Fish inspired soft robotQuick View

Fish inspired soft robot

<p>This video discusses how a small self-powered robotic fish was able to reach the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean - the Mariana Trench. Based on an article in The Conversation by Dr Dimitris Tsakiris from the Department of Computer Science, Aberystwyth University.</p> <p>Accompanying worksheet and teacher answers.</p>
Innovative urine testQuick View

Innovative urine test

<p>Simple urine test using posted samples can track what we eat, drink and smoke. Watch this video about an innovative urine test developed with scientists at Aberystwyth University which can track what someone eats, drinks and smokes.</p>
Drugs from DaffodilsQuick View

Drugs from Daffodils

<p>This video explains that daffodils contain an alkaloid called galantamine which can be used to treat early-onset Alzheimer’s. Scientists at Pwllpeiran Uplands Centre investigated how environmental conditions affected the concentration of galantamine produced.</p>
Robot meddal wedi’i ysbrydoli gan bysgodQuick View

Robot meddal wedi’i ysbrydoli gan bysgod

<p>Mae’r fideo hwn yn trafod sut y llwyddodd pysgodyn roboteg fach hunan-bwer i gyrraedd y rhan ddyfnaf y Môr Tawel - y Ffos Mariana. Yn seiliedig ar erthygl yn ‘The Conversation’ gan Dr Dimitris Tsakiris o’r Adran Gyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Aberystwyth.</p> <p>Gyda thaflen waith ac atebion athrawon.</p>
Hay fever and pollen forecastsQuick View

Hay fever and pollen forecasts

<p>This short video looks at how pollen can cause hay fever, treatments for hay fever, and how pollen forecasts can be used to help hay fever sufferers.</p> <p>Accompanying worksheet and teacher answers.</p>
Cyffuriau o Gennin pedrQuick View

Cyffuriau o Gennin pedr

<p>Mae’r fideo hwn yn esbonio bod cennin Pedr yn cynnwys alcaloid o’r enw Galantamin y gellir ei ddefnyddio i drin clefyd Alzheimer yn gynnar. Mae gwyddonwyr o Brifysgol Aberystwyth wedi ymchwilio effaith amodau amgylcheddol ar y crynodiad o galantamin a gynhyrchir.</p>
Prawf wrin arloesolQuick View

Prawf wrin arloesol

<p>Prawf wrin syml drwy’r post yn cofnodi’r hyn mae pobl yn ei fwyta, ei yfed a’i ysmygu. Gwyliwch y fideo hwn am brawf wrin arloesol a ddatblygwyd gyda gwyddonwyr ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth sy’n gallu olrhain beth mae rhywun yn ei fwyta, yn ei yfed ac yn ei ysmysgu.</p>