

<p>Students move around a circus of simple investigations and answer questions at each station (simple technicians list provided)! The encounter lots of different forces and see them in action and try to understand if the forces are contact forces or forces acting at a distance. Magnetic forces, gravity, electrostatic forces, pushes and pulls and Buoyancy! Oh what fun we had! The worksheet for the activity is accompanied by a complete answer sheet to save you, my wonderful colleagues, valuable time. Word files and pdfs supplied so that you can edit or modify too!</p>
Year 1 PE - The CircusQuick View

Year 1 PE - The Circus

<p>A Year 1 PE unit of work based around the topic of the circus, focusing on fun and simple activities to aid in gross motor development. Easy to use and simple to follow, comes complete with unit over view and accompanying lesson plans.</p>
Circus of energy transfer activitiesQuick View

Circus of energy transfer activities

11 cards - I have a laminated copy that I put around the classroom with the relevant object<br /> <br /> Each car has instructions and questions to answer with an extension activity at the bottom.<br /> <br /> Cards included:<br /> 1. Lamp<br /> 2. Radio<br /> 3. Rubber band<br /> 4. Toy car<br /> 5. Electric bell<br /> 6. Wind up toy<br /> 7. Hair dryer<br /> 8. Kettle<br /> 9. Bunsen burner<br /> 10. Water bath<br /> 11. Extension mystery object
6 Lessons AQA Language Paper 1 - The Night CircusQuick View

6 Lessons AQA Language Paper 1 - The Night Circus

<p>A fully resourced scheme of work walking students through AQA Language Paper 1 Section A, using ‘The Night Circus’ source. Contains materials for at least 6 comprehensive lessons, covering:</p> <ul> <li>Mark schemes</li> <li>Indicative answers</li> <li>Planning materials</li> <li>Indicative content<br /> Aims to familiarise pupils with the paper itself, and equip them with the knowledge to produce high quality answers.</li> </ul>
The CircusQuick View

The Circus

A simple history of the circus beginning with Philip Astley's horse training, moving on to circus acts without animals.
Animals in the CircusQuick View

Animals in the Circus

Learning Intention:<br /> To understand what life is like for animals in the circus. <br /> To discuss human and animal rights, and share our opinion about animals being used in the circus.<br /> <br /> A IDL topic focusing on the circus. This lesson looks at the use of animals in the circus, video clips, pictures, stories of animals, animals rights looking at this compared to UNCRC. What can we do to help?<br /> <br /> Follow up written task on word document. This was originally created on comic life so is simply a picture copy on word.
Circus Non-fiction comprehensionQuick View

Circus Non-fiction comprehension

<p>A non-chronological report on the history of the Circus<br /> Alongside the report is 3 differentiated retrieval comprehension tasks ranging in difficulty.<br /> Aimed at KS2<br /> Can be used as a stand alone comprehension or as part of wider reading/ whole class reading around the topic of the circus and historical entertainment.</p>
KS3 science revision circusQuick View

KS3 science revision circus

I cut up a 'CGP revision guide&' and set up 3 separate revision sessions. One for Biology, one for chem and one for physics. Basically the students go around with these revision questions and around the room are the Biology notes spread out with some demonstrations. They then do the same for the other 2 revision sessions to help them with their year 9 exams.
History of the Circus  (Circus Maximus)Quick View

History of the Circus (Circus Maximus)

Aimed at year 2 and 3 (can be adapted for any age group)<br /> 4 research stations for learners to visit to find out about the Circus Maximus: how animals were used, Circus Maximus building, who performed? and performances. <br /> Mixture of facts, QR links to videos and pictures. <br /> Also included smaller pictures learners can stick onto their research sheet to annotate.
CircusQuick View


4 Resources
<p>Looking for pictures of the circus, clowns and acrobats? Looking for exciting story prompts about the circus? Try these nice resources and save!</p>
The CircusQuick View

The Circus

An opportunity to hear ( embedded files ) the barrel organ playing melodies we associate with the circus. Plenty of opportunity to move to the music. The file lends itself to adaptation but you will lose sound if you delete the slide with sound on. The modern version of Nelly the elephant-is included The PowerPoint is a stimulus to creating music and moving. Elephant poem and a worksheet for an information text about the circus. Would appreciate feed back. The Moscow state circus PPT contains maps, information and images from a geographical point of view. Feedback appreciated
Classifying States of Matter CircusQuick View

Classifying States of Matter Circus

Students have the opportunity to explore six unusual materials that will stretch and question their prior understanding in relation to solids, liquids and gases. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 1) Borax slime <br /> <br /> 2) Water in a vacuum<br /> <br /> 3) Is toothpaste a solid?<br /> <br /> 4) Syphoning water<br /> <br /> 5) Is Ooblek a liquid?<br /> <br /> 6) Changing states of cream<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Students use the lesson to answer an extended question
Circus TentsQuick View

Circus Tents

<p>Fabulous Oil pastel project which is part of my ‘All the Fun’ theme. This is an engaging 2 lesson artwork which builds drawing and colouring skills. Pupils practice oil pastel skills using white and black overlay to achieve highlights and shadows. This would be a great lesson for Yrs 1-4.</p>
A visit to the circusQuick View

A visit to the circus

<p>This sensory story is one that my class and other classes have enjoyed. It is aimed at SEND but could also be used within EYFS and KS1.</p> <p>This pack includes:</p> <ul> <li>Box contents.</li> <li>Powerpoint</li> <li>Support sheet for Adults</li> </ul>
Energy circus worksheet / practical / experiment / activity.Quick View

Energy circus worksheet / practical / experiment / activity.

<p>Energy stores and transfers activity (new GCSE 9-1). Get a FREE resource! Details below. This is a high quality, differentiated, easy to use and ready to use practical activity.</p> <p>ENERGY - THE LANGUAGE HAS CHANGED:<br /> Tes is littered with energy resources teaching to the old spec. it would be wrong to use these to teach with today (some even say they are new spec. 9-1 – but they not). Please don’t risk teaching your classes incorrectly ! This resource is an engaging energy circus practical experiment for students. It allows students to learn the subject properly and clearly with differentiated and unique activity sheets you cannot get anywhere else.</p> <p>WHY BUY THIS ?<br /> Many many hours of effort went in to writing these unique and accurate resources<br /> Tried and trusted, differentiated and complete. You can rely on this activity to give an accurate and superior learning experience.</p> <p>WHAT DO I GET?</p> <ul> <li>High ability activity sheet – for use during the circus practical.</li> <li>Medium/lower ability activity sheet – for use during the circus practical.</li> <li>Answer sheet.</li> <li>Equipment list (to give to your technicians)</li> </ul> <p>HOW DO I USE IT?<br /> Teach the students about the 8 stores and the 4 transfers and then let them do the highly engaging and accurate to 9-1 spec activities as the main part of your lesson.<br /> Then self or peer mark the sheets (answers provided).</p> <p>OR, FIND A FULLY COMPLETE AND READY TO GO LESSON HERE:</p> <p><a href="">Energy stores and transfers 9-1 spec</a></p> <p>AGES<br /> Activity for ages 11 to 16 where ever you live (so KS3/KS4 and USA grades 6 to 10).</p> <p>OTHER BARCLAYFOX RESOURCES:</p> <p>There are lots more great time saving lessons in my tes shop:</p> <p><a href="">Barclayfox’s shop</a></p> <p>Or, perhaps have a glance at some of my other high quality lessons…</p> <p><a href="">Specialised cells - KS3 bio</a></p> <p><a href="">Exothermic and endothermic - KS4 Chemistry</a></p> <p>Happy teaching!<br /> Barclayfox.</p>
Sankey Diagrams Circus TaskQuick View

Sankey Diagrams Circus Task

Five questions to get pupils drawing Sankey Diagrams. Good for a higher ability group, or one that has had a lot of practice already. <br /> <br /> Have the pupils move around the room to complete the questions - makes it more interesting than just completing sheets of questions!
Syllable CircusQuick View

Syllable Circus

<p>This is a great SPAG lesson for KS1 children that are learning about syllables. The idea of the Syllable circus lesson is that it includes 5 carousel activities and a plenary that will help children learn about syllables.</p> <p>The five activities are;<br /> Strongman Pegging<br /> Juggling buckets<br /> Tightrope syllables<br /> Half time food fun<br /> Syllable applause</p> <p>The cards for strong man pegs can be downloaded from ‘<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>’ , I cannot upload these due to copy-write however these are a free download.</p> <p>Have lots of fun at the Syllable Circus!</p>
Metals CircusQuick View

Metals Circus

Circus of activities where students go around and investigate the different properties of metals then look at the arrangement of ions and electrons to help explain the properties