An assembly incorporating the top 10 tips for personal happiness. Deliverable to any year group -
although some of the scientific and holsitic aspects are more KS3 and KS4. Includes slides and full script for each slide in the ‘notes’ section.
An assembly to celebrate National Vegetarian Week in May. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities.
This beautifully-designed and editable 22-slide PowerPoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, animated gifs, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities.
Slide 1: What is National Vegetarian Week? Includes video.
Slide 2: What is a vegetarian?
Slide 3: The rise of vegetarianism.
Slide 4: Why is National Vegetarian Week important?
Slide 5: What are the health benefits of eating a vegetarian diet? Includes detailed teacher script in notes, if required.
Slide 6: What are the environmental benefits of eating a vegetarian diet? Includes detailed teacher script in notes, if required.
Slide 7: What are the animal welfare benefits of eating a vegetarian diet? Includes detailed teacher script in notes, if required.
Slides 8: What can you do during National Vegetarian Week?
Slide 9: Final thought
Slide 10: Form time activities title screen
Slide 11: Form time activities: Colouring activity
Slides 12-13: Form time activities: Wordsearch activity
Slide 14: Form time activities: Write a vegetarian poem
Slides 15-20: Form time activities: vegetarian quiz – with answers
Slides 21-22: Other form time ideas
As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared:
“I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.”
“Just buy it!”
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
“These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
An assembly to celebrate International Women’s Day in March 2025. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities.
This beautifully-designed and editable 33-slide PowerPoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, animated gifs, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities.
Slides 1-4: Inspirational and thought-provoking quotes about racism.
Slide 5: What is International Women’s Day?
Slide 6: The history of International Women’s Day. Includes video.
Slide 7: What is the 2025 theme?
Slide 8-9: A brief history of Women’s Rights.
Slide 10-11: A UK timeline of key achievements by women.
Slide 12: Gender Inequality in the UK. Includes national statistics and graph.
Slide 13: Gender Inequality: What can you do?
Slide 14: Final thought
Slide 15: Form time activities title page
Slide 16-18: Form time activities: Colouring activity
Slides 19: Form time activities: Complete a wordsearch
Slide 20: Form time activities: Write a poem
Slide 21: Form time activities: BBC Documentary. Includes video.
Slide 22-29: Form time activities: Complete a class quiz
Slide 30: Form time activity: Make a IWD Pledge
Slide 31-33: Other ideas for form time activities.
As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared:
“I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.”
“Just buy it!”
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
“These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
An assebly on the vital role of sleep on well-being and school achievement. This 9 slide Powerpoint presentation includes:
Slide 1: Title slide - introduction to theme.
Slide 2: How much sleep should a teenager have?
Slide 3: How does lack of sleep impact on us?
Slide 4: Why is lack of sleep becoming a social issue for teenagers?
Slide 5: Do you recognise these ‘bad sleep habits or behaviours’?
Slide 6-8: Top ten tips for a good sleep.
Slide 9: It’s up to you. What student will you be?
Reviews welcomed and feedback often actioned.
An assembly for Year 8s or 9s on the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. The presentations clarifies what Media Studies is and the various Close Study Products (CSPs) that students will study. It also highlights key questions for each CSP so that students will understand more of the content of the course.
An informative 30 slide British Science Week PowerPoint for 11-16 year old students. Ideal for an assembly or as a lesson to kick off this special week.
Slide 1: Intro
Slide 2: This years theme of connect and why.
Slide 3: Video - Smashing Science Stereotypes.
Slide 4: Quotes from celebrities about the importance of Science to them.
Slide 5: Why Science Matters.
Slide 6: Why Science Matters: STEM career paths.
Slide 7: Why Science Matters: a teacher perspective
Slide 8 and 9: Famous Scientists - from a range of backgrounds and representations.
Slide 10 and 11: What makes a good Science student at GCSE and A-Level?
Slide 13 and 14: How could you improve your understanding of Science at home?
Slide 15: Final thought
Slide 16: Form time activities title page
Slide 17-18: Science colouring activity
Slide 19: Science Week wordsearch
Slide 20: Write a Science Week poem with example
Slide 21: Women in Science video
Slide 22-27: Science Week quiz with answers
Slide 28-20: Additional Science Week form time ideas for the tutor
As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared on TES:
“Just buy it!”
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
“These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
An assembly to celebrate the birthday of William Shakespeare in April. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities.
This beautifully-designed and editable 22-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities.
Slide 1: Who was William Shakespeare?
Slide 2: Why does William Shakespeare matter?
Slide 3-7: How does Shakespeare influence our modern culture? Includes video
Slide 8: Final thought
Slide 9: Follow Up Form Time activities
Slide 10: Shakespeare insult generator
Slide 11: Writing sonnet activity – with Marcus Rashford example
Slide 12: Acting a short Shakespeare scene
Slide 13: Shakespeare word search
Slide 14: Shakespeare colouring activity
Slide 15: Shakespeare translator activity
Slide 16: Shakespeare scavenger hunt
Slides 17-22: William Shakespeare form-time quiz – with answers
As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared on TES:
“I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.”
“Just buy it!”
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
“These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
An assembly to celebrate the UN World Science Day in December each year. This year it focuses on Science and Trust. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities.
This beautifully-designed and editable 32-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities.
Slide 1: What is the UN World Science Day – title slide
Slide 2: Why does Science matter?
Slide 3: Why should we trust Science?
Slide 4-5: Smashing stereotypes in Science
Slide 6: How do you connect with Science?
Slide 7: Careers in Science
Slide 8: Why Science is an important school subject
Slide 9-10: Famous Scientists
Slides 11-12: What makes a good school Scientist?
Slide 13-15: Improving your Science at home
Slide 16: Closing Thoughts
Slide 17: Follow-up form time activities title screen
Slide 18: Form time activities: Colouring activity
Slide 19: Form time activities: Scientist Wordsearch
Slide 20: Form time activities: Science vs Opinion Brian Cox video
Slide 21: Form time activities: Write a poem activity
Slides 22-29: Form time activities: World Science Day quiz – with answers
Slides 30-32: Other form time ideas to support World Science Day awareness in schools
As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared:
“I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.”
“Just buy it!”
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
“These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
An 8-slide powerpoint with video clips that looks at why laughter is important and the various theories as to why we laugh. Includes funny video clips and funny gags.
A 2 lesson scheme of work that can form part of PSHE, careers-focus days or be completed independently with Key Stage 4 or 5 students. The Powerpoint resource can be used to support delivery and there are pupil booklets to focus thinking and action planning. Includes information on:
the benefits of being healthy.
how to maintain good health in the workplace.
how employers can help us to stay healthy.
what organisations support us in staying healthy in the workplace.
A 3 lesson scheme of work that can form part of PSHE, careers-focus days or be completed independently with Key Stage 4 or 5 students. The Powerpoint resource can be used to support delivery and there are two pupil booklets to focus thinking and action planning. The units are:
Personal skills audit.
Using online tools to research careers.
Describing skills for different careers.
Looking at careers development.
Writing a career development plan.
Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed (9-1) AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, and anyone examining the Magazine, Tatler. The 23 slide 5 lesson presentation includes all resources and five lessons work (with possible expansion).
Lesson 1: What is Tatler? What issues does Tatler deal with? Who is the Tatler audience (including Young and Rubicam)
Lesson 2 and 3: Media Language in a magazine cover (includes video). Semiotic analysis of verbal and non-verbal codes, design, layout, use of colour, typography and photographic. Includes modelled responses for unseen magazine.
Lesson 4: Use of narrative theories (including Todorov, Propp and Barthes Enigma Codes).
Lesson 4: Media Representation How are people, issues and ideas represented in Tatler? What stereotypes are used? What stereotypes are not represented and why? What stereotypes are subverted? How different audience readings will exist and why?
As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs:
“Just buy it!”
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
“These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”
Designed for the Edexcel (9-1) GCSE Business Studies course, this five lesson 15 slide presentation covers ‘1.1.1 The dynamic nature of business’ topic of 1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. The topics covered include video, relevant images, weblinks and details of case studies and assessment materials to use at the end of the unit. Topics include:
What is an entrepreneur and enterprise?
Why does an entrepreneur start a business?
What skills and characteristics does an entrepreneur have?
How does an entrepreneur start a business?
What is the difference between a product and a service?
Why does a business have to be dynamic?
What is an obsolete product or service?
How do business ideas come about? Including new, mix and match, product evolution and cheaper models.
Case Study: Deliveroo
What is a franchise and what are the advantages and disadvantages to the entrepreneur?
Case Study: Subway
Exam questions.
As reviewers have stated for other TES Resource lessons and SOW:
"Just buy it!"
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
"These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money"
Reviews welcomed
An assembly that looks at the science of anger and how to effectively manage this. This slides look at:
The impact of having anger issues (including video)
How common is it to have anger issues in your teenage years (some statistics)
The science of losing your temper (referencing the amydgala, the frontal cortex and the ‘fight or flight’ response)
Why do teens get angry?
Strategies to deal with anger management.
Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, and anyone examining the Newspaper, The Daily Mirror. The** 35 slide 7 lesson resource** includes all resources and sevon lessons work (with possible expansion) and useful prior to NEA 2018 delivery if completing newspaper option.
Lesson 1: What is the Press? What is Press freedom? What is Press intrusion? What are the politics of the UK national newspapers?
Lesson 2: What is the difference between tabloid and broadsheet? What are the key components of a newspaper? How is the front cover of the Daily Mirror CSP designed and why? How does this compare with The Times?
Lesson 3: How does the language differ with the Muirfield story and why? How does this compare with The Times?
Lesson 4: How are newspaper audiences classified? What are the general characteristics of different national newspaper readers? What is the audience profile of the Daily Mirror? How does this differ to The Times? How are different social groups, issues or events represented in the Daily Mirror? How does the Daily Mirror target its audience?
Lesson 5: Why do people read the Daily Mirror (pleasures)? What is an active and passive newspaper audience? How does the Daily Mirror encourage its audience to be passive and/or active? What are the different preferred readings of the Daily Mirror?
Lesson 6: What is the market position of the Daily Mirror? What are the circulation figures of the Daily Mirror and how have they changed? Why are circulation figures changing? Who owns the Daily Mirror?
Lesson 7: Press regulation.
As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated ‘these are great starting points’ for lesson delivery.
Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs:
"Just buy it!"
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
"These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money"
Reviews welcomed
An SMSC tool that breaks down Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of school. Can be used in any phase of education. Has been used at whole-school and departmental level and attempts to link to specific OfSTED framework language. Running over 13 pages, this has been completed by all department leads in school and then collated to give the full picture regarding SMSC delivery across the school community.
**New TES uploader** Reviews gratefully received.
An assembly to celebrate World Water Day in March 2024. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities.
This beautifully-designed and editable 22-slide PowerPoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, animated gifs, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities.
Slides 1: What is UN World Water Day?
Slide 2-4: UN World Water Day – key information including video
Slide 5-6: UN World Water Day - Key World Water facts
Slide 7-8: UN World Water Day – What can you do?
Slide 9: Take a Water Pledge
Slide 10: Final thought
Slide 11: Form time activities title page
Slide 12-13: Form time activities: Colouring activity
Slides 14: Form time activities: Write to your MP
Slide 15: Form time activities: Do a quiz
Slide 16: Form time activities: Read a book
Slide 17: Form time activities: Complete a wordsearch
Slide 18: Form time activities: Write a poem
Slide 19: Form time activities for KS1 and KS2
Slide 20: Form time activities: Access a water resource pack 1
Slide 21: Form time activities: Access a water resource pack 2
Slide 22: Form time activities: Water quotes for classroom discussion
As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared:
“I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.”
“Just buy it!”
“Your resources have been life savers!”
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”
“Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”
“These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”