Networks WorksheetsQuick View

Networks Worksheets

<p>Here are 6 ready to use network worksheets you can immediately use with your class with absolutely no preparation necessary.</p> <p>They can be printed out or completed on-screen as they comprise of PDF files with editable areas for students to enter their answers. You can even assign these worksheets as learning tasks using a VLE for students working at home.</p> <p>You even have a separate copy of each handout that contains the answers, making these a brilliant easy to use addition to your teacher toolkit.</p> <p><strong>HOW CAN I USE THEM?</strong><br /> These worksheets are ideal for</p> <ul> <li>An easy grab-and-go classroom activity,</li> <li>homework tasks and</li> <li>cover worksheets.<br /> .</li> </ul> <p>These engaging worksheets are perfect for computer science teachers, non-specialists and new teachers.</p> <p><strong>WHAT IS INCLUDED?</strong><br /> The 6 PDF worksheets included:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Advantages and Disadvantages of Networks – An easy worksheet where students are given a number of statements and need to decide if it is an advantage of disadvantage of using a computer network. A great starter worksheet when first introducing networks.</p> </li> <li> <p>LAN and WAN Fill in The Gaps – Students use a list of given words to complete the short text about Local Areas Networks and Wide Area Networks. A nice plenary activity to recap what they have learnt.</p> </li> <li> <p>Client Server and Peer-to-Peer Networks – A mid-level worksheet where pupils need to decide if the statement is about a client server network or a peer-to-peer network, or both.#</p> </li> <li> <p>Wire and Wireless Networks – Pupils need to do a bit of research and write about the benefits and risks of using ethernet copper cables, fiber optic cables, Bluetooth networks and wi-fi networks. Great as a homework task.</p> </li> <li> <p>Star and Mesh Topologies – Students identify a star and a mesh diagram from a drawing. They are also given several scenarios and have to decide if a star or a mesh topology would better fit the needs described. Finally students must write about the difference between a switch and a hub. Great as a homework task.</p> </li> <li> <p>Network Protocols – match the protocol layer to the description and then identify the protocols which are in a 4-layer TCP/IP protocol layer. A higher level worksheet that is great for assessing pupils understanding of a 4-lay TCP/IP protocol.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Don’t forget the answers to each worksheet are included meaning you can use the answers yourself or give them to students for self-marking.</p> <p>These 6 worksheets will quickly become an essential tool in your teacher toolkit.</p> <p>They are a great way to break up the lesson, reinforce the learning and check your pupils’ understanding of networks.</p> <p>What are you waiting for? Buy them now and use them straight away to enhance your lessons whilst saving yourself hours of preparation.</p>
Network Topologies LessonQuick View

Network Topologies Lesson

<p>How can you teach your students about network topologies, in an engaging way? The key is to break up the theory into small manageable chunks and reinforce each section with a variety of activities. And that is exactly what this lesson does.</p> <p>Why spend hours making your own resources when it is all done for you? Download this lesson today and save yourself all that preparation.</p> <p><strong>WHAT IS INCLUDED?</strong><br /> Suitable for GCSE Computer Science pupils following either OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) or AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) syllabuses.</p> <p>This lesson includes:</p> <ul> <li>an attractive dyslexia friendly PowerPoint presentation,</li> <li>differentiated lesson objectives,</li> <li>4 videos to change focus and break up the lesson,</li> <li>loads of individual and group tasks and questions,</li> <li>2 printable ready to use worksheets for classwork,</li> <li>A set of taboo cards for the plenary</li> <li>3 differentiated exam style questions which can be used either in the plenary or set for a homework task,</li> <li>a comprehensive 3-page teacher’s lesson plan including ALL THE ANSWERS.<br /> .</li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT DOES IT COVER?</strong><br /> With virtually no preparation (apart from photocopying the worksheets and taboo cards) you will be ready to teach about your classes about:</p> <ul> <li>Ring network topology</li> <li>Bus network topology</li> <li>Star network topology</li> <li>Full mesh network topology</li> <li>Partial mesh network topology<br /> .</li> </ul> <p>**DURATION: **1 lesson</p> <p>Check out these other great resources by Nichola Wilkin (nwilkin):</p> <p><a href="">Network types</a><br /> <a href="">Network hardware</a><br /> <a href="">What is the internet?</a></p>
KS3 Computer Science: NetworksQuick View

KS3 Computer Science: Networks

<p>Computer Science: Introduction to Networks for KS3 students</p> <p>The aim of this unit of work is to introduce KS3 students to computer networks. Within this unit of work, students will learn the following:</p> <p><strong>What will you learn?</strong></p> <ul> <li>To understand what is meant by a Local Area Network (LAN). <ul> <li>Hardware required</li> <li>Methods of connection (WiFi &amp; Ethernet cable)</li> </ul> </li> <li>To understand what is meant by a Wide Area Network (WAN). <ul> <li>Methods to connect (GPRS, mobile, telephone cables &amp; satellite).</li> </ul> </li> <li>To understand how peripheral devices can connect to a computer system using a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). <ul> <li>Methods to connect (Bluetooth).</li> </ul> </li> <li>Understand the following methods of keeping you computer secure on a computer network:<br /> - Firewall<br /> - Anti-malware<br /> - Passwords<br /> - Encryption</li> </ul> <p>This unit of work includes a range of information and activities to develop student knowledge and understanding of computer systems.</p> <p>Please note two practical activities require the use of rope to create a human networks!</p> <p>A final assessment is also included.</p> <p>Teacher answer PowerPoint also included.</p> <p>**Please leave a review!</p>
Networks and ProtocolsQuick View

Networks and Protocols

<p>A brilliant resource for a refresher on computer networks and protocols. The resource includes a teacher presentation (with answers) and a workbook to give to the students to complete the tasks - ideal for live lessons.</p> <p>Can be used in KS3 and KS4.<br /> The resource covers:</p> <ul> <li>What a network is</li> <li>Advantages and Disadvantages of networks</li> <li>Network Topologies</li> <li>Advantages and Disadvantages of each network</li> <li>Protocols</li> <li>TCP/IP model, including each layer</li> </ul>
Types of Networks LessonQuick View

Types of Networks Lesson

<p><strong>Share all about the world of networking using LAN and WAN!</strong> Teach how local and wide area networks connect devices together and connect the world! This resource discusses the types of networks - local area networks and wide area networks, why networks are used, and common examples of each. We also discuss <em>briefly</em> client-server and peer-to-peer networks.</p> <p>You can use this resource with <strong>minimal preparation</strong> - it is good to go! You can <strong>easily reuse and build upon</strong> our top-quality teaching material to fit your unique teaching style. The activities inside this resource have been specially created to allow students to <strong>develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills</strong>.<br />  <br /> █▀▀ █▀▀ ▄▀█ ▀█▀ █░█ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀<br /> █▀░ ██▄ █▀█ ░█░ █▄█ █▀▄ ██▄ ▄█<br /> <em><strong>Specially designed for the OCR GCSE curriculum (J277).</strong></em> No excessive content from other exam boards here!</p> <p><strong>➟ This resource contains:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>30x Slide Presentation</strong> which consists of appealing visuals, discussion tasks, student activities, and more! <em>and (un)funny jokes!</em></li> <li><strong>Worksheet</strong> with answers to allow students to consolidate their knowledge or explore a different aspect of the topic.</li> <li><strong>Exam-Styled Questions</strong> with a mark scheme to reinforce key concepts learned in the lesson, either for homework or during the lesson.<br />  <br /> <strong>➟ Other useful resources:</strong></li> <li><a href="">The Internet - OCR GCSE Lesson</a><br />  <br /> █▀▀ █▀█ █ █▀▄▀█ █▀ █▀█ █▄░█<br /> █▄▄ █▀▄ █ █░▀░█ ▄█ █▄█ █░▀█<br />  <br /> █░█░█ █ ▀█ ▄▀█ █▀█ █▀▄<br /> ▀▄▀▄▀ █ █▄ █▀█ █▀▄ █▄▀</li> </ul> <p>We hope you enjoy using our resources just as much as we enjoyed creating them! :)</p> <p>─────█─▄▀█──█▀▄─█─────<br /> ────▐▌──────────▐▌────<br /> ────█▌▀▄──▄▄──▄▀▐█────<br /> ───▐██──▀▀──▀▀──██▌───<br /> ──▄████▄──▐▌──▄████▄──</p>
Importance of Networking and LinkedInQuick View

Importance of Networking and LinkedIn

<p>Importance of Networking and LinkedIn. Careers and Financial education Lesson designed by a L6 Qualified Careers Guidance Leader. Editable 18+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.</p> <p><strong>Careers Learning Outcomes:</strong><br /> To understand what networking is, both online and offline<br /> To consider why it is good to have a large network<br /> To think about how we can use our networks in our future careers</p> <p><strong>Some Careers and finance linked Key Terms Covered</strong><br /> Network, LinkedIn, Communication, Teamwork, Opportunities</p> <p>✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯<br /> Each Careers Lesson Pack Contains:<br /> 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging &amp; Thoughtful Questioning)<br /> Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons<br /> Homework Activity<br /> Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)<br /> Teacher Notes (On some slides)<br /> Focus on literacy<br /> 1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity<br /> ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯</p> <p><strong>Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:</strong><br /> ☞ <a href="">Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit </a><br /> ☞ <a href="">Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit </a><br /> ☞ <a href="">Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit </a><br /> ☞ <a href="">Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance &amp; Careers in Context Unit </a><br /> ☞ <a href="">Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance &amp; Careers in Context Unit </a></p>
Network Security (Threats) J277Quick View

Network Security (Threats) J277

<p>Introductory Lesson about Networks. Contains elements of component <strong>1.4.1</strong> (Threats to computer systems and networks) from OCR GCSE Computer Science spec (J277).</p> <p>Contains explanations on various network threats such as malware, social engineering (including phishing), brute force attacks, Denial of service (DOS), data interception and SQL injections. This content is spread throughout** 2 Lessons** (included in the Powerpoint). Tasks provided in the Powerpoint/Word for students to complete to promote independent learning. Notes also provided to expand on points for students/teacher.</p> <p>Included is a Powerpoint with notes and tasks to help aid progress.</p> <p>Please leave a review with your feedback. Thanks</p>
Identifying and Preventing Network Vulnerabilities LessonQuick View

Identifying and Preventing Network Vulnerabilities Lesson

<p>How can you teach your students about system security and cyber attacks, in an engaging way? The key is to break up the theory into small manageable chunks and reinforce each section with a variety of activities. And that is exactly what this computer science lesson does.</p> <p>Why spend hours making your own resources when it is all done for you? Download this computing lesson about identifying and preventing network vulnerabilities today and save yourself all that preparation.</p> <p><strong>WHAT IS INCLUDED?</strong><br /> This lesson includes:</p> <ul> <li>an attractive dyslexia friendly PowerPoint presentation,</li> <li>differentiated lesson objectives,</li> <li>videos to change focus and break up the lesson,</li> <li>loads of individual and group tasks and questions,</li> <li>printable ready to use worksheets for classwork,</li> <li>3 differentiated exam style questions which can be used either in the plenary or set for a homework task,</li> <li>a comprehensive teacher’s lesson plan including ALL THE ANSWERS.<br /> .</li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT DOES IT COVER?</strong><br /> Suitable for GCSE Computer Science pupils following either OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) or AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) syllabuses.</p> <p>With virtually no preparation (apart from photocopying the worksheets) you will be ready to teach your classes about:</p> <ul> <li>Denial of service (DoS) attacks</li> <li>Brute force attacks</li> <li>Data interception attacks</li> <li>SQL injection attacks</li> <li>Poor network security policy</li> <li>Penetration testing</li> <li>Network forensics</li> <li>Firewalls</li> <li>Passwords<br /> .</li> </ul> <p>DURATION: 1 lesson</p> <p>Download this ready to use lesson now and take back control of your workload.</p> <p><strong>FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED</strong></p> <p>As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments.</p> <p><strong><a href=";q=Lessons&amp;shop=nwilkin">Click here to see some more computer science lessons</a></strong></p>
CS24: Network security (Workbook)Quick View

CS24: Network security (Workbook)

<p>This series of workbooks will cover networks and some other associated with it. The breakdown is as follows:</p> <p>CS17 - Types of networks (LAN, WAN, Client-server, Peer-to-Peer)<br /> CS18 - Network hardware<br /> CS19 - The internet (inc. Cloud storage and DNS)<br /> CS20 - Network topologies (Star/Mesh and Virtual networks)<br /> CS21 - Network protocols (Including layers)<br /> CS22 - Social engineering (Blagging, Phishing and Shoulder-surfing)<br /> CS23 - Malware (Different types and prevention strategies)<br /> CS24 - Network security (Brute-force, DDOS, Packet sniffers and prevention stategies (e.g. policies, penetration testing etc…)<br /> CS25 - SQL &amp; Data Structures (How to write SQL, SQL injection and prevention strategies)<br /> CS26 - Defensive design (Authentication methods and Validation methods - how to add defensive design to your code)<br /> CS27 - Testing (What is testing, why is it important?, Final/iterative, test data)</p> <p>Each set includes a teacher and student version.<br /> The rest will be part of a bundle.</p>
Computing - NetworksQuick View

Computing - Networks

An entire UNIT OF WORK for the new Computing curriculum, looking at:<br /> <br /> <br /> - what networks are, <br /> <br /> <br /> - how they are made, <br /> <br /> <br /> - how the Internet works, <br /> <br /> <br /> - data protection and encryption<br /> <br /> <br /> - and touching on E-Safety.<br /> <br /> <br /> Includes Medium and Short Term Planning, professional PowerPoint presentation for the whole unit, ALL worksheets and EXEMPLAR photographs for ease of understanding.<br /> <br /> <br /> Simple reference system - L1 means Lesson 1, L2 - Lesson 2 etc. ALL necessary worksheets for each lesson are highlighted on the Short Term Planning in Yellow in both the Resources column and when describing the activities. Most worksheets are editable to suit. <br /> <br /> <br /> This has been successfully delivered to Y3, but could it be used for most of KS2 if they have not yet looked at it.<br /> <br /> Please review and rate.
Learning networks and communication skillsQuick View

Learning networks and communication skills

The increase in student numbers in further and higher education over the last decade has been dramatic, placing greater pressures on academic staff in terms of contact hours. At the same time public funding of universities has decreased. Furthermore, the current pace of technological innovation and change and the fact that there are fewer jobs for life with clear pathways for progression mean that more of us need to be engaged in learning throughout our lives in order to remain competitive in the job-market. That is the reality of lifelong learning.
Network Protocols TCP/IP LessonQuick View

Network Protocols TCP/IP Lesson

<p>The TCP/IP 4-layer model is an important part of the computer science curriculum your pupils must understand. It often comes up in the exam in one form or another so your students need to fully grasp it.</p> <p>This lesson completely covers both the OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) and AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) specifications helping your students learn the TCP/IP 4 layer model.</p> <p>Why waste your precious time slaving over creating your own lesson when it has all been done for you for the price of a coffee in Starbucks? Grab this ready to use, no prep lesson now to save time and take control of your workload.</p> <p><strong>What does it cover?</strong></p> <p>This lesson teaches pupils about:</p> <ul> <li>IP addresses</li> <li>MAC addresses</li> <li>Packet Switching</li> <li>TCP/IP 4-layer model</li> <li>The HTTP protocol</li> <li>The HTTPS protocol</li> <li>The FTP protocol</li> <li>The POP protocol</li> <li>The IMAP protocol</li> <li>The SMTP protocol</li> <li>The Ethernet protocol</li> </ul> <p>.<br /> <strong>What is included?</strong></p> <p>You’ll get…</p> <ul> <li>An attractive dyslexia friendly PowerPoint presentation that includes differentiated lesson objectives, a video and lots of tasks and questions.</li> <li>3 differentiated exam style questions</li> <li>A comprehensive 3-page teacher’s lesson plan including all the answers.</li> </ul> <p>.<br /> Are you really going to spend a couple of hours of your time creating something similar when you can spend that time doing something far more fun and interesting? Grab your copy of this network protocols TCP/IP complete lesson now and take control of your workload.</p> <p><strong>FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED</strong></p> <p>As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments.</p> <p>Check out these other useful lesson resources from Nichola Wilkin (nwilkin):</p> <ul> <li><a href="">What is the internet?</a></li> <li><a href="">Network Topologies</a></li> <li><a href="">Wireless Networks</a></li> </ul>
Network Hardware LessonQuick View

Network Hardware Lesson

<p>How can you teach your students about network hardware, in an engaging way? The key is to break up the theory into small manageable chunks and reinforce each section with a variety of activities. And that is exactly what this lesson does.</p> <p>Why spend hours making your own resources when it is all done for you? Download this lesson today and save yourself all that preparation.</p> <p><strong>WHAT IS INCLUDED?</strong><br /> Suitable for GCSE Computer Science pupils following either OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) or AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) syllabuses.</p> <p>This lesson includes:</p> <ul> <li>an attractive dyslexia friendly PowerPoint presentation,</li> <li>differentiated lesson objectives,</li> <li>2 videos to change focus and break up the lesson,</li> <li>loads of individual and group tasks and questions,</li> <li>2 printable ready to use worksheets for classwork,</li> <li>3 differentiated exam style questions which can be used either in the plenary or set for a homework task,</li> <li>a comprehensive 3-page teacher’s lesson plan including ALL THE ANSWERS.<br /> .</li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT DOES IT COVER?</strong><br /> With virtually no preparation (apart from photocopying the worksheets and taboo cards) you will be ready to teach about your classes about:</p> <ul> <li>Transmission media (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, coper cables and fibre optic cables)</li> <li>Routers</li> <li>Switches</li> <li>Hubs</li> <li>Network Interface Cards (NIC)</li> <li>Wireless Access Points</li> <li>Bridges</li> <li>Wi-Fi channels<br /> .</li> </ul> <p>Please note: network topologies and protocols are not covered in this lesson as that is covered in a separate lesson.</p> <p><strong>DURATION:</strong> 1 lesson</p> <p><strong>FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED</strong></p> <p>As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments.</p> <p>Check out these other great lesson by Nichola Wilkin (nwilkin):</p> <p><a href="">What is the internet?</a><br /> <a href="">Network Topologies</a></p>
Networks and learning: communities, practices 2Quick View

Networks and learning: communities, practices 2

It is rare to have a dialogue with someone who has taken the time and trouble to consider what you have written for a journal. All too often reviewing is a one-way process with the reviewer remaining anonymous. It is all the more pleasant to have a response to what you have written that gets to grips with some of the issues that the author also finds troubling. It is in that spirit that I write this reaction to Ingraham; it is an opportunity for me to develop some of the points he has identified as problematic in the original article.
Networks and learning: communities, practices 3Quick View

Networks and learning: communities, practices 3

This article argues that the use of the network metaphor can link together various different aspects of research into the use of advanced learning technologies based on computer networks. The idea of networked learning has become commonplace as an alternative to e-learning that stresses the interaction of learners, tutors and resources through networks. The arguments put in this article are firstly that learning technology needs to take account of the wider debate about networks and secondly that research in this field needs to address the theoretical and practical issues raised.
Networks and learning: communities, practices 1Quick View

Networks and learning: communities, practices 1

In issue 12(1), Jones (2004) in his article ‘Networks and learning: communities, practices and the metaphor of networks’ sets out to address three inter-related sets of issues: … firstly that learning technology needs to take account of the wider debate about networks and secondly that research in this field needs to address the theoretical and practical issues raised by advances in the field of networks. A third point is that the idea of the network acts as a powerful metaphor even if we are able to discount any particular theory generated in its support.
Network Connections LessonQuick View

Network Connections Lesson

<p><strong>Discover how the brains of networks are wired up!</strong> Teach how wired Ethernet ensures speed and reliability, while Wi-Fi offers flexibility and mobility. This complete lesson discusses the benefits and drawbacks of both wired and wireless connections, and the typical use of each type of connection.</p> <p>You can use this resource with <strong>minimal preparation</strong> - it is good to go! You can <strong>easily reuse and build upon</strong> our top-quality teaching material to fit your unique teaching style. The activities inside this resource have been specially created to allow students to <strong>develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills</strong>.<br />  <br /> █▀▀ █▀▀ ▄▀█ ▀█▀ █░█ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀<br /> █▀░ ██▄ █▀█ ░█░ █▄█ █▀▄ ██▄ ▄█<br /> <em><strong>Specially designed for the OCR GCSE curriculum (J277).</strong></em> No excessive content from other exam boards here!</p> <p><strong>➟ This resource contains:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>18x Slide Presentation</strong> which consists of appealing visuals, discussion tasks, student activities, and more! <em>and (un)funny jokes!</em></li> <li><strong>Worksheet</strong> with answers to allow students to consolidate their knowledge or explore a different aspect of the topic.</li> <li><strong>Exam-Styled Questions</strong> with a mark scheme to reinforce key concepts learned in the lesson, either for homework or during the lesson.<br />  <br /> <strong>➟ Other useful resources:</strong></li> <li><a href="">The Internet - OCR GCSE Lesson</a><br />  <br /> █▀▀ █▀█ █ █▀▄▀█ █▀ █▀█ █▄░█<br /> █▄▄ █▀▄ █ █░▀░█ ▄█ █▄█ █░▀█<br />  <br /> █░█░█ █ ▀█ ▄▀█ █▀█ █▀▄<br /> ▀▄▀▄▀ █ █▄ █▀█ █▀▄ █▄▀</li> </ul> <p>We hope you enjoy using our resources just as much as we enjoyed creating them! :)</p> <p>─────█─▄▀█──█▀▄─█─────<br /> ────▐▌──────────▐▌────<br /> ────█▌▀▄──▄▄──▄▀▐█────<br /> ───▐██──▀▀──▀▀──██▌───<br /> ──▄████▄──▐▌──▄████▄──</p>
Computer Networks SOWQuick View

Computer Networks SOW

<p>Lesson 1 - Networks<br /> Lesson 2 - Hardware<br /> Lesson 3 - Topologies<br /> Lesson 4 - The internet<br /> Lesson 5 - Peer to Peer and Client Server</p>
Digital Functional Skills - Module 3 - Communicating - Unit 3.2 - EmailingQuick View

Digital Functional Skills - Module 3 - Communicating - Unit 3.2 - Emailing

<p>These resources have been created for those delivering the Digital Functional Skills Qualification at Entry Level which replaces the current Functional Skills ICT Qualification from 31st of July 2023.</p> <p>The DFS qualification’s main purpose is to provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life.</p> <p>These resources provide a structured assessment in workbook form to evidence learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts and demonstrate that all learning outcomes have been met.</p> <p>The qualification itself is made up of many 5 main skill areas (Modules) each with its own series of units.</p> <p>The unit workbooks include various challenges, activities and tasks to prove learners understanding. Each page has a header that includes the individual outcomes covered and can be assessed easily and signed off.</p> <p>This resource covers:<br /> Module 3 - Communicating</p> <p>3.2 - Compose and reply to online communications comprising text and other digital content to individual and multiple recipients.</p> <p>This resource includes:<br /> Tutorial 1 – Learners will follow the steps that show you how to compose and send an email to an individual and to multiple recipients.<br /> Tutorial 2 – They will Continue the tutorial on how to attach digital content such as images &amp; videos.<br /> Tutorial 3 - Finally, they will; learn how to ‘reply to’ and 'forward on’ an email from an individual and group recipients.</p> <p>Scenario: Lunch Time Gaming Club<br /> Task 1- Email an Individual and a Group.<br /> Learners will be provided with a scenario where they will need to compose and send an email to their Tutor. They will then compose and send a ‘follow up’ email to a selection of their peers.<br /> Task 2 - Attaching Digital Content<br /> Learners will send another email to both their tutor and their peers; however,<br /> this time it will include an image and link related to the set scenario.<br /> Task 3 - Replying to an Email<br /> Finally, each student will receive an email from their tutor of which they<br /> will need to reply to with a suitable message.</p> <p>Independent Practice Task - Movie Recommendation<br /> Learners will demonstrate their ability to independently compose and reply to online<br /> communications by recommending a Movie or TV Show.</p> <p>Recap Quiz (Answers included)</p> <p>Also included in this resource is a Glossary for learners to fill out and Skills and Knowledge checklist to be completed before and after delivery of this unit.</p> <p>This resource is currently in a PDF file format. Word versions are available for free upon purchase of the PDF, please message me directly for these at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>.<br /> Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>.</p> <p>Other Workbooks in this DFSQ series are available on TES. Many are still being created and will all be available soon.</p>
Year 1 Computing Systems and Networks  Knowledge Organiser!Quick View

Year 1 Computing Systems and Networks Knowledge Organiser!

<p>This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 1 children, teachers and parents covering knowledge relating to ‘Computing Systems and Networks’ as a part of their computing learning.</p> <p>The organiser has a particular focus on technology around us, and the basic parts and functions of a computer. It contains comprehensive sections on:</p> <p>-Overview;<br /> -Types of Technology;<br /> -Using Technology Safely;<br /> -Computer Parts;<br /> -Using a Mouse;<br /> -Using a Keyboard;<br /> -Key Vocabulary (underlined).</p> <p>The content is fully aligned with the age-related expectations for Year 1 children in computing. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).</p>