
Teacher pay rise 2024-25: all you need to know

The government has offered a 5.5 per cent pay rise for teachers from September 2024. What will happen next?

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Keegan: I’ll look at how we can fund teacher pay rise

The education secretary has said her decision on whether the government can help schools with extra funding will depend on the 'challenge' from the teacher pay review body

Exams: How Ofqual plans to cope with AI

The exam regulator has set out how it will manage artificial intelligence malpractice and whether it can be used for marking

Modern language assistants disappear from Scottish state schools

The only MLAs left in Scotland are based at independent schools, fuelling fears about declining interest in learning languages

Cosla: Maintaining teacher numbers will ‘greatly impact pay offer’

Councils also hit out at government promise to reduce class contact time, saying it ‘undermines the opportunity to include it in any negotiations’

Ofsted: Leaders must police AI impact on outcomes

Watchdog will hold heads to account over the use of AI in their schools by staff and students

Claire Burton takes the lead at DfE Regions Group

London regional director steps in as acting director general of the Regions Group while John Edwards takes leave for health reasons

Cut summer break ‘to rescue Covid generation GCSEs’

The lasting impact of the pandemic is likely to lead to poorer GCSE results well into the 2030s, researchers warn

GCSE science: Sharp fall in ‘crucial’ practical work

Only a quarter of exam students do practical science work at least fortnightly, with video demonstrations more common, research finds

Poor mental health ‘fuelling’ absence crisis, DfE told

Report warns against 'punitive approaches' like parent fines to tackle the problem of low school attendance

Fitness to teach cases in Scotland hit 10-year high

General Teaching Council for Scotland says the spike is due to an increase in the number of teachers being referred and difficulties progressing cases, including during the pandemic

Starmer: Halt ‘damaging decline’ of PE

Labour says it would boost pupils' access to team sports and reform the PE curriculum

Most schools train leaders to tackle rising parental complaints

The poll findings follow a Tes investigation showing schools are struggling to tackle an explosion in complaints from parents since Covid

Converting school space for childcare ‘costs thousands’, DfE told

The government says a pilot scheme will look at how unused school space could be repurposed for early years provision – but heads' leaders warn plan must come with funding

MPs to investigate boys’ poorer school performance

Commons Education Select Committee launches an inquiry into the attainment gap between girls and boys

Teacher recruitment targets not changed in Scotland

Government wants to train 4,000 student teachers next year, yet many new primary teachers can't get permanent jobs and secondary courses are drastically undersubscribed