All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom.
All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.
All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom.
All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.
This is the First lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the fourth depth study: Nearly Losing and Empire: The British in India 1829 - 58.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Investigate the punishment of "Blowing from a gun" inflicted on Sepoys involved in the 1857 uprising.
* Analyse a map showing initial European settlement of India.
* Use the text to begin to investigate the East India Company and its role in India.
* Watch a video outlining the History of the East India company.
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit.
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During this lesson pupils will identity and evaluate reasons why the British wanted to build an develop an Empire. Pupils will prioritise the key reasons for Empire building and identify and explain what they think is the main reason.
This lesson is ready to go and the power point contains all resources required.
This is the first lesson in a series of six covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic One: Establishing Communist Rule 1949 - 1957.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Identify what they already know about China, Mao and Communism
* Investigate the situation in China before the communist take over.
* Complete source analysis to identify and investigate the key events of Chinese History from the May the fourth movement to the creation of the communist state.
All 6 lessons in the scheme of work are available for £5 in my shop. (Click on my username above)
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Lesson on the impact of prohibition of American Society.
The worksheet referred to for the spider diagram are from the textbook "The USA 1919 - 1941" by Steve Waugh and John Wright.
This is the first in a series of 7 lessons about the American Revolution.
The lesson is an introduction for the Loss of the American colonies depth study for the Edexcel A-Level History unit - Britain loosing and gaining an Empire.
The lesson is ready to go and includes all resources for the lesson. The textbook used is the new Person book written for the unit.
I have uploaded the rest of the lessons from this scheme of work for sale at £2 each or you can buy the full pack of seven lessons for £5.
Click on my username to see the rest of my resources.
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This is a big board quiz covering the key aspects of the development of the Cold War. Pupils work in teams to select questions of varying difficulties based on the point values.
If you like this resources, please check out my shop (click on my username above) for other free and premium History resources for KS3, 4 and 5.
This is a short lesson from a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic four: Social and Cultural Changes 1949 - 1976.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Recap information about the position of women in China before and after 1949
* Investigate and infer Mao's attitude towards women through his reporting on the Suicide of Ms Chao.
* Use the text to investigate economic, social and legal (including the New Marriage Law) changes for women under Mao.
Please go to my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium History lessons.
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This lesson introduces pupils to the spying aspect of the Cold War with a particular emphasis on the Cuban Missile Crisis. During the lesson, pupils work in groups to evaluate different scenarios and present courses of action that America could take. In their groups pupils will:
* Give suggestions of the best way to use the U2 spy plane against the USSR
* Analyse spy plane photos of Soviet Missile Sites in Cuba
* Consider different courses of action and advise JFK on what he should do about the missiles.
*Hot-seat a briefing for JFK and what decision he should take.
All resources needed for the lesson are on the power point and I have included brief notes on the slide to advice as to the best way to use them.
I have used this lesson for many years (including during an outstanding observation) with great success.
I have uploaded all 17 lessons from this Cold War scheme of work and they are available to purchase for £5. (Click on my user name to see all of my resources.)
KS3 lesson to introduce evidence and how Historians use evidence to learn about the past. Could be used as part of a unit of Historical skills and before work on primary and secondary sources.
You will need to bring a bag of "stuff" to use as evidence.
This is the fifth lesson in a scheme of work about the Battle of Hastings. The lessons are aimed towards year 7 but could easily be adapted for other year levels.
This lesson is ready to go and includes all resources.
During this lesson, pupils will:
- Use information and learning from previous lessons to create a newspaper acticle to outline the key events of the Battle of Hastings and suggest why William won.
This lesson is also avaliable in a bundle with all of the lessons in the Battle of Hastings scheme for £6 (or £1 a lesson).
Make sure to click on my username above to look at the rest of my resources.
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This power point contains fact files about the different Russian leaders between 1862 and 1964.
This was used with the old OCR A-Level unit Russia and its Rulers as an information gathering gallery task.
Check out my shop for more free and premium History resources.
This is the first lesson in a KS3 Physics unit on Forces. The resource is a full lesson introducing pupils to forces. This is the first lesson of a forces unit taught to year 7 pupils but could be adapted for other year groups.
During this lesson, pupils will:
Discuss why objects move and how planes fly
Consider the reasons why objects fall and forces acting on it.
Learn that forces can be pushes, pulls or twists and link these ideas to different actions.
Consider Newton’s three laws of motion
Define a force and identify different contact and non-contact forces
Complete consolidation activities.
A bundle of all 8 lessons can be found here.
Check out my shop for other lessons in this unit and to find more science, history and geography resources. Please leave a review.
This is the second lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy…
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook “Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914” (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Use images of different ship designs between the 16th century and 1906 to make inferences about the development of the Navy over time.
* Identify and discuss the key roles and importance of the Royal Navy to Britain
* Investigate naval tactics during the age of sail through a brief study of the Battle of Trafalgar.
* Evaluate the different ships in the Royal Navy from ships of the line to sixth-rate ships and the roles they undertook.
* Evaluate the effectiveness of the Royal navy during the age of sail.
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit.
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This is the second lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Compare the design of the HMS Albion (1763) and the HMS Dreadnought (1906) and make inferences about technological advances between them.
* Recap information from previous lesson about the limitations of naval ships during the age of sail.
* Watch a video to identify the key advances in technology on the HMS Warrior.
* Investigate and interpret image of the tug of war between HMS Rattler and HMS Alecto and suggest why it is happening.
* Compare difference advances in naval technology and debate the most significant. Highlight advances made by the British and those made by other countries.
* Discuss the Royal Navy transition from sail to steam. Discuss and identify key factors which would need to exist to allow this transition to occur (MEERPS)
* Research specific technological advances and impacts.
* Discuss the statement "Steam power was the most important technology developed/adopted by the British Navy during the 19th century. It allowed Britain to maintain its Naval superiority across the globe.”
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit.
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This is the third lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Discuss conditions in the Royal Navy and the recruitment problems this would cause in the 17th and 18th Centuries.
* Investigate how the Royal Navy solved recruitment problems through impressment.
* Identify and define key terms such as impressment, two power standard and blue water policy.
* Recap roles of the royal Navy from a previous lesson
* Investigate the work of the HMS Black Joke through primary sources.
* Discuss the key question - Should the Royal Navy be proud of its efforts to suppress the Slave trade?
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit.
This is the fourth lesson in a unit of work on forces which could be adapted for use at KS3 or GCSE. The lesson is a practical lesson to test Hooke’s law. There is also some work on elastic deformation which may be too high for KS3 but could be easily removed.
During this lesson pupils will:
Discuss the uses of springs.
Get some basic contextual information about Robert Hooke
Identify the IV and DV of the practical and write a hypothesis to test.
Use the method to identify hazards and write rules to minimize them.
Conduct the experiment to test Hooke’s law.
Calculate spring extension and graph results. Compare results with expected results for Hooke’s law.
Complete evaluation questions
Learn about Hooke’s law.
Learn about elastic deformation.
Complete consolidation task.
A bundle of all 8 lessons in this unit can be found here.
Please visit my shop for more lessons from this unit and more science, history and geography resources.
This is the Fourth lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Complete a starter focusing on world capitals and linking Freetown, Sierra Leone with the suppression of the Slave trade from the previous lesson.
* Investigate a letter of Marque (issued by the US congress in 1776) to identify the creation of privateers and discuss what it suggests about the nature of Navies in the 18th and 19th centuries.
* Discuss how the expansion of the British Empire and the Royal Navy may have contributed to the rise of the "Golden age" of Piracy.
* Investigate some prominent pirates and the Pirate laws created by Captain Bart Roberts to identify and infer features of piracy during this period.
* What two videos covering pirate tactics and the development of Piracy.
* Use the text to investigate methods used by the English and Dutch to suppress the piracy and why this was a priority for them.
* Complete an investigation of the Barbary Pirates looking at depictions of them in Europe, their raids on European towns (such as the Sack of Baltimore) their growing power and subsequent suppression by the Royal Navy and others.
* Discuss the statement - The suppression of Piracy and the attack on Algiers in 1816 proves that the Royal Navy’s role had developed to a force for global peace.
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit
This is the Fifth lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook “Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914” (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Examine a map of Cook’s voyages. Pupils to try and identify the purpose of the voyages and make inferences about the nature of exploration.
* Use images to make inferences about the Cook’s character.
* Reevaluate the map of Cook’s voyages - identify the benefits of exploration and the problems that would need to be overcome.
* Quick introduction to the longitudinal problem and how it was solved.
* Use source from the text to further identify reasons for Cook’s voyages and his attitudes towards new lands and native peoples.
* Complete a card sort to identify the achievements of Cook and what it meant for the Royal Navy and future exploration.
* Discuss the statement - "How far did the Royal Navy evolve as a result of exploration between the years 1763-1914? "
* Optional Flip Learning H/W: Pupils to prepare presentations on strategic ports established and maintained by the Royal Navy to be delivered next lesson.
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit
This is the fourth lesson in a unit of work on sound. The lessons are aimed towards KS3 but could be adapted for other levels. The main focus of this lesson is the structure and functions of the different parts of the ear.
For all five lessons in this bundle, click here.
During this lesson pupils will:
Use images to compare the ears of different animals.
Share prior knowledge about the ear.
Use a video to identify different parts of the outer and inner ear and label a diagram.
Complete a matching activity to learn the functions of the different parts of the ear.
Complete a card sort to describe how sound waves are detected by the ear and transmitted as an electrical impulse to the brain.
Consider different situations that may result in ear damage and discuss how to prevent it.
Complete a matching activity to compare a microphone to an ear.
Go to my shop for other lessons in this unit and more science, history and geography resources.
This is the first lesson in a GCSE physics unit of work on Energy. The lesson was designed for Edexcel but could easily be adapted for other exam boards and levels.
The main focus of the lesson it to build on knowledge of energy gained during KS3 and introduce pupils to the concepts of energy stores and transfers between energy stores.
During this lesson pupils will:
Discuss the idea of energy, where is comes from and what it is used for.
Define energy, its purpose and units.
Use images to identify some of the types of energy that exist.
Identify energy stores associated with specific types of energy.
Create flow charts to identify and show energy transfers between different stores in a number of different situations.
Identify the importance of the thermal/heat store.
Complete some short consolidation tasks.
For more lessons from this unit and other science, history and geography resources please visit my shop.