CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, economic problem, factors of production, opportunity cost, PPCQuick View

CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, economic problem, factors of production, opportunity cost, PPC

<p>CIE has six parts to its 0455 Syllabus<br /> This is 31 MCQ and answers for part 1 from a selection of CIE past papers including Winter 2018:<br /> &quot;The basic economic problem The first section of the syllabus introduces the fundamental ideas and concepts that underpin the study of economics including the basic economic problem, factors of production, opportunity cost and production possibility curves.&quot;<br /> Attached is the Q and A.<br /> students can write and explain and then present their answers and why they rule out the other options.<br /> maybe one 45min lesson here.</p>
CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, macroeconomic, Fiscal, tax, Supply-side policy, inflation & deflationQuick View

CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, macroeconomic, Fiscal, tax, Supply-side policy, inflation & deflation

<p>CIE has six parts to its 0455 Syllabus<br /> This is 44 MCQ and answers for part 4 from a slection of CIE past papers including Winteer 2018:<br /> “Government and the macroeconomy Governments have different macroeconomic aims, and conflicts often arise between the choice of measures used to achieve them. Variables must be measured to consider the causes and consequences of change, and appropriate policies applied.” or The macroeconomic aims of government, Fiscal policy, taxation, Monetary policy, Supply-side policy, Economic Growth, Employment and unemployment, Inflation and deflation<br /> Attached is the Q and A.<br /> students can write and explain and then present their answers and why they rule out the other options.<br /> maybe one 45min lesson here.</p>
CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, GDP, HDI, Poverty, Population Differences, developing countriesQuick View

CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, GDP, HDI, Poverty, Population Differences, developing countries

<p>CIE has six parts to its 0455 Syllabus<br /> This is 35 MCQ and answers for part 5 from a selection of CIE past papers including Winter 2018:<br /> “Economic development As an economy develops there will be changes in population, living standards, poverty and income redistribution. Therefore, the effects of changes in the size and structure of population and of other influences on development in a variety of countries are explored.” or GDP, HDI, Poverty, Population, Differences in economic development between countries<br /> Attached is the Q and A.<br /> students can write and explain and then present their answers and why they rule out the other options.<br /> maybe one 45min lesson here.</p>
CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, allocation, Market equilibrium, disequilibrium, PED, PES, demandQuick View

CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, allocation, Market equilibrium, disequilibrium, PED, PES, demand

<p>CIE has six parts to its 0455 Syllabus (updated)<br /> This is 38 MCQ and answers for part 2 from a selection of CIE past papers including Winter 2018:<br /> “The allocation of resources The fundamental principles of resource allocation are considered through the price mechanism in a market economy. The market forces of demand and supply, market equilibrium and disequilibrium, and elasticity form the core of this section.”<br /> Attached is the Q and A.<br /> students can write and explain and then present their answers and why they rule out the other options.<br /> maybe one 45min lesson here.</p>
CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, specialisation, tariffs, exchange rates, balance of payments part 6Quick View

CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, specialisation, tariffs, exchange rates, balance of payments part 6

<p>CIE has six parts to its 0455 Syllabus<br /> This is 34MCQ and answers for part 6 from a slection of CIE past papers including Winter 2018:<br /> “International trade and globalisation The importance of trade between countries and the growth of globalisation is explored. Principles such as specialisation, the role of free trade, the role of multinational companies, foreign exchange rates and balance of payments stability are considered.” or International specialisation, Globalisation, free trade and protection, multinational companies (MNCs), Foreign exchange rates , Current account of balance of payments,<br /> Attached is the Q and A.<br /> students can write and explain and then present their answers and why they rule out the other options.<br /> maybe one 45min lesson here.</p>
CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, microeconomy, banks, households, workers, trade unions, TC, ATCQuick View

CIE 2020-2022 iGCSE Economics, microeconomy, banks, households, workers, trade unions, TC, ATC

<p>CIE has six parts to its 0455 Syllabus<br /> This is 50 MCQ and answers for part 3 from a selection of CIE past papers including Winter 2018:<br /> “Microeconomic decision makers The microeconomy is an important area of study, and the approach to learning taken here is through the role of the major decision makers: banks, households, workers, trade unions and firms.” or Money and banking, Households, Workers, division of labour/specialization, Trade Unions, Firms, economies and diseconomies of scale, Total cost (TC), average total cost (ATC), fixed cost (FC), variable cost (VC), average fixed cost (AFC), monopoly markets<br /> Attached is the Q and A.<br /> students can write and explain and then present their answers and why they rule out the other options.<br /> maybe one 45min lesson here.</p>
ALevel and AS Accounts 36xPPT that cover all chapters of the CIE bookQuick View

ALevel and AS Accounts 36xPPT that cover all chapters of the CIE book

<p>36 Powerpoints relating to this book that detail an example and reference the Q and A for further hwk,<br /> Cambridge International AS and A Level Accounting 2015<br /> These cover the CIE book of that year. They explain hiw the question is answered in a step-by-step process.<br /> Although old, still relevant as … well its numbers and they still balance!</p>
iGCSE and ASlevel Double Entry Accounting; legder, trial balance, income statement, balance sheetQuick View

iGCSE and ASlevel Double Entry Accounting; legder, trial balance, income statement, balance sheet

<p>Basic Double Entry Accounting for iGCSE and ASlevel and anyone new to this. 6 days here with two practice questions and answers. Including basic accounting equation, capital (EQ), bank (CA), computer (NCA), loan (NCL), expenses (E) and sales revenue (i) as legder through to trial balance (TB) and income statement (IS) and balance sheet (BS) (statement of financial performance or SoFP). Ready to print out as an introduction booklet and you can explain on the board and I show the TB and BS after each day so students can see it evolving. This is probably one lesson depending on how new students are to this subject.</p>
13 x depreciation Q and A (straight line and reducing balance and disposal) for iGCSE AS accountingQuick View

13 x depreciation Q and A (straight line and reducing balance and disposal) for iGCSE AS accounting

<p>13 x depreciation question Q and A (straight line) that has disposal value aimed at iGCSE and AS Accounting for practice and to help with MCQ. These get a little harder and I include a one Straightline and Reducing Balance trial balance adjustment with ledger and Income Statement and Balance sheet. Probably 4 lessons worth depending on ability and motivation. All in excel and print area should have been already set for each page.<br /> Screen shot shown as excel does not appear to give a preview.</p>
iGCSE, iAlevel, GCSE, Alevel, BTEC, IB accounting snakes and ladders gameQuick View

iGCSE, iAlevel, GCSE, Alevel, BTEC, IB accounting snakes and ladders game

<p>iGCSE, iAlevel, GCSE, Alevel, BTEC, IB accounting snakes and ladders game.<br /> I enlarge pages 1 and 2 to A3 and give out page three as a notes page.<br /> I found the iAlevel and Alevel accounting students loved it. Especially the ‘having to draw on the board’.<br /> This lasted a whole lesson and become a good homework task.</p>
iGCSE, iAlevel, BTEC, IB - snakes a ladder game for business studentsQuick View

iGCSE, iAlevel, BTEC, IB - snakes a ladder game for business students

<p>A new and improved snakes and ladder game for business students.<br /> Good for revision and as a whole class activity in groups of fours.<br /> I increase to A3 and they make their own $1 notes or I print off page three and let them use this.<br /> This works for 14-17 year olds well. They have played in many times and enjoy the rock-paper-scissors with the teacher<br /> They appear to enjoy designing their own versions afterwards.</p>
Unit4 Operations and Project Management iAlevel Business (entire unit revision notes as PPT)Quick View

Unit4 Operations and Project Management iAlevel Business (entire unit revision notes as PPT)

<p>45 slides of the whole unit as pointers, most slides allow students to write their own examples and encourage discussion. Good for iAlevel Business and L3 BTEC<br /> includes:<br /> Operations decisions = The influence of marketing, availability of resources and technology (e.g. CAD and CAM) on operations decisions<br /> Flexibility and innovation = The need for flexibility with regard to volume, delivery time and specification • Process innovation<br /> Operations methods: job, batch, flow, mass customisation<br /> Differences between methods – advantages and disadvantages of each method • Problems of changing from one method to another<br /> Location = Factors that determine (a) location and (b) relocation: geographic, demographic, legal, political, resources, infrastructure, marketing • Differences between local, regional, national, international location decisions<br /> Scale of operation = Factors that influence the scale of a business • Causes and examples of internal/external economies/ diseconomies of scale<br /> Links between economies of scale and unit costs</p>
Human resource management the HRM unit2 part on iALevel Business revision notesQuick View

Human resource management the HRM unit2 part on iALevel Business revision notes

<p>18 slide PPT with spares for discussion and example writing and a mime (acting task) and a news story about stealing a pie and being sacked.<br /> Purpose and roles of HRM = The role of HRM in meeting organisation objectives: recruitment, selection, training, induction, advice, guidance, workforce planning<br /> Recruitment and selection = Labour turnover, methods of recruitment and selection<br /> Job descriptions, person specifications, job advertisements = Purposes of job descriptions, person specifications and job advertisements<br /> Employment contracts = Main features of a contract of employment<br /> Disciplinary procedures = The importance of disciplinary procedures<br /> Redundancy and dismissal = Difference between redundancy and dismissal<br /> Staff morale and welfare = Relationship between HRM, staff morale and welfare in a business<br /> Staff training = The purpose of staff development/training as a means of securing required skills and motivating the workforce<br /> Hard and Soft HRM</p>
21 Formula/ratio/investment methods helpsheet for iAS and iALevel BusinessQuick View

21 Formula/ratio/investment methods helpsheet for iAS and iALevel Business

<p>Includes the formula and a few brief points about each: Net realizable value, Break-even (B/E) point, Gross Profit margin, Net profit margin, Current, Acid test , Return on capital employed, Inventory (stock) turnover ratio, Day’s sales in receivables ratio, Dividend yield, Dividend cover, Earnings per share, Price earnings, Gearing, Interest cover, Investment appraisal, Payback method, Discounted payback, Net present value (NPV), Internal rate of return (IRR) and Average rate of return. Plus the five general Limitations of ratio analysis.<br /> Screen shot shown as preview dose not appear to work.</p>
Accounting Concepts and Principles crossword of 20 key terms Q and AQuick View

Accounting Concepts and Principles crossword of 20 key terms Q and A

Accounting Concepts and Principles crossword of 7 key terms Q and A used as a revision or ice breaker or early finisher for iGCSE and AS and ALevel Accounting and I even give this to my first year degree students. If you like then buy the other 13 to have 20 of the standard Accounting Concepts and Principles as a Q and A cross word. Other words are hidden such as bond, debenture, asset, capital, debit and credit throughout.