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Become an educator

Course Syllabus: Module 1 Training in your Business Context • Participants and trainer will look at the delegate’s training situation; defining what training is and is not, and explore options for learning. Module 2 Looking at Training in Context • The role of training within an organisation • Identifying training needs analysis • Varying learning strategies and corporate training planning • The training cycle Module 3 Understanding Learning • Learning the difference between education, training and development • Exploring learning styles and analysing how people learn. with an introduction to multiple intelligences • Discovering what part experiential learning plays in training Module 4 Planning and Preparing a Training Session • Setting training objectives and learning outcomes beforehand • Identifying the different training methods available to you • Learning how to structure a successful training session (using our unique segmented approach) • Designing a session which is interactive and engaging in order to keep attention focused of those in the room • Building in learner assessments and review time • Developing an understanding of visual aids and how they can be used to enhance training and reinforce learning Module 5 How to be an Effective Trainer • Discovering what personal attributes, skills and knowledge make a good trainer • Discussing the process of effective communication within a group • Using active listening and effective questioning to develop yourself as a trainer • Non-verbal communication and the role of body language • Learning how to deal with challenging situations and difficult attendees • Understand how to facilitate consolidation Module 6 Delivering the Training • Learning how to project a confident and motivational approach to your delivery • Using ice breakers and energisers to keep those being trained engaged • Managing the session in bite-sized “chunks” to help delivery flow and attention spans • Establishing how to effectively evaluate the training delivery Module 7 Practical Training Session • You will deliver a short training session. The tutor and other course attendees will then give constructive feedback and help you develop yourself, your delivery, the material (if required) and retention methods.