My left-field lesson - Ancient land revived

How an Eastbourne school brought its Bronze Age heritage to life
14th February 2014, 12:00am


My left-field lesson - Ancient land revived

When West Rise Junior School in Eastbourne was built, the choice of site was rather fortuitous for the thousands of students who would pass through the school’s gates. As luck would have it, our school is located on land where the second largest Bronze Age settlement in Europe was once situated - many of the artefacts that have been found within the peat are on display at the British Museum in London.

Being on a major archaeological site is an exciting educational opportunity and at West Rise we have embraced the Bronze Age in a big way.

Next to the main school site is an area of marshland owned by the local authority. Five years ago, after hearing about the Bronze Age settlement from a local archaeologist, we asked the authority if we could lease the 120 acres of land, including two vast lakes, as part of our school grounds. We wanted the land to be the environment for a living history project. The authority agreed a 10-year tenancy, and this was followed by annual funding from Natural England for us to maintain the area and buy a tractor and quad bikes for farming.

After acquiring our marsh, we quickly bought some new school pets. Our continuing research into the Bronze Age revealed that 3,000 years ago, massive horned cattle called aurochs roamed our marshes. Water buffalo are the closest living relatives to the now extinct auroch, so we bought some from a local farmer. We taught the children to look after the buffalo and have had the herd for years now. We have also become successful buffalo breeders.

Further research showed that our ancestors navigated the dykes and rivers in the area in oval-shaped boats called coracles. In perfect synchronicity, our school adviser at the time had three coracles in her garage which her husband, a history enthusiast, had built some years previously. We started teaching children to row the vessels on our lakes, and also showed them how to fish with reed rods and goose feather quills from the marsh.

With the land, animals and boats in place, we began work on building a Bronze Age village on our marsh. One summer, Year 6 students (aged 10-11) spent several days working with our site managers to construct an 80m-long, raised wooden causeway across the wetland. This was a replica of one of the perfectly preserved finds during an archaeological excavation of the site. The causeway leads to a large platform that rises up from one of our lakes, and that platform will form the base for a Bronze Age roundhouse that we plan to build.

Within our Bronze Age habitat, we worked alongside Eastbourne Museum to teach our students prehistoric crafts. Using fleeces from our flock of sheep, the children spun and dyed wool. They dug clay from the marsh and made replica Bronze Age pots, firing them over an open fire. We have taught the children a range of traditional open-fire cooking techniques and have even had them skinning rabbits and plucking pigeons.

UK inspectorate Ofsted visited our school before Christmas and was full of praise for the Bronze Age project, which confirmed to us that it is good to think big, take calculated risks and do things in new ways.

The secrets of the marsh go on revealing themselves to us, and echoes from 3,000 years ago continue to inform our curriculum in ever more creative ways.

Mike Fairclough is headmaster of West Rise Junior School in Eastbourne, England

Top 10 archaeology resources

1. Base knowledge

Before you get students digging for treasure, walk them through what archaeology actually is with this comprehensive PowerPoint presentation.


2. Rubbish tip

What does your rubbish bin say about you? This lesson gets students to use archaeology skills to assess what the things we throw away say about our society.


3. Fort process

Give students a glimpse into the day-to-day job of an archaeologist with this BBC film featuring an ancient Roman fort.


4. Dig deeper

Fill a sandbox with treasure and let students do their best impression of an archaeologist in this fun and practical lesson.


5. Past to present

This video will demonstrate to students the fascinating scientific methods used to explore archaeological sites and findings.


6. Playing detective

Get students playing detective with this seven-stage exploration of imagery from famous archaeological digs, from which they must extract as much information as possible.


7. Historic journey

Take students on a trip to Qatar in this lesson based around uncovering the country’s historical secrets.


8. Personal tour

Give students a tour of the incredible artefacts on display at the University of Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.


9. Young historians

You’re never too young to pick up a trowel and dig for history, and this illustrated presentation introducing the main concepts of archaeology will get your lesson off to a great start.


10. Bronze medal

Explore the Bronze Age through these images of artefacts found in Ireland.


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