
Six education plans in limbo post-election

The new government considers ‘next steps’ for controversial RSHE and gender questioning guidance

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Welsh heads warn of ‘us versus them’ inspection

In response to research highlighting school leaders' concerns about inspection, Estyn points to feedback showing that it is viewed 'positively' by heads

Over 1 in 4 teacher trainee applicants are from overseas

Tes analysis of government data shows an increase in international applicants to ITT courses six months into the academic year

Major investment in buildings and SEND needed, warns PAC

Spending watchdog highlights the state of school buildings as a problem caused by government's 'lack of forward thinking'

Pupil premium allocation details delayed

Government says the delay is because of a problem identifying Reception pupils who qualify for the funding

‘Sizeable increase’ in dual presentation for SQA courses

But entering students for both National 4 and National 5 is bad for attainment, says SQA, and those at a single level tend to get better results

SQA: Pandemic still having ‘substantial’ impact on education

Teachers say students find exams more stressful now and often lack key knowledge and skills – and staff also raise concerns about attendance

‘Unexplained’ school moves spark call for transparency

More than 30,000 students in one year group had experienced an 'unexplained' transfer between secondary schools, research shows

Oak reveals curriculum partners for 9 more subjects

Two academy trusts are among the partners named today by resources provider Oak National Academy as it extends into more of the national curriculum

Advanced British Standard could widen private-state gap, warns AQA

Exam board says private schools could choose to 'simply continue' with A levels while state schools move to ABS

‘Devastating’ fall in number of schools winning capital funding

Just 866 projects will benefit from the Condition Improvement Fund this year – down from 1,033 last year and 1,408 the year before

Trusts named to run 30 new special free schools

But the DfE says the process of finding a trust sponsor will need to be repeated in three cases after suitable trusts were not identified to run the schools

Ofqual: 2023 KS2 reading test was effective

But lower attaining pupils were likely to have found last summer's test more difficult than previous papers, analysis finds

Sex education curriculum ‘failing young people’, say MPs

There is an 'absence of authoritative advice' about sexual health for young people, warns Women and Equalities Committee

Teacher pay falls by more than public sector as a whole

IFS says cuts to pay of higher earners in the public sector has contributed to recruitment and retention problems

Khan Review: Provide more help for threatened teachers

The government's independent social cohesion adviser, Dame Sara Khan, has called on the DfE to create a 'Cohesion and Conflict Unit' to support schools