Order the Numbers - Chinese DragonQuick View

Order the Numbers - Chinese Dragon

<p>Order the Numbers 1-10</p> <p>This activity can be used as a matching activity (laminate dragon mats &amp; number cards)</p> <p>OR print on A4 and children can cut and stick their own dragon</p>
Sorting Numbers 1-10Quick View

Sorting Numbers 1-10

<p>Contains:<br /> sorting mats 1-3,4-5,7-9,9-10 (colour matched to numberblocks).<br /> 1-10 representations</p>
Comparing the city and the countryside - KS1/KS2Quick View

Comparing the city and the countryside - KS1/KS2

<p>This lesson is part of <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/exploring-the-united-kingdom-ks1-and-lower-ks2-12258275">Exploring the United Kingdom</a>, a Geography unit designed for KS1 and lower KS2 (Y2-4).</p> <p>This lesson encourages students to identify geographical features found in the city/countryside and think about the similarities and differences between urban and rural areas in the UK.</p> <p>First the presentation shows small segments of images from around the United Kingdom and challenges students to work out whether they are from the city or countryside.</p> <p>Children then complete a Venn diagram-based activity which can be done in two ways:</p> <p><strong>Group activity:</strong><br /> In pairs or trios, children sort images of the city and countryside using a Venn diagram. This can also be done using two PE hoops and makes a nice classroom display.</p> <p><strong>Individual activity:</strong><br /> Students sort city and countryside vocabulary using a Venn diagram:</p> <p><strong>Easier</strong> – Students sort 12 city/countryside words<br /> <strong>Harder</strong> – Students sort 18 city/countryside words</p> <p>If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at <a href="mailto:ed@teachitforward.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">ed@teachitforward.co.uk</a>.</p>
Compare and Order FractionsQuick View

Compare and Order Fractions

A lesson ideal for Year 4 although could work easily across KS2. Clearly differentiated and a very practical maths lesson which the children will enjoy.!
Comparing and Ordering Whole NumbersQuick View

Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers

<p>This lesson plan aligns with Oklahoma academic standard 1.N.1.6, in which students will compare and order whole numbers up to 100. Begin by showing students the learning sheets with Alligator Andy, who wants to eat the bigger number. Ask students which is the bigger number for Alligator Andy to eat. Next, show them the learning sheets with groups of numbers and ask them which is the biggest for Alligator Andy to eat. Go on and ask which comes next, and so on until all numbers are in order. A worksheet has been provided for an assessment or independent practice.</p>
 Compare and Order Numbers Quick View

Compare and Order Numbers

<strong> Compare and Order Numbers </strong><br /> <br /> <strong> Complete Lesson on Comparing and Ordering Numbers </strong><br /> <br /> A complete maths lesson to explain comparing and ordering numbers. Children will practice the lesson as a class and then complete independent activities to embed knowledge. Differentiated game instruction sheets are included to allow children to develop understanding. <br /> <br /> Included in this download:<br /> • Full lesson plan<br /> • Lesson PowerPoint<br /> • Example anchor chart<br /> • Three differentiated number card packs<br /> • Three differentiated game instruction sheets<br /> <br /> Please ask if you have any questions <br /> <br /> Please don’t forget to leave feedback and follow me for updates on products and offers<br /> <br /> *****************************************************************************<br /> <strong>My other math products:</strong><br /> <br /> <strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/grid-method-easy-multiplication-math-lesson-11162263"> Grid Method Multiplication Complete Lesson </a></strong><br /> <br /> <strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/fractions-11216823"> Complete week on fractions </a></strong><br /> <br /> <strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-decimals-lessons-11184927"> Decimal Lessons Bundle</a></strong><br /> <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Customer Tips:</strong> <br /> <br /> <strong>Follow me for news about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:</strong> <strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Charleei">here</a></strong><br /> <br /> <br /> ***************************************************************************
Comparing and Ordering Numbers AssessmentQuick View

Comparing and Ordering Numbers Assessment

On this assessment, students will answer twenty five questions related to greater than, less than, equal to as well as ordering numbers based on place value from least to greatest and greatest to least.<br /> <br /> 2.NBT.A.4, 3.NBT.A.1, 4.NBT.A.2
Comparing and Sorting Shapes - Year 2Quick View

Comparing and Sorting Shapes - Year 2

Comparing and Sorting Shapes - Year 2<br /> <br /> In ‘Comparing and Sorting Shapes - Year 2’ common 2-D and 3-D shapes and everyday objects are compared and sorted as per the curriculum objective of the year 2 maths programme of study (Geometry - properties of shape). <br /> <br /> Content includes:<br /> <br /> * Animated PowerPoint presentation<br /> * Activities to support the teaching of this objective<br /> * 2 worksheets with answers<br /> <br /> ‘Comparing and Sorting Shapes - Year 2’ is editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach.<br /> <br />
Compare and order numbers up to 1000Quick View

Compare and order numbers up to 1000

<p>Year 3 programme of study - Number – number and place value - compare and order numbers up to 1000<br /> Print out as many unique worksheets as you need choosing from five different ranges of numbers up to 1000. Your students will never run short of new worksheets to practice with.<br /> Students are asked to compare a set of four 2-Digit numbers or four 3-Digit numbers and place them in order between inequality signs.</p> <p>You can choose to order numbers in the range:<br /> 1 to 20<br /> 1 to 50<br /> 1 to 100<br /> 1 to 500<br /> 1 to 1000</p> <p>This will give you a choice of differentiating from the very start.</p> <p><strong>How many worksheets are in each set ?</strong><br /> <em>(Almost) Unlimited</em>. At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, etc and the numbers will change every time.</p> <p><strong>Answers</strong> are automatically generated every time.</p> <p><strong>Digital Teaching Material</strong><br /> These are designed to help you introduce the content of the worksheets to the whole class on an Interactive Whiteboard, or on a PC or Mac for 1-1 tuition and again you have (almost) unlimited examples to practice with.</p> <p><strong>Note</strong><br /> <em>These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.</em></p> <p>Australian Curriculum - ACMNA013 - order numbers to at least 100</p>
Compare Bears Repeating PatternsQuick View

Compare Bears Repeating Patterns

<p>Compare bear repeating patterns. I have created a variety of different repeating pattern cards that can be printed, laminated and used to assist children with their own repeated patterns using ‘compare bears’. There are also blank cards so children can make their own repeating patterns. Compare bear photos were taken against a white background. The white background has been removed on the resources. Colours include Red, Blue, Yellow, Green. ** Update ** I have now included Purple and Orange compare bears for patterns. The 3rd page on the preview is aligned properly!</p>
Using Place Value to Compare and OrderQuick View

Using Place Value to Compare and Order

<p>This lesson plan aligns with Oklahoma academic standard 2.N.1.6, in which students will use place values to compare and order numbers up to 1000 using language and symbols. Two sheets are provided with visuals to review how to compare and order numbers. The first sheet is a review of comparing two numbers. The second introduces students to ordering groups of numbers from least to greatest. A worksheet and answer key are provided.</p>


<p>FRACTION FRINGE - EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS, COMPARING &amp; ORDERING FRACTIONS, SIMPLIFYING FRACTIONS</p> <p>This is FANTASTIC for visual and kinesthetic learners.</p> <p>Used as an intervention tool or whole class lesson this shows equivalent fractions, can be used to compare and order fractions and to simplify them visually in order to embed learning of the numeral questions. As well as adding and subtracting different fraction denominators.</p> <p>Lift the flaps to see the answer visually. The kids loved this activity! It was so much fun!</p> <p>There are three student fringes<br /> Halves<br /> Thirds<br /> Fifths</p> <p>and a teacher A4 version up to 1/16</p> <p>The activity also helps with fine motors skills (cutting out, cutting to a predetermined point).</p> <p>ks1<br /> ks2<br /> SEN<br /> EAL<br /> SATS</p>
Ordering and Comparing Numbers Digital ActivitiesQuick View

Ordering and Comparing Numbers Digital Activities

<p>Comparing and Ordering numbers is a completely interactive lesson designed for year 3 learners.<br /> This lesson will teach learners how to compare and order numbers up to 1,000.<br /> Teachers can use the lesson for whole-class teaching and learners can also use it at home.<br /> There are lots of drag-and-drop activities with instant feedback.<br /> The lesson contains 34 interactive pages.</p>
big bigger biggest [2] [sorting and comparing]Quick View

big bigger biggest [2] [sorting and comparing]

<p>The original activity can be found at <a href="https://learnanytime-mycreations.blogspot.com/2023/03/sorting-and-comparing-big-bigger_18.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://learnanytime-mycreations.blogspot.com/2023/03/sorting-and-comparing-big-bigger_18.html</a></p> <p>A picture catalogue of all my resources can be found at : <a href="https://learnanytime-practising.blogspot.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://learnanytime-practising.blogspot.com</a></p> <p>A simple activity of sorting 3 sets of 3 pictures and then comparing and sorting them into big, bigger, biggest.<br /> In some of these activities I have used “labels”, in others I have “altered” the actual pictures. I would welcome comments as to whether these help or not.<br /> All of my activities are created on an Acer Chromebook in a series of Posts on a Google Blog.<br /> I know nothing of computer coding but started with one piece of free coding and have been adapting that by incorporating additional free coding.<br /> They are created as TEMPLATES for online interactive resources.<br /> So, if you have a blog, or want to create one to try this concept out, simply copy and paste the text in the downloaded text file as a NEW POST and PUBLISH.<br /> If the concept works PLEASE let me know and I will add other TEMPLATES I have created.</p> <p>The activities are meant to be fun, flexible and differentiated.<br /> They are meant to develop transferable skills and be cross curricular.<br /> As a result they hopefully reinforce small chunks of information and give a better understanding of a topic.</p> <p>Most of the activities are aimed at UK National Curriculum KS1 and KS2.<br /> Contact me at : <a href="mailto:learnanytime@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">learnanytime@gmail.com</a></p>
heavy heavier heaviest [1] [sorting and comparing]Quick View

heavy heavier heaviest [1] [sorting and comparing]

<p>The original activity can be found at <a href="https://learnanytime-mycreations.blogspot.com/2023/03/sorting-and-comparing-heavy-heavier.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://learnanytime-mycreations.blogspot.com/2023/03/sorting-and-comparing-heavy-heavier.html</a></p> <p>A picture catalogue of all my resources can be found at : <a href="https://learnanytime-practising.blogspot.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://learnanytime-practising.blogspot.com</a></p> <p>A simple activity of sorting 3 sets of 3 pictures and then comparing and sorting them into big, bigger, biggest.<br /> In some of these activities I have used “labels”, in others I have “altered” the actual pictures. I would welcome comments as to whether these help or not.<br /> All of my activities are created on an Acer Chromebook in a series of Posts on a Google Blog.<br /> I know nothing of computer coding but started with one piece of free coding and have been adapting that by incorporating additional free coding.<br /> They are created as TEMPLATES for online interactive resources.<br /> So, if you have a blog, or want to create one to try this concept out, simply copy and paste the text in the downloaded text file as a NEW POST and PUBLISH.<br /> If the concept works PLEASE let me know and I will add other TEMPLATES I have created.</p> <p>The activities are meant to be fun, flexible and differentiated.<br /> They are meant to develop transferable skills and be cross curricular.<br /> As a result they hopefully reinforce small chunks of information and give a better understanding of a topic.</p> <p>Most of the activities are aimed at UK National Curriculum KS1 and KS2.<br /> Contact me at : <a href="mailto:learnanytime@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">learnanytime@gmail.com</a></p>
heavy heavier heaviest [2] [sorting and comparing]Quick View

heavy heavier heaviest [2] [sorting and comparing]

<p>The original activity can be found at <a href="https://learnanytime-mycreations.blogspot.com/2023/03/sorting-and-comparing-heavy-heavier_19.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://learnanytime-mycreations.blogspot.com/2023/03/sorting-and-comparing-heavy-heavier_19.html</a></p> <p>A picture catalogue of all my resources can be found at : <a href="https://learnanytime-practising.blogspot.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://learnanytime-practising.blogspot.com</a></p> <p>A simple activity of sorting 3 sets of 3 pictures and then comparing and sorting them into big, bigger, biggest.<br /> In some of these activities I have used “labels”, in others I have “altered” the actual pictures. I would welcome comments as to whether these help or not.<br /> All of my activities are created on an Acer Chromebook in a series of Posts on a Google Blog.<br /> I know nothing of computer coding but started with one piece of free coding and have been adapting that by incorporating additional free coding.<br /> They are created as TEMPLATES for online interactive resources.<br /> So, if you have a blog, or want to create one to try this concept out, simply copy and paste the text in the downloaded text file as a NEW POST and PUBLISH.<br /> If the concept works PLEASE let me know and I will add other TEMPLATES I have created.</p> <p>The activities are meant to be fun, flexible and differentiated.<br /> They are meant to develop transferable skills and be cross curricular.<br /> As a result they hopefully reinforce small chunks of information and give a better understanding of a topic.</p> <p>Most of the activities are aimed at UK National Curriculum KS1 and KS2.<br /> Contact me at : <a href="mailto:learnanytime@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">learnanytime@gmail.com</a></p>
light lighter lightest [1] [sorting and comparing]Quick View

light lighter lightest [1] [sorting and comparing]

<p>The original activity can be found at <a href="https://learnanytime-mycreations.blogspot.com/2023/03/sorting-and-comparing-light-lighter.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://learnanytime-mycreations.blogspot.com/2023/03/sorting-and-comparing-light-lighter.html</a></p> <p>A picture catalogue of all of my resources can be found at <a href="https://learnanytime-practising.blogspot.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://learnanytime-practising.blogspot.com/</a></p> <p>A simple activity of sorting 3 sets of 3 pictures and then comparing and sorting them into light, lighter lightest.<br /> In some of these activities I have used “labels”, in others I have “altered” the actual pictures. I would welcome comments as to whether these help or not.<br /> All of my activities are created on an Acer Chromebook in a series of Posts on a Google Blog.<br /> I know nothing of computer coding but started with one piece of free coding and have been adapting that by incorporating additional free coding.<br /> They are created as TEMPLATES for online interactive resources.<br /> So, if you have a blog, or want to create one to try this concept out, simply copy and paste the text in the downloaded text file as a NEW POST and PUBLISH.<br /> If the concept works PLEASE let me know and I will add other TEMPLATES I have created.</p> <p>The activities are meant to be fun, flexible and differentiated.<br /> They are meant to develop transferable skills and be cross curricular.<br /> As a result they hopefully reinforce small chunks of information and give a better understanding of a topic.</p> <p>Most of the activities are aimed at UK National Curriculum KS1 and KS2.<br /> Contact me at : <a href="mailto:learnanytime@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">learnanytime@gmail.com</a></p>