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GCSE Latin - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Declension Nouns Quizzes
All noun declension quizzes in one bundle at almost half the price.

GCSE Latin - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Conjugation Verbs Quizzes
All verb conjugation quizzes in one bundle at almost half the price.

GCSE Biology - Mini Quiz 2
A quick-answer 25 question quiz, covering numerous topics from across the course. Answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate sheet for printing purposes). A good way to determine which topics need to be recapped. A great worksheet for in class, or own personal revision resource. I received an A* in my Biology GCSE.

GCSE Biology - Mini Quiz 1
A quick-answer 25 question quiz, covering numerous topics from across the course. Answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate sheet for printing purposes). A good way to determine which topics need to be recapped. A great worksheet for in class, or own personal revision resource. I received an A* in my Biology GCSE.

GCSE Latin - 1st & 2nd Declension Adjectives Quiz Part 2
A quick 24-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE. Part 2 of 2.

GCSE Latin - 1st & 2nd Declension Adjectives Quiz Part 1
A quick 24-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE. Part 1 of 2.

GCSE Latin - 3rd Conjugation Verbs Quiz Part 2
A quick 28-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE. Part 2 of 2.

GCSE Latin - 3rd Conjugation Verbs Quiz Part 1
A quick 27-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE. Part 1 of 2.

GCSE Latin - 2nd Conjugation Verbs Quiz
A quick 19-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE.

GCSE Latin - 1st Conjugation Verbs Quiz
A quick 37-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE.

GCSE Latin - 3rd Declension Nouns Quiz Part 2
A quick 29-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE. Part 2 of 2.

GCSE Latin - 3rd Declension Nouns Quiz Part 1
A quick 29-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE. Part 1 of 2.

GCSE Latin - 2nd Declension Nouns Quiz
A quick 27-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE.

GCSE Latin - 1st Declension Nouns Quiz
A quick 29-question quiz with answers at the bottom of the worksheet (on a separate page for printing purposes). Varies between translating from Latin to English and vice-versa. A great worksheet for in-class, or own personal revision resource. Most effective to take the test multiple times with intervals in between to truly test knowledge. I received an A* in my Latin GCSE.

GCSE Chemistry - Mini Quiz 1
A quick-answer 25 question quiz, covering numerous topics from across the course. Answers at the bottom of the worksheet. A good way to determine which topics need to be recapped. A great worksheet for in class, or own personal revision resource. I received an A* in my Chemistry GCSE.

GCSE Classical Civilisation - Greek Gods Mini Quiz 1
25 questions of varying difficulty on Greek Gods. All questions stem from my other handout ‘Greek Gods Masterpack’, but can be completed without this. A great revision resource, or worksheet in a lesson.

GCSE Physics - Mini Quiz 2
A quick-answer 25 question quiz, covering numerous topics from across the course. Answers at the bottom of the worksheet. A good way to determine which topics need to be recapped. A great worksheet for in class, or own personal revision resource. I received an A* in my Physics GCSE.

GCSE Physics - Mini Quiz 1
A quick-answer 25 question quiz, covering numerous topics from across the course. Answers at the bottom of the worksheet. A good way to determine which topics need to be recapped. A great worksheet for in class, or own personal revision resource. I received an A* in my Physics GCSE.

Keats Context
Six pages of context points regarding Keats and his work. Some points are also for specific pieces of his work, such as ‘Ode to a Nightingale’, ‘Bright Star!’, ‘On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer’ and many more. A great A-Level resource. I achieved an A* in this section of my English Literature A-Level.

Greek Sanctuaries, Temples, Priests and Sacrifices (GCSE Classical Civilisation)
This is a Masterpack covering the key information and details regarding Greek Sanctuaries, Temples, Priests and Sacrifices. This document is easy to read and is in bullet-points for clarity. I got an A* at GCSE in Classical Civilisation.