Welcome to the world of Science Geeks! We provide fun, science resources for the busy teaching boffins that educate the young science geeks of the future! Spread the word of the geeks and catch us on our YouTube channel to enjoy our free educational videos.
Welcome to the world of Science Geeks! We provide fun, science resources for the busy teaching boffins that educate the young science geeks of the future! Spread the word of the geeks and catch us on our YouTube channel to enjoy our free educational videos.
This resource comes packed with FIVE activities where students are required to investigate the rate of heat loss from an object. They investigate surface area, volume, starting temp, type of material and the surface the object is in contact with. Watching water cool has never been such fun and students have to act fast in order to get each activity complete. This practical investigation comes complete with a presentation to lead students, activity task cards and complete technicians notes. Requiring simple equipment available in every lab it is appropriate for secondary students of all ages. Aside from heat transfer, it also helps students get to grips with the pesky concept of independent, dependent and control variables.
An excellent resource which thoroughly tests students of all abilities in one handy worksheet. Aimed at A LEVEL students, the first side is also suitable for GCSE students. COMPLETE WITH ANSWERS, the worksheet is accessible to all students and hones their key skills whilst stretching more able students. Moments, couples and the principle of moments are all tested. BONUS ALERT! It comes with a handy, separate, Self study information street which makes it ideal to set for a cover lesson or to brush up on your own Physics knowledge. Enjoy! Available in word and pdf format. All included - free of charge! Science Geeks - doing the hard graft so you don’t have to. #saints
Pesky Space topics! A content packed worksheet covering objects within and beyond our solar system! Galaxies! Nebula! Light years! The big Bang! There is differentiated content here to keep students of all abilities occupied! COMPLETE with ANSWERS! Science Geeks - making engaging worksheets so you don’t have to!
Those pesky new Science GCSE specifications are full of challenging new demands. Dealing with prefixes like nano, micro, mega and giga is a major problem for students and teachers alike. God bless Michael Gove. I wish him well in his career. This presentation introduces students to the concept slowly and aims to build confidence slowly before introducing the new demands. Packed with theory, examples and questions, it is aimed at students of all abilities and contains Boffin Tasks to stretch the most able. ANSWERS to all questions are included in the presentation. Free online quiz too…
KAHOOT QUIZ LINK: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/b3ca7c91-4258-47b4-a561-b92bb89f6bc4
What is the difference between an uncertainty and an error? How do we calculate percentage uncertainties? How do we compound errors? Uncertainty calculations galore! This presentation is packed with examples, questions and practical tasks to stretch A level students of all abilities! BONUS slides included on how to use a MICROMETER and VERNIER scales. Essential Advanced Level Physics practical skills! Boost their performance at CPAC compulsory practicals and see those practical exam scores improve! Twenty one slides of Physics fun.
Why do some collisions hurt? How can humans protect themselves during car accidents? Why is the rate of change of momentum so important to the size of force we experience? Containing videos, questions and activities. This presentation is ideal for students at foundation level dealing with the subject in a qualitative way and the second half of the presentation which introduces the equation and applies it with plenty of examples and questions for the students to try! Backed with visual delights, this presentation explains why the rate of change of momentum is important in collisions, explains car safety mechanism such as crumple zones, airbags and seat belts, and stretches more able students aiming for the very top grade. Also suitable for A level students as a reintroduction to the topic.
A video plus a worksheet all about stopping distances, braking distances and thinking distances! Questions start off simply until they ultimately challenge high ability students to discover the square relationship between velocity and braking distance! There is also an accompanying 2 minute Science Geeks YouTube video available that provides students (and teachers) with all the basic knowledge they need to know.
All images, photos and graphics are made or taken by M.E.Prince (that's me!). No copyright issues.
The weird world of quantum physics and its conservation laws! Which interactions between particles are forbidden and which are possible? Welcome to the world of baryon number, lepton number and strangeness! Meet quarks, exotic baryons, cataclysmic colliders, marvelous mesons and brain twisting bosons. This DOUBLE SIDED worksheet is packed with questions to suit all abilities with plenty to extend more able students. It comes complete with a FULLY COMPREHENSIVE ANSWER SHEET. This is essential A level Physics. Many A level specifications have different requirements for this topic - this worksheets most of them and also allows students to stretch themselves with unfamiliar contexts that their specification may not specifically require but that may crop up in exams. Enjoy.
Call them SUVAT or call them the equations of motion - the choice is yours. Here is your dream presentation, packed with worked examples and questions galore! Get those students thinking. Complete with numerical answers to all questions, this is a Physics teachers dream! Science Geeks - putting in the hard slog so you don’t have to…
Students move around a circus of simple investigations and answer questions at each station (simple technicians list provided)! The encounter lots of different forces and see them in action and try to understand if the forces are contact forces or forces acting at a distance. Magnetic forces, gravity, electrostatic forces, pushes and pulls and Buoyancy! Oh what fun we had! The worksheet for the activity is accompanied by a complete answer sheet to save you, my wonderful colleagues, valuable time. Word files and pdfs supplied so that you can edit or modify too!
A worksheet packed with questions to suit all abilities on the subject of motion and balanced and unbalanced forces. From simple force diagrams to terminal velocity and maximum speed of cars, this is the ideal resource to consolidate student knowledge and test understanding of these key concepts. Aimed at ks3 students or year 11 students, it serves as a qualitative introduction to resultant forces and their effect on the motion of everyday, and some not everyday, objects. Challenging extension tasks are provided for more able students. Enjoy. A Science Geeks video included too!
All the advanced level Nuclear Decay equations are here as students are required to calculate activities, decay constants, half-lives and deal with the tricky exponential decay equations. Students are required to get information from graphs as well as manipulate equations. It is aimed at all abilities and comes complete with a comprehensive answer sheet (no marking)! This double sided sheet will keep all your students occupied and enable them to progress.
How much!? With fuel prices rising and evil electricity companies, it is vital that our students appreciate how much appliances cost to run. Welcome to the crazy world of kilowatt hours and energy calculations! Aimed at all abilities, this DOUBLE SIDED worksheet comes with fully worked answers. Packed with activities and extension tasks for students of all abilities, it will enable students to get to grips with t e murky quagmire of power generation and energy calculations.
BASE UNITS? DERIVED UNITS? Pesky prefixes! It is amazing how much trouble these essential concepts in Physics cause for our fledgling advanced level students. This power point leads them gently through it and tests their knowledge to the limit as the challenges get progressively harder. Great for new students or as a revision resource for older students before their final exams.
Yuletide #gcse fun! A fun worksheet full of festive physics It will even keep your A level students off the streets. Also a TWO links to free KS4 and KS3 blooket Christmas Quizzes! Enjoy! Full answer sheet provided for the double sided worksheet! Literally hours of fun. Put your feet up, educate and have a rest. Merry Christmas!
Watch kettles boil! Live! This set of resources requires students to investigate a range of different kettles and calculate their efficiency. Which kettle is the most efficient? What is the science behind their design features? There are TWO versions of the DOUBLE SIDED WORKSHEET. The most challenging version gives students some useful information and then the rest is up to them! There is also a HELP sheet with step by step instructions to help weaker students carry out the investigation. Packed with extension tasks and questions designed to make students think, this activity can be ran over several lessons! Just remember to provide a variety of different shapes, sizes and ages of kettles. ideal for KS3 or GCSE or even ALEVEL! (TOP TIP: To save time, students can be required to investigate one kettle each and then pool their results.)
TWO SIDES of speed questions to keep even the swottiest students engaged! Calculate the speed using the speed formula and rearrange it to find out even more stuff! Questions start off simply before climaxing with questions designed to cause student's brains to potentially explode! There is also an accompanying 3 minute Science Geeks YouTube video available that provides students (and teachers) with all the basic knowledge they need to know. I have included both a pdf and a word version for your editing pleasure and just in case Justin Bieber meets his maker.
A freebie from the science geeks! This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying combined science or separate science GCSE Physics! It is packed with questions for all abilities and comes complete with fully worked out answers. Ideal for revision, cover lessons or reinforcing key skills. It’s even suitable for A level students as a reminder! Visit our shop to encourage us to provide more freebies in the future!
A FREE, quick fire worksheet covering the GCSE combined Science and separate Science Physics GCSE resistance topic. It Including ohm’s law calculations , current voltage graphs and LDRs and thermistors! Ideal for revision! It comes complete with fully worked out answers! Its FREE! What more do you want? Visit our shop to encourage us to make more freebies! Enjoy. Its even useful for underachieving A level students. FREE video included!
Free! A GCSE crossword puzzle on electrical circuits for science students! A nice little plenary, starter, extention task or cover resource, its ideal to fill in those awkward gaps in lessons! Courtesy of the science geeks! Check out our other resources at our shop!