
Teacher pay rise 2024-25: all you need to know

The government has offered a 5.5 per cent pay rise for teachers from September 2024. What will happen next?

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DfE: special and AP free school bids by MATs have better chance of success

To ensure the 'resilience' of future free schools, multi-academy trusts will be more likely to be successful in the competitive process, new guidance states

Continued workforce strategy delay ‘deeply disappointing’

Leaders respond to schools minister's refusal, in his recent interview with Tes, to guarantee long-awaited update before general election

Experts warn of an ‘arts apocalypse’ in schools

A coalition of 14 organisations, including the NEU, has called for politicians to address the 'deep, multi-faceted and worsening' crisis

Teacher pay: ‘Increasing concern’ over ‘lack of progress’ in Scotland

Local authorities 'disappointed' that trade unions 'have gone public with a threat of balloting for strike action'

‘The fear of inspection is rife in our schools’

School inspection in Scotland is too often used to 'squash innovation and enthusiasm', says SSTA general secretary

Ofsted sub-judgements now sit alongside overall grades

Change will apply to all graded inspections since September 2019, but headteachers' leaders dismiss move as 'cosmetic'

Sats: Wellbeing and behaviour warning ahead of tests

Primary school leaders say the pandemic is still impacting Year 6 pupils as they prepare for assessment this term and the transition to secondary school

Revealed: What Safety Valve deals ‘really mean’

'Deeply worrying' details are set out in comprehensive analysis of Safety Valve documents shared with Tes

‘Urgent’ need for refreshed Sure Start hubs in schools

Current family hubs will take 30 years to reach similar areas of disadvantage as the former Labour scheme, according to former children's commissioner report

Say ‘no’ to ‘toxic culture’ of extra workload, teachers told

Teachers have been 'conditioned over the years by moral blackmail to take on more and more work', says president of Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association

Hinds: ‘Faster progress’ needed to fix absence problem

Speaking exclusively to Tes as the DfE launches a toolkit to help schools spot pupil absence trends, schools minister says the sector is still facing an 'attendance problem'

‘Half-baked’ response to ‘escalating’ school violence condemned

Teaching union demands 'immediate action' to address an 'upsurge in violence' in Scottish schools so that staff can work in safety

Weekly round-up: Ofsted change and GCSE warning

This week’s essential education news includes Ofsted scrapping deep dives in ungraded inspections and fears about the impact of high absence among GCSE students

DfE investigates why some schools are not inclusive

Minister highlights concern about reports of 'outstanding'-rated schools not having any pupils with an education, health and care plan

Teacher numbers pledge in doubt after Swinney’s first FMQs

New first minister refuses to say definitively that he will stick to target of increasing teacher numbers by 3,500 as opponents attack his record as education secretary