KCSIE 2021 – Tes Safeguarding course updates

Find out which courses we’re updating to help you stay up to date and compliant.

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KCSIE 2021: Tes Safeguarding course updates image

The Department for Education (DfE) announced an update to its statutory guidance Keeping children safe in education in July 2021 that will come into effect on 1 September 2021.

Our courses already cover the major topics that are included in KCSIE 2021, but we’re making some minor amends and additions to provide you with the very latest information.

If your school already subscribes to Tes Safeguarding, you’ll have automatic access to the latest version of all our courses, as soon as they’re launched.

If you’re not a subscriber, find out more about Tes Safeguarding and how it can help your school to keep all your students safe.

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The following courses are being updated to refer to the KCSIE 2021 guidance and statistics:

Child Protection Refresher 2021

Our Child Protection Refresher course is updated annually and will have substantial changes to cover new guidance on safeguarding in KCSIE 2021.

Our 2021 version will also include an optional questionnaire covering KCSIE Part one to help you monitor and evidence compliance. To answer the questionnaire, staff will need to read the KCSIE 2021 guidance that will be included in the course resources.

Safeguarding Young People

In this course, the guidance list will be updated to reference KCSIE 2021.

Safeguarding Young People (Colleges and Universities)

We’ll be updating the statistics in this course in line with KCSIE 2021.

Staying Safe Online

This course will have minor changes to include new statistics.

Child Protection

Our child protection courses have been completely redesigned with new branched sections to include new information on practice, law and guidance specific to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This enables staff to focus on their own country’s laws and guidance. Updated courses are:

  • Child Protection
  • Child Protection in Education 
  • Child Protection (11-18)
  • Child Protection in Education (Music)

All these courses will be updated on 24 August ready for the new school year and the new guidance being enforced.

To find out more about Tes Safeguarding or to book a demo, fill in our short form and we’ll be in touch.

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