Class Charts knowledge base

How to change what data is displayed in class

This guide will explain how to change what data is displayed in class.

There may be times when staff members will want to change what information is displayed on pupil tiles in class.

Please note: This will only change the displayed data for the current lesson. To set a default data display method for your account, please check out the following knowledgebase article.

To change how data is displayed in class, click on the Classes tab along the top of the page and start the class of your choice by clicking on the Start button.

Class Charts classes button
Class Charts start class

You will be presented with the class view page for your selected lesson, where pupils are displayed in their correct seats.

Class Charts example class

Click on the Eye button in the top right hand corner to change the displayed information on the pupil tiles.

Class Charts eye button

Each available option is explained below:

Show everything

Selecting this option will display both custom fields and behaviour scores on each pupil card.

Class Charts pupil card

Hide custom fields

Selecting this option will hide custom fields for each pupil card.

Class Charts pupil card behaviour scores

Hide custom fields and behaviour scores

Selecting this option will hide the custom fields and behaviour scores for each pupil card.

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