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This is the ideal and comprenhensive KS4 poetry lesson in which your students will analyse why a Title of a Poem is important. They will look at the poem " Your Dad did what?
This includes 7 easy self guided slides in which they will have a starter, scaffolding of a paragraph structure and practicing different Poetic techniques such as: Enjambement, Alliteration etc
The lesson also includes the corresponding worsksheet for your students.
Should you have any questions, please do no hesitate to contact me.

Dystopian Literature introduction
This resources include:
Pre - test
Examples and
Consolidation with extended tasks.
There are also annotations on the slides so that teacher can refer to and get the best from their students.

Spanish Specialim
Ideally for years 9 Specialim: The environment - Reciclaje y medio ambiente
Uso del verbo modal: DEBER = MUST
Whiteboard activity and listening
Lesson 1 only.

Food and Reasons in Spanish
Get your students to practice food vocabulary and the reasons why they eat what they eat. For example. Me encanta el pollo con patatas porque es delicioso - I like chicken with potatoes because it is tasty. Your students have also access to task such as filing the gaps with me gusta or me gustan ( singular or plural)
Listening activity with differentiated task.
Tangled translation and more,
Transalation and homework task.