle of 7 files and resources aimed at the NEW GCSE Mathematics 2017 scheme.
SAVE 60+%. Check out my reviews.

Maths Homework booklets. Targeted at students in years 7 to 11. NEW GCSE.
50+ Homework Sheets. Print this out as a booklet and track over time whether students are making any progress. Set targets etc.
These are approximatelyr 20 question sheets with exactly the same type of questions.
The sheets match up to
NEW GCSE Grade 2 (old KS2 level 5)
NEW GCSE Grade 4 and 5. (Old GCSE grade D and C)
There are also catch up log books for pupils to fill in and track progress.

The Factor Game. Play against the teacher. THIS IS A MACRO ENABLED EXCEL FILE.
Click start.
A grid of 9 numbers appears.
Place the randomly generated value into a cell. You score one point for a value that is a factor of the number at the top of the column and to the right of the row.
The game finishes when you have placed all 9 numbers into the grid.
The score then appears.

NEW MATHEMATICS 2018 GCSE 12 worksheets to test understanding on the essential maths grades 3/4/5
Maths GCSE 1-9 Foundation sheet designed for the new foundation 9-1 examination.
20 questions to complete on a variety of topics
Useful for a homework sheet or can be used to find the weaknesses with your pupils.

Brackets : solve an equation. Maths GCSE 2018
Multiply or rearrange brackets to solve for X.
There are 50 similar sheets, print one off for every student so they cannot copy of each other.

Revision 1-9 Foundation Maths GCSE 2018 Mathematical Mastery
Our series of Mathematical Mastery approaches to the key elements of the new GCSE Mathematics.
Each section comprises 6 questions starting off with a question on a simple topic here it is adding fractions.
Each question increases in difficulty by adding algebraic techniques to the same method.
Rearrange to find x
Multiplying brackets
Expanding three brackets
Adding Fractions
Subtracting Fractions
Mixed Fractions

Substitute values into the sheet. Could be copied by pupils and completed asap.

Homework Logs: KS3 /KS4 maths
Keep a record of how well you do in this table.
You should always try to improve on the previous week. Make sure you look at your corrections and targets so you know what you have to do to achieve better.

2018 GCSE MATHS Nth term and simplifying algebra. Mathematics
2018 GCSE MATHS Nth term and simplifying algebra
There are two bingo games