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Barbara Davis

Average Rating3.70
(based on 58 reviews)

I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.




I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
Preterito o Imperfecto? Step by Step Powerpoint Practice with a Fable

Preterito o Imperfecto? Step by Step Powerpoint Practice with a Fable

This powerpoint tells the famous Aesop fable of the Lion and the Mouse. 25 blanks for students to decide preterite or imperfect alternate with slides that contain the answers and rationale for their choices. Students can practice a story together and discuss their choices prior to trying some of my other practice fables as worksheets for homework. Each slide contains 2-3 sentences and is immediately followed by the the answers. This powerpoint would work best early on in the preterite vs imperfect unit after students have been presented with the reasons/concepts for each verb tense. Provides an important step for "guided practice" to reduce frustrations and stimulate discussion before students practice on their own. Free preview file is the graphic organizer on blackline for students to track their answers and reasons.
Powerpoint: Direct Object Pronouns, Everything you need to know

Powerpoint: Direct Object Pronouns, Everything you need to know

This giant 36 slide powerpoint covers Direct Object pronouns from beginning to end. We start by identifying them in English, then moving into Spanish, we replace Direct Objects with pronouns in 1 verb, 2 verb, gerund, postive command, negative command and use them in questions. Slides contain step by step notes, explanations of accents, personal "a" usage and contains tons of examples. This powerpoint is best used over several days of instruction with classroom activities and exercises as students learn all the uses for DOP's. Best suited for SPanish II students learning pronouns for the first time or as a review for a higher level course. All practice examples reveal the answers as you go along, so no worries about an answer key! Total teaching time is at least 90 minutes if students work the practice examples as you go along, but I would chunk this up over several days as DOPs can be overwhelming.
LOS ACENTOS: Básicos y Práctica (Using accents in Spanish)

LOS ACENTOS: Básicos y Práctica (Using accents in Spanish)

This practice packet will take students through the basics of when accents are needed and when the stress falls naturally on words. It also looks at special cases like interrogatives, and words that change their meaning with an accent. There are practice exercises integegrated throughout the packet as well, so students can practice subbing out pronouns and adding accents, dividing words into syllables and determining if they need an accent or not. Answer key for you also included. This packet works best with a level 3 or higher class when students have already built a good level of vocabulary in Spanish. It is also suitable for a heritage learner class when students need a refresher.
Powerpoint Game: Preterito o Imperfecto?

Powerpoint Game: Preterito o Imperfecto?

Another round of "better than you", this game keeps the whole class moving, engaged and receiving instant feedback on the concept of Preterite vs Imperfect. Put desks in pairs, number each station of paired desks. Students write the first station number on their paper and game begins. Students decide preterite/imperfect and race their partner, slamming pencil on desk when finished. Reveal the answer and have ALL students rotate desks. Winning student goes one station lower 6-->5, losing student goes one station higher 6-->7. Settle all ties and disputes, dual wrong answers with a round of ROCK PAPER SCISSORS and continue the game. First student back to their seat WINNING wins the game. Game can be played for entire class to practice or as a warm up before the quiz. Product contains 35 practice sentences with alternating answers to play the game. This lesson works great with level II or higher students who have been practicing the Preterite vs Imperfect concept for some time.
Indirect Object Pronouns: Practice Pages

Indirect Object Pronouns: Practice Pages

This notes and practice packet works well for introducing students to usage and placement of Indirect Object pronouns. Notes take students through function and placement of IOPs in 1 verb, 2 verb, gerund, positive/negative commands, questions and answers. Packet contains 50 practice exercises grouped together step by step and finishing with open ended questions using IOP's students can discuss with peers in class. This lesson works best for level II or higher, could also be used as a review of Indirect Object PRonouns for higher levels.
Movie Guide: The Other Side of Immigration

Movie Guide: The Other Side of Immigration

Roy Germano PhD in poli sci visits small Mexican towns to interview people about why many people risk their lives to leave for work in the US. Germano talks with workers, farmers, spouses, families and municipal employees to discover reasons people leave and what happens to their families when they go. This compelling documentary is 55 minutes long and fits neatly in 1 class. It is an excellent companion to one of the many movies about undocumented immigrants and their journeys to the US. Most of this film is in Spanish w English subtitles and works well with any level high school Spanish or Social Studies where you have spent time discussing the immigration. This film is very well made, not rated, and has won awards at film festivals, available on Netflix or for purchase on Amazon. Movie guide contains 22 questions that follow the film. I divide students into small groups and assign each group sections to answer, then share out. Questions included in Spanish and English.
Poesia Pablo Neruda: Me Gustas Cuando Callas Guided Reading Activity

Poesia Pablo Neruda: Me Gustas Cuando Callas Guided Reading Activity

This lesson is designed to take students in a Spanish III or higher class through the poem Me Gustas Cuando Callas by Pablo Neruda. Activities for listening, speaking, reading and writing are combined into a lesson that involves both small group, large group and individual student work around the theme of the poem. Lesson includes comprehension questions, links for listening and tracking emphasis, guided reading/coding activities for terminology, topics for small group discussion and a rubric for grading student writing and response. Download also contains a copy of the poem in Spanish and English (for you) and a coded copy with the poetry terms marked. Lesson works best at level 3 or higher and is well suited for level IV or AP Spanish as an intro to poetry or a follow up lesson where students are already familiar with poetry terminology.


This lesson is a great review for present tense verbs, interrogatives, giving directions and using school vocabulary. It is primarily focused on oral communication, but does have a written component for students to submit prior to tour date as well if you wanted to assign a separate grade for their written work. It works best as a final assessment for the first review unit of Spanish II, but could also be used at years end for a Spanish I class who is familiar with giving directions. Download includes project parameters, a list of helpful questions to get students thinking about what they will include, grading rubric, destination sign up chart and printable rubrics for the teacher as well as a page of suggestions for implementation. Tour takes one class period and you grade while you walk so all done by the end of the hour! Project meets ACTFL standards 1.1, 1.3 and 5.1


Fictional film based on true events, the Bolivian Water Wars of 2000 when the govt tried to privatize the water supply, raising rates 300% making clean water inaccessible for a large sector of population. A Spanish director filming a movie about Columbus conquest in Bolivia is an interplay between scripted scenes where the Spaniards exploited the Taino under Columbus, and Bartolome de las Casas defends them, while in modern day scenes villagers are exploited by the government and even by the film makers, until one man helps them mobilize and stand up for their rights. An excellent movie, It opens discussion for how little has changed for indigenous poor in much of Central & South America and parallels between the initial exploitation and modern day inequities. Best suited for older/higher level high school students studying the cutural aspects of Latin America as well as language. Contains questions, answer key, topics for discussion and a list of topics for follow up research.
Object Pronoun Review Guide

Object Pronoun Review Guide

This handout reviews Direct, Indirect and Reflexive pronouns as well as placement of pronouns in 1 verb, multi verb and command sentences. It is a good review for students who already seen pronouns or as a notetaking outline.
Powerpoint: Los Negativos y Postivos, Everything you need to know about indefinite words

Powerpoint: Los Negativos y Postivos, Everything you need to know about indefinite words

This powerpoint covers step by step negation and other indefinite words. Each slide introduces a different combination and in between there are lots of examples for practice that students can do either orally as a group or on paper. Presentation takes one full class period with time included for practice and checking Best suited for a level II class where students are being introduced to this tricky concept.
On Line Translator Jukebox Game

On Line Translator Jukebox Game

Got problems with students using on line translation sites to do their work? Spend part of a class with this powerpoint of 10 pop songs that have been on line translated into Spanish and then back into English! Have your students guess at the lyrics and then play a piece of the songs that correspond to the bad translations. Guaranteed to make them laugh and keep them off the on line translation sites. Powerpoint contains 10 mystery songs and then last slide gives you the "answer key" if you would like to load up pieces of the songs to play from your IPOD or Youtube. Good for any level.
Oral Presentation: My immigration/migration story

Oral Presentation: My immigration/migration story

We all have stories of migration or immigration that brought members of our families to this country. I created this project for a level IV class with a mixed population of recent arrivals and long time residents of our city. Students share out either their own personal story or one of a family member in a 3 minute oral presentation. Download includes directions for students, guiding questions to help them interview a famiy member, grading rubric for you (and them) and a listening activity for students to take notes on their friends family stories. Students will need a couple of days to work on the presentations and you should budget to hear no more than 7 a day in class. Worked great in levels IV and V. Also suitable for a Heritage Language learner class if students are comfortable sharing their stories.
El Papel de Moda en Nuestras Identidades - Article for Reading and comprehension questions

El Papel de Moda en Nuestras Identidades - Article for Reading and comprehension questions

This article examines the role that clothing choices play in expressing people's identities and is a great lead in to a discussion about either identity or a unit on clothing. This article works best for a level III or higher level class where students can already comprehend a simple non fiction article written for a general audience. Download includes a copy of the article and reading questions with some topics for larger group discussion.
Subjunctive Assessments

Subjunctive Assessments

This download contains two written quizzes for students to demonstrate understanding of selection and conjugation of the subjunctive tense. It also contains 20 Oral exam questions for students to practice answering using the subjunctive, and 3 prompts for a final presentation (options for students to interpret the prompt) and a suggested grading scale. Lots of different ways to assess students knowledge of present subjunctive. Suitable for an honors Spanish II or higher course.
El Subjuntivo con verbos como GUSTAR: Practice Packet

El Subjuntivo con verbos como GUSTAR: Practice Packet

This four page packet reviews usage of verbs like GUSTAR (encantar, importar, fascinar, molestar, fastidiar, interesar) and then applies them to subjunctive clauses. Lesson contains one page of reference notes and charts with examples, 1 page of review simple sentences using verbs like GUSTAR and two pages of practice sentences with GUSTAR verb clauses that prompt for subjunctive. (one page of translations, one page of questions to answer) This lesson works best with a level III class or higher where students have already been practicing the basics of subjunctive usage and conjugation. Practices may be assigned as homework or completed in class together.
Movie Guide: CASI CASI

Movie Guide: CASI CASI

This movie is made in Puerto Rico and is like a combination of Mean Girls + Election with a hint of GLEE in the directing style. Emilio decides to run for student council in order to capture the attention of his big time crush. Its a funny film that deals with a lot of issues that students face in any country regarding acceptance, popularity, friendship and integrity. The movie guide is broken into 11 scene episodes that you could show weekly to students like a serial or all at once. Film is in Spanish with subtitles. Movie guide has35 questions, all in English, as this film is best suited for a Spanish I or II class where the audience is middle school or high school underclassmen. Answer key also included. Total film is about 90 minutes, PG rated and available on Amazon or Netflix.
Common Prepositions in Spanish

Common Prepositions in Spanish

Ever wish you had a list of prepositions to give to higher level Spanish students to use when they are doing journal entries or guided writings? Well, now you do! :) I let my students use these when they are composing paragraphs on assessments. I ask them to use a finite number (you decide) and underline or circle them as they write to identify they have used them.