<p>For art and design teachers.</p>
<p>7 PDF posters which visually describe 8 formal elements of art: line, colour, mood, texture, shape, form, space and value.</p>
<p>Each poster includes an art historical reference, and artistic vocabulary relating to the element.</p>
<p>These can be printed up to A3 and used as a display or as a teaching resource.</p>
<p>Over 100 pages of inspiring images and written information covering the seven starting points for the GCSE AQA Art & Design (Fine Art) exam paper. Artists included are recommended by the exam board for each starting point, with high quality images, videos and supporting information to help pupils engage with the launch of the exam paper. Created by an artist/educator with nearly 25 years teaching experience.</p>
<p>The Preview may seem wierd but download format is fine!<br />
Resource details what type of tasks count towards each objective for the Edexcel GCSE Specification in Art and Design.<br />
Students and teacher can in different pens tick the appropriate box- have they completed no work towards, minimal, secure or in depth amount towards that objective.<br />
You can then tally up how many grades you got in each section and therefore clearly see in each AO where students are struggling.<br />
You can then convert the grades on to the grid- so majority of minimal amount would be 2/3 grade. Secure- 4/5/6 and in depth 7,8,9 grades.<br />
There are then four boxes where student and teacher can write in clearly what tasks need to be complete to improve each assessment objective.</p>
<p>A 6/7 weeks worth of Art lessons based on mosaics.</p>
<p>Suitable for KS2.</p>
<p>Compares modern and Roman mosaics using the artist Dionne Ible. Children will create a mosaic design using small squares of coloured paper (you could use tiles if you have the resources)</p>
<p>Learning intentions:<br />
1- compare modern and Roman mosaics moodboard<br />
2 - Learn mosaic techniques<br />
3 - Apply mosaic techniques<br />
4 - Plan a mosaic<br />
5/6 - Create a mosaic<br />
7- Evaluate mosaic design</p>
<p>(font used is Letter Join Plus 40)</p>
<p>I have created a huge PowerPoint presentation with over 45 starter or plenary activities for your art classes.</p>
<p>The activities are all art-related and can be used in KS3 or KS4 art lessons, either as entry tasks, starters, plenaries or exit questions. Sometimes I put the question on the board at the start of the lesson then come back to it at the end.</p>
<p>The slides are made up of questions, challenges, thought prompts, image analysis, riddles, true or false competitions, thunks and more. Some are very general so can be used across any class or topic, and some are more specific and related to different art movements - for example, Pop Art or Graffiti.</p>
<p>You can use the slides to generate discussion or have students discuss things in groups/pairs etc. I have made them to be as adaptable to your lessons/teaching as possible.</p>
<p>Helpful visual aid for Art students to develop their vocabulary.</p>
<p>Print ready file. Can be printed as a classroom display poster or a helpful handout.</p>
<p>A simplified resource for students to understand what they need to do to meet the assessment criteria. Often used as a page within an assessment folder.</p>
<p>Here is my timeplan and overview for students to use to assist in the planning of the Externally set assignment. We cover the AQA specification however this can be used for any of the exam board (WJEC/ Edexcel etc)</p>
<p>This can help in planning and structuring the tasks students need to do in order to fulfill the assessment criteria for Art & Design: Fine Art/Art craft design.</p>
<p>I have a seperate document available for GCSE Photography</p>
<p>Fully editable</p>
<p>This GCSE Art Project aims to develop and enhance the range of skills that students have been taught at KS3, enabling them to master and improve in a way that was engaging yet simple to achieve. There are some ‘essential’ art skills taught in this project, including: grid drawing, pencil drawing, pen drawing, acrylic painting, watercolor painting, poly printing and different types of research / art analysis / presentation skills.</p>
<p>The theme is Pop Culture, allowing students a wide range of references to work from.</p>
<p>The presentation includes lesson entry tasks / plenaries and exit tasks, examples of student work, homework tasks throughout.</p>
<p>There are printable resources on slides 1-12 with the Pop Culture images I used in lessons. There is an artist research information slide that can also be printed (slide 43)</p>
<p>There are 124 slides in total.</p>
<p>Aimed at KS3, great for a series of 3-4 lessons or for cover.</p>
<p>Includes:<br />
2 worksheets on designing beetles with patterns and collage<br />
1 worksheet on comparing two artists who work with beetles as a theme<br />
1 worksheet getting students to practice their drawing skills by drawing one half of a beetle from a photograph.</p>
<p>A brilliant resource : AQA GCSE student friendly mark-sheet combined with taxonomy. It is relevant to the current grade 1 to 9, with numbering up to 24 for each assessment objective. A invaluable resource to use with students to mark their own Art & Design work.</p>
<p>Art Remote Learning and Cover Worksheets; suitable for KS3 & students.</p>
<p>The worksheets focus on Illustration, Typography, Graffiti, Scale & Proportion, Clothes Design, Tone, Close Ups, Acrylic, line, pattern & Watercolour Painting.</p>
<p>We will be handing out GCSE Art Component 2 2025 question papers in January. This is a <strong>FULLY EDITABLE</strong> 12 page guide for students to help them develop artwork for GCSE Art Component 2. It is suitable for all exam boards including AQA and Edexcel. As it is fully editable it is suitable for use with ALL TITLES; Art and Design, Fine Art, Textiles, Graphics, Photography, 3D Design. This fully illustrated guide leads the student through the stages of development of a thorough set of work that meets the requirements of the assessment objectives. Drawing in all its forms is strongly encouraged, as drawing underpins all other work, no matter which Title is being followed.</p>
<p>This resource is used in an outstanding Art Department. No exam questions are reproduced in this resource. The guidance given provides a structure that works irrespective of the starting point. Potentially, this could be used as an outline for the development of Component 1 too!!</p>
<p>Also includes an editable planning sheet to help students organise themselves right from the start.</p>
<p>This resource is provided as a Word doc so that you can edit it to meet your needs. For instance, tailor it to your exam board and deadline dates, or add your own images and artist references. We hope it helps!</p>
<p>**P.S, be sure to unzip (extract) the file once downloaded. To do this, simply right click on the file and choose “Extract all” from the menu. You will then have a fully editable resource. **The zipped download system is set by TES, by the way, authors have no choice in the matter. It is to speed up the download process.</p>
<p>This resource has been very useful for 14-16 year old SEN students I have taught art to. Art is a welcome subject for those studying towards their end of school English written and oral assessments. This worksheet reinforces the need to understand and show engagement with the topic covered, before awarding them the freedom to express their ideas using this artistic medium.</p>
<p>Given the extensive topic of surrealism, this resource is also suited to mainstream high school students who may be requested to show evidence of background understanding of this art style, as preparatory work, before creating a finished piece.</p>
<p>Neobael is an online enrichment platform that focuses on project-based and inquiry-led learning. We believe that children need more opportunities to practice 21st-century skills!</p>
<p>Our free worksheets are available for download. Please check them out!<br />
We also offer free sessions and events:</p>
<p>Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! Our weekly trivia quiz with global educators and online collaboration.</p>
<p>Our monthly Book Club. This is where we invite authors to Read Aloud from their latest books.</p>
<p>Follow the links to find out more!</p>
<p><a href="https://www.neobael.com/worksheets" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.neobael.com/worksheets</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.neobael.com/class/tgit/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.neobael.com/class/tgit/</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.neobael.com/class/bookclub/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.neobael.com/class/bookclub/</a></p>
<p>This is an op art lesson where you can create a mixed media piece based around the work of Bridget Riley.</p>
<p>This can be used for a range of levels and includes the following elements:</p>
<li>Materials needed</li>
<li>Source and Reference to Optical Art and Bridget Riley</li>
<li>Activity with photo examples</li>