Handling Information and Data (Statistics) - Level 1 Functional Skills MathsQuick View

Handling Information and Data (Statistics) - Level 1 Functional Skills Maths

12 Resources
<p>This resource has been designed for Entry Level 3 students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications at Level 1 (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds, AQA, Highfield Qualifications, NOCN, Open Awards). It contains 6 workbooks and 6 PowerPoint lessons on handling information and data.</p> <p>These resources will help pupils to achieve these outcomes:</p> <p>represent discrete data in tables, diagrams and charts including pie charts, bar charts and line graphs<br /> group discrete data and represent grouped data graphically<br /> find the mean and range of a set of quantities<br /> understand probability on a scale from 0 (impossible) to 1 (certain) and use<br /> probabilities to compare the likelihood of events<br /> use equally likely outcomes to calculate the probability of a simple event and to express it as a fraction in its simplest form</p> <p>The bundle includes six workbooks and six PowerPoint lessons:</p> <p><strong>Workbooks</strong></p> <p>The 25+ page workbooks contain explanation pages, worksheets,progress checks and certificates of achievement. They are provided in PDF and editable PowerPoint versions. They can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack.</p> <p><strong>PowerPoint Lesson</strong></p> <p>The PowerPoint lessons clearly explain the skills and knowledge needed for the handling information and data component of the Level 1 specification. Many opportunities are provided within the PowerPoints for students to reinforce and consolidate their knowledge and to practise their skills in handling data.</p> <p>All the PowerPoints contain video links to the various components of data handling and representation and to example exam questions. They are ideal for introducing the various components of the handling information and data specification and for revision purposes.</p> <p><em>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase I would be grateful if you could leave a review. In return, you can have a free resource up to the value of your purchased resource. Email <a href="mailto:inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk</a> with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.</em></p> <p>You may also be interested in:</p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12909103">Level 1 - Numbers and The Number System Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12964923">Level 1 - Measures, Shape, Space Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/statistics-bundle-level-1-functional-skills-maths-12991353">Level 1 - Handling Information and Data Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/functional-skills-maths-entry-level-3-resource-bundle-12813173">Entry Level 3 Maths Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/functional-skills-maths-entry-level-2-12741399">Entry Level 2 maths Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/functional-skills-maths-entry-level-1-12636159">Entry Level 1 Maths Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=884045&amp;orientations=English&amp;q=entry%20level&amp;shop=Krazikas&amp;subjects=GB%7C0%7CEnglish%7C">Entry Level English Resources</a></strong></p>
Statistics for OCR A Level BiologyQuick View

Statistics for OCR A Level Biology

<p>This powerpoint is designed to cover the statistics required in the OCR A Level Biology specification A. It includes worked examples, practice questions and exam questions. It covers the following statistics:</p> <ol> <li>Standard deviation</li> <li>Chi-squared</li> <li>T-test</li> <li>Spearman rank</li> </ol>
AS AQA Statistical Test LessonQuick View

AS AQA Statistical Test Lesson

<p>This fully-resourced lesson focuses on all three statistical test:</p> <ul> <li>Student t-test</li> <li>Correlation coefficient test</li> <li>Chi-squared test</li> </ul> <p>lesson will explore the following learning outcomes:</p> <ul> <li>Describe when and why you would use each test</li> <li>Be able to work out the degrees of freedom</li> <li>Understand what the p value means</li> <li>Conclude significance of the test based on the results</li> </ul> <p>The detailed PowerPoint has been designed to cover the AQA A-level Biology specification math skills which states that students should be able to select and use statistical test.</p>
apt4Stats: PowerPoint for GCSE Statistics on COMPARATIVE PIE CHARTS (8 of 13 on Representing Data)Quick View

apt4Stats: PowerPoint for GCSE Statistics on COMPARATIVE PIE CHARTS (8 of 13 on Representing Data)

<p>PowerPoint Presentation on Comparative Pie Charts (10 slides): Revises the equation for the area of a circle and finding fractions of amounts, before explaining how to draw and interpret comparative pie charts. It has been written by a highly experienced teacher (of 25+ years), senior examiner and reviser for Maths and Stats examinations. It includes:</p> <p>Lesson objectives<br /> Step-by-step explanations of the subject matter<br /> Examples to aid understanding<br /> Questions to check understanding<br /> Answers to questions, with explanations<br /> Suggestions regarding which topic(s) should be moved on to next.</p> <p>It is 1 of a set of 13 PowerPoint Presentations on ‘Representing Data’ that APT Initiatives has published for GCSE Statistics. The full set of set of PowerPoints (225 slides excluding Title Pages) covers the following topics on ‘Representing Data’:</p> <p>01 Block Diagrams and Dot Plots (12 slides).<br /> 02 Pictograms (16 slides).<br /> 03 Bar Charts, Bar Line Graphs and Frequency Diagrams – Polygons (26 slides).<br /> 04 Population Pyramids and Choropleth Maps (15 slides).<br /> 05 Line Graphs (9 slides).<br /> 06 Stepped Tables and Two-way Tables (18 slides).<br /> 07 Pie Charts (18 slides): Explains how to draw and interpret pie charts.<br /> <strong>08 Comparative Pie Charts (10 slides).</strong><br /> 09 Scatter Diagrams (40 slides).<br /> 10 Correlation Coefficients (11 slides).<br /> 11 Stem and Leaf Diagrams (17 slides).<br /> 12 Histograms (14 slides).<br /> 13 Misleading Graphs and other Data Representations (19 slides).</p> <p>This set of PowerPoints are one of 4 sets of PowerPoint Presentations that APT Initiatives Ltd has published to support teachers and students of GCSE Statistics. Other sets concern:</p> <p>Collecting Data<br /> Analysing Data<br /> Probability</p> <p>The purchase of this resource comes with a licence to make the resource available in digital and / or in print form (including photocopying) to the staff and students attending the purchasing institution, ie the individual school / college on a single site. The resource may be distributed via a secure virtual learning environment. It must not be made available on any public or insecure website or other platform. The resource must not be distributed to other institutions that are members of the same academy chain or similar organisation; each individual institution must purchase their own copy of the resource.</p>
apt4Stats: PowerPoint for GCSE Statistics (Analysing Data) on OTHER MEANS - WEIGHTED & GEOMETRICQuick View

apt4Stats: PowerPoint for GCSE Statistics (Analysing Data) on OTHER MEANS - WEIGHTED & GEOMETRIC

<p>PowerPoint Presentation on Other Means – Weighted &amp; Geometric (12 slides): Explains how to find the weighted and geometric means of data. It has been written by a highly experienced teacher (of 25+ years), senior examiner and reviser for Maths and Stats examinations. It includes:</p> <p>Lesson objectives<br /> Step-by-step explanations of the subject matter<br /> Examples to aid understanding<br /> Questions to check understanding<br /> Answers to questions, with explanations<br /> Suggestions regarding which topic(s) should be moved on to next.</p> <p>It is 1 of a set of 14 PowerPoint Presentations on ‘Analysing Data’ that APT Initiatives has published for GCSE Statistics. The content of this PowerPoint is also relevant to the ‘Statistics’ section of the GCSE Maths specifications and included in APT’s PowerPoints for GCSE Maths.</p> <p>The full set of set of 14 PowerPoints (238 slides excluding Title Pages) covers the following topics relating to ‘Analysing Data’:</p> <p>01 Averages – Mode (19 slides).<br /> 02 Averages – Median (19 slides).<br /> 03 Averages – Mean (19 slides).<br /> <strong>04 Other Means – Weighted &amp; Geometric(12 slides).</strong><br /> 05 Measures of Dispersion – Range (16 slides).<br /> 06 Measures of Dispersion – Interquartile Range (20 slides).<br /> 07 Cumulative Frequency (25 slides).<br /> 08 Box (and Whisker) Plots (11 slides).<br /> 09 Distributions, Variance &amp; Standard Deviation (18 slides).<br /> 10 Skewness Coefficients (11 slides).<br /> 11 Time Series and Moving Averages (25 slides).<br /> 12 Crude and Standardised Rates (11 slides).<br /> 13 Index Numbers (22 slides).<br /> 14 Quality Assurance (10 slides).</p> <p>These PowerPoints are one of 4 sets of PowerPoint Presentations that APT Initiatives Ltd has published to support teachers and students of GCSE Statistics. Other sets concern:</p> <p>Collecting Data<br /> Representing Data<br /> Probability</p> <p>The purchase of this resource comes with a licence to make the resource available in digital and / or in print form (including photocopying) to the staff and students attending the purchasing institution, ie the individual school / college on a single site. The resource may be distributed via a secure virtual learning environment. It must not be made available on any public or insecure website or other platform. The resource must not be distributed to other institutions that are members of the same academy chain or similar organisation; each individual institution must purchase their own copy of the resource</p>
Drawing Line Graphs Differentiated Worksheets - Data/Statistics - KS2Quick View

Drawing Line Graphs Differentiated Worksheets - Data/Statistics - KS2

<p>This set of worksheets is intended for practice in drawing line graphs based on data given in tables. They follow on from lesson 4 in a lesson sequence available on TES. Some interpretation questions are also included.</p> <p>Differentiated:<br /> 3 dots = higher ability, 2 dots = middle ability, 1 dot = lower ability</p> <p>Download the 4 lesson sequence these worksheets correspond with via the link:<br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/data-4-lesson-smart-notebook-slides-tables-two-way-tables-line-graphs-ks2-11995417?theme=4">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/data-4-lesson-smart-notebook-slides-tables-two-way-tables-line-graphs-ks2-11995417?theme=4</a></p> <p>For other worksheets from this series, follow these links:<br /> Simple Tables - <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/simple-data-table-differentiated-worksheets-ks2-statistics-11995451">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/simple-data-table-differentiated-worksheets-ks2-statistics-11995451</a><br /> Two-way Tables - <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/two-way-tables-differentiated-worksheets-data-statistics-ks2-11995458">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/two-way-tables-differentiated-worksheets-data-statistics-ks2-11995458</a><br /> Interpreting Line Graphs - <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/interpreting-line-graphs-differentiated-worksheets-ks2-11995467">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/interpreting-line-graphs-differentiated-worksheets-ks2-11995467</a></p>
A-Level Psychology - KINDS OF DATA: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS [Year 1 Research Methods]Quick View

A-Level Psychology - KINDS OF DATA: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS [Year 1 Research Methods]

<p>To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on <strong><a href="mailto:jb_resources@outlook.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">jb_resources@outlook.com</a></strong> (responses are usually very prompt).</p> <p>Key content covered in this Lesson:</p> <ul> <li>Key Questions</li> <li>Measures of Central Tendency</li> <li>The Mean, Median and Mode</li> <li>Activity: Calculating and Interpreting the Mean</li> <li>Measures of Dispersion</li> <li>The Range</li> <li>Standard Deviation</li> <li>Activity: Drawing Conclusions from a Table of Results</li> <li>Exam Practice Question with Mark Scheme: Descriptive Statistics</li> <li>Plenary: Consolidation Question</li> </ul>
Statistics for A level BiologyQuick View

Statistics for A level Biology

<p>This is a very useful and comprehensive resource for students studying A level Biology. A great refresher for the teacher too or someone teaching Biology who may not be so confident when it comes to teaching statistics.<br /> The resource is a 22 page booklet which covers all the key aspects of statistics required for Biology at A level.<br /> There are worked examples and questions for the students to work through.<br /> This booklet has been designed to be fully explanatory so that students can work through it independently.<br /> The booklet is fully comprehensive and no other resources are needed; all probability tables are given with the questions.<br /> The key topics covered in the booklet are:<br /> 1.) Why use statistics on data<br /> 2.) Calculating standard deviation and its meaning<br /> 3.) The student t-test<br /> 4.) The Spearman rank correlation coefficient<br /> 5.) The Chi-squared test</p> <p>The booklet should take approximately two 1 hour lessons to complete, dependent on how familiar the students are with statistics. Those studying A level Maths and Geography may be more confident working through the calculations and understanding the outcomes.</p> <p>A separate answer booklet is provided with answers to all questions given.</p>
Talk about the maths - Types of Data (Statistics 1.4)Quick View

Talk about the maths - Types of Data (Statistics 1.4)

<p>This comprehensive worksheet is designed to engage A Level Mathematics students in meaningful discussions and written reflections on the topic of types of data. The worksheet incorporates a balanced mix of multiple-choice questions and worded questions to encourage active participation and critical thinking. The multiple-choice questions challenge students to apply their knowledge in distinguishing between quantitative and qualitative variables, understanding the characteristics of continuous and discrete variables, and interpreting information presented in grouped frequency tables.</p> <p>The worded questions on the worksheet provide a platform for students to delve deeper into the nuances of the topic. These open-ended inquiries prompt students to articulate their understanding of concepts such as class boundaries, midpoints, and the significance of class width in a grouped frequency table. By engaging in thoughtful responses, students are not only reinforcing their mathematical knowledge but also honing their ability to communicate mathematical ideas effectively. Teachers can leverage this worksheet as a valuable tool to facilitate class discussions, foster collaborative learning environments, and assess students’ proficiency in both multiple-choice and extended-response formats, thereby promoting a well-rounded approach to mathematical understanding.</p>
GCSE statistics bundleQuick View

GCSE statistics bundle

7 Resources
<p>My first 7 GCSE statistics lessons bundled together for a discount.</p> <p>All are complete lessons covering some of the more recent additions to higher GCSE</p>
Statistics Workbook - AQA Entry Level 2Quick View

Statistics Workbook - AQA Entry Level 2

<p>This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 2. It contains an age-appropriate, 29-page workbook on statistics.</p> <p>This resource will help pupils to achieve these outcomes:</p> <p>sort and classify objects using more than one criterion<br /> collect information by survey<br /> record results in lists, tally charts and tables<br /> construct and interpret pictograms where one picture represents one item<br /> interpret simple tables, diagrams, lists and graphs</p> <p>The workbook includes 7 information pages, 17 worksheets, 2 progress checks and a certificate of achievement. The resource is available in PDF and an editable PowerPoint version. The workbook can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack.</p> <p><strong>Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself.</strong></p> <p><em>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be grateful if you could leave a review. In return, you can have a free resource up to the value of your purchased resource. Just email <a href="mailto:inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk</a> with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.</em></p> <p>You may also be interested in:</p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/statistics-aqa-entry-level-1-maths-12200972">Statistics - Entry Level 2 - 130 Slide PowerPoint Lesson</a></strong></p> <p>The editable PowerPoint lesson provides many opportunities for pupils to acquire and practise the above skills. It also contains links to a number of short videos on sorting and classifying data, tally charts, tables, bar graphs and example exam questions. It is ideal for introducing students to the statistics component of the specification and for revision purposes.</p> <p>Save money and buy both resources at a discounted price:</p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/statistics-aqa-entry-level-2-13094034">Statistics - Entry Level 2 - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12942919">AQA Entry Level 1 Maths Workbooks and PowerPoints Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-entry-level-maths-12201014">AQA Entry Level 1 Maths Workbooks Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13094465">AQA Entry Level 2 Maths Workbooks and PowerPoints Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-entry-level-2-maths-12326435">AQA Entry Level 2 Maths Workbooks Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-entry-level-3-maths-bundle-12334069">AQA Entry Level 3 Maths Workbooks Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13159711">AQA Entry Level 3 Maths Workbooks and PowerPoints Bundle</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=884045&amp;orientations=English&amp;q=entry%20level&amp;shop=Krazikas&amp;subjects=GB%7C0%7CEnglish%7C">Entry Level English Resources</a></strong></p>
Estimated Mean for Grouped DataQuick View

Estimated Mean for Grouped Data

This is a whole lesson on the <b>Estimated Mean or Finding the mean from grouped data </b>. This still tends to be a popular exam question and often done poorly. This resource will definitely improve students understanding. This lesson is ready to go, with no prep required. It is also great for home learning. 19-slide presentation + worksheet. <br /> <br /> The lesson comes with:<br /> <br /> + starter (averages in a problem - typical question students struggle with)<br /> + learning objectives (differentiated) <br /> + keywords (really important)<br /> + excellent clear teaching slides (with lots of custom animation)<br /> + lots of examples<br /> + MWB activity (good AFL)<br /> + worksheet (with answers) <br /> + plenary<br /> <br /> ALL LESSONS on Statistics in one BIG Bundle:<br /> <br /> <b><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/statistics-all-lessons-for-gcse-and-a-level-49-lessons-all-resources-12024854" target="_blank">Statistics: All Lessons + All Resources</a></b><br /> <br /> ALSO:<br /> + Please provide a RATING with written feedback<br /> + Please email outstandingresourceshelp@gmail.com if there are any issues and we will respond within 24 hours<br /> + Lessons are flat-packed (limited editing) for copyright purposes<br /> <br /> Thank you in advance for your support, purchase and feedback<br /> <br /> #mathslessons #maths #secondarymaths #mathscenters #teachingideas #algebra #teacherslife #teachingkids #teachingmaths #mathsactivities #homeschooling #tesresources #teaching #mathsisfun #teachershare #teachertips #teachers #KS3 #KS4 #KS5 #igcse #learning #gcsemaths
A level A2 Mathematics Statistics – Hypothesis tests for Normal and Bivariant dataQuick View

A level A2 Mathematics Statistics – Hypothesis tests for Normal and Bivariant data

<p>These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include;<br /> • A complete set of notes for students<br /> • Model examples<br /> • Probing questions to test understanding<br /> • Class questions including answers<br /> • Individual whiteboard work<br /> • Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook<br /> The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson<br /> I have added ‘A2 level maths 13 - Composite functions’ for free download<br /> Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources</p> <p>Statistics – Hypothesis tests for Normal and Bivariant data covers;</p> <ul> <li>Conduct a statistical hypothesis test for the mean of a Normal distribution with known, given or assumed variance and interpret the results in context</li> <li>Understand and apply correlation coefficients as measures of how close data points lie to a straight line and be able to interpret a given correlation coefficient using a given p-value or critical value</li> </ul>
Data and Statistics Intro ActivityQuick View

Data and Statistics Intro Activity

<p>A short activity which demonstrates the importance of correctly interpreting data.</p> <p>This is a PowerPoint presentation telling the true story of mathematician Abraham Wald. He was employed by the US Army during WW2 to help with the war effort. An excellent activity for students with a range of ability levels.</p> <p>The information is from “How Not to be Wrong: The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life” by Jordan Ellenberg. I found it an excellent read and would recommend to all maths teachers.</p>
A Roadmap for Analyzing Data (Statistics)Quick View

A Roadmap for Analyzing Data (Statistics)

<p><strong>A Roadmap for Analyzing Data</strong> is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students.</p> <p>Choosing appropriate statistical methods for your data is the single most important task you face and is at the heart of “doing statistics.” But this selection process is also the single most difficult thing you do when applying statistics! How, then, can you ensure that you have made an appropriate choice? By asking a series of questions, you can guide yourself to the appropriate choice of methods.</p> <p><strong>Learning objectives:</strong></p> <ul> <li>The questions to ask when choosing which statistical methods to use to conduct data analysis</li> <li>Rules for applying statistics in future studies and analyses</li> </ul> <p><strong>This lecture discusses:</strong></p> <ul> <li>How to choose the appropriate technique(s) for data analysis for both numerical and categorical variables</li> <li>Potential questions and the associated appropriate techniques for numerical variables</li> <li>Potential questions and the associated appropriate techniques for categorical variables</li> </ul> <p><strong>In this File you will find:</strong></p> <p>A Roadmap for Analyzing Data Lecture Power Point Presentation<br /> Test Bank for A Roadmap for Analyzing Data with 327 Questions with all answers to them<br /> 15 Exercises for A Roadmap for Analyzing Data seminar or lecture<br /> Plus reading resource on A Roadmap for Analyzing Data in order to enhance you overall knowledge about the topic.</p> <p><strong>Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!</strong><br /> <strong>All resources are compressed in zip file.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://teachingresourceshub.com/product/a-roadmap-for-analyzing-data/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH</a></p>
Organisation of data (Economics and Statistics)Quick View

Organisation of data (Economics and Statistics)

This is the complete module on the topic of organization of data in statistics and economics. It is an exclusive resource where the topics are arranged in a very informative and interesting manner. All the topics are supported by examples and animations. The animated presentation will help you to understand the concept in a very simple and easy way. Each concept is explained with the help of illustrations, images, and outstanding animations. All the concepts are self-explanatory and narrative. This resource will be an added help for your studies nd exam preparations. The presentation is equally important to the students who are studying accountancy and the teachers who instruct the subject. <br /> <br /> Total Slides : 47. It's not just a ppt. It's a Complete interactive module with animation and background sound. This will give you an ultimate learning experience for sure.<br /> Contents:<br /> Collection of data<br /> Classification of data<br /> Basis of classification<br /> Variables<br /> Raw data<br /> Statistical Series<br /> Individual series<br /> Continuous series<br /> Frequency Distribution<br /> Types of frequency distribution<br /> Glossary _ Class limits, Frequency, Tally marks, Magnitude etc...
Data Handling and Statistics 3Quick View

Data Handling and Statistics 3

<p>A year 9 unit of work containing the following topics.<br /> (1) The Median: Calculating the median. Calculating the median from a table. Comparing two distributions.<br /> (2) The Median Class: Finding the median class or the estimate for the median.<br /> (3) The Interquartile Range: Calculating the interquartile range of a set of data.<br /> (4) Cumulative Frequency Diagrams: Cumulative frequency tables. Drawing a cumulative frequency diagram. Estimating the median and the interquartile range.<br /> (5) Scatter Diagrams: Drawing a scatter diagram. Types of correlation. Line of best fit.<br /> (6) Probability as a Fraction Writing the probability of an event as a fraction. The probability that an event will not happen. Sample space diagrams. Expected frequency.</p>
Data Handling and Statistics 4Quick View

Data Handling and Statistics 4

<p>A year 10 unit of work covering the following topics:<br /> (1) Questionnaires: Designing questionnaires. Criticising questions. Hypotheses.<br /> (2) Sampling: Simple random sampling. Systematic sampling. Stratified sampling.<br /> (3) Frequency Polygons: Drawing frequency polygons. Interpreting frequency polygons.<br /> (4) Box and Whisker Diagrams: Drawing box and whisker diagrams. The connection between box and whisker diagrams and cumulative frequency diagrams.<br /> (5) Comparing Averages: Revising averages. Choosing the most appropriate average. Comparing averages.</p>