Used with a mixed ability Year 3 class on reflection of shapes. There are 3 differentiated levels within the document and children should be encouraged to use a mirror and ruler.
<p>Children are to complete the shape along the line of symmetry. This is aimed at a mixed ability year 3 class. There are 2 sheets for differentiation within the document. Hope its useful! Topics also included: reflective symmetry.</p>
In the context of money and shopping, the children have to identify the correct price from the shopping receipt and then work out the answer using estimation and written methods! It's suitable for top set Y4 and Y5 children.
<p>I’ve used this with my Year 2 class to teach and follow a talk for writing style of teaching Tyrannosaurus Drip as part of the Literacy learning within out dinosaur wider theme. There is a mixture of worksheet, activities, flipcharts and lesson plans.</p>
An activity to match Y4 Maths, Block B, Unit 3. The task is differentiated for a top-set maths class, looking to identify patterns in sequences (i.e. halving or doubling) and then to complete the sequence. Further activities include following rule to create their own sequence and then finding a rule in a sequence of numbers.
I'm using these with a Year 3 class to fit in with Unit B1, within a mixed abilityclass. The Number Bonds sheet to 100 is for less able children, whilst the other two concentrate upon deriving number facts from other numbers.
The sheets move away from asking questions in a 1-10 format and try to make the children think independently.
A worksheet that can be adapted (I.e. The Numbers on the Spider's body) to suit different abilities.
The children are to add the 'legs&' of the spider on to the body, each leg should have a factor of the number attached to it.
<p>Used this with a mixed ability Year 3 class, the children worked in maths buddies, so everybody was supported. Only uses multiplication problems to reinforce informal multiplication methods.</p>
A good method for children to grasp the idea of analysing film trailers for persuasive devices and features. Links well with the Literacy Framework Year 4 Non-fiction Unit 4.
This activity is good for children to practise reflection. I have used this to extend my Above Average set (Y4) so some of the mirror lines (in red) and the shapes themselves are a bit tricky! Hope it's useful.
A shopping receipt layout, designed for children to find the price of an item and multiply it by how many items are required. Differentiated to include whole numbers with pennies as well as £.p.