<p>New for the AQA GCSE 1-9 Combined Trilogy Unit ‘B6 Preventing and treating Disease’.</p>
<p>Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.</p>
<p>Lesson meets the full criteria for this unit<br />
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing<br />
Plenary sections for progress checking<br />
Clear learning objectives and outcomes<br />
Modern and engaging layout<br />
Little adaptation needed<br />
Each lesson covers at least an hour of lesson time<br />
45 ppt slides</p>
<p>Please leave constructive feedback :D</p>
<p>New for the AQA GCSE 1-9 Combined Trilogy Unit ‘C2 Periodic Table’.</p>
<p>Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.</p>
<p>Lesson meets the full criteria for this unit<br />
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing<br />
Plenary sections for progress checking<br />
Clear learning objectives and outcomes<br />
Modern and engaging layout<br />
Little adaptation needed<br />
Each lesson covers at least an hour of lesson time<br />
26 ppt slides</p>
<p>Please leave constructive feedback :D</p>
This engaging and informative lesson enables students to make insightful and developed interpretations regarding the character of Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol.’ In particular, they explore how his character is originally introduced, and then developed throughout the appearances of the three ghosts.<br />
<br />
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:<br />
- Reading and understanding the selected extracts to determine the key traits of Scrooge's character at different points in the text;<br />
- Noticing trends in Scrooge's character throughout the text, observing how he has developed from the opening of the text through completion of a 'Character Arc.'<br />
- Analysing Dickens' intentions in developing the character of Scrooge throughout the text;<br />
- Peer assessing each other's learning attempts.<br />
<br />
Included is:<br />
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and comprehensive;<br />
- Selected extracts demonstrating Scrooge's development;<br />
- Character Arc template;<br />
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;<br />
- Comprehensive lesson plan.<br />
<br />
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to mixed ability year 10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.<br />
<br />
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.
<p>This is a Development SOW designed for Key Stage 3 Geography students. The aim is to try and bridge the gap with Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 (Development Topic). It includes lessons on development indicators and levels of development as well as Top Trumps ready for Key Stage 4.</p>
<p>Some of the tasks use Geog 3 Textbook (I have added a scan of those pages).</p>
<p>There are also homework tasks and an assessment provided in the lessons.</p>
<p>Complete lesson with differentiated activities on introducing the sustainable development goals.</p>
<p>Start with definition of sustainable development, then differentiated comprehension task on understanding why they were created and the difference between them and the millennium development goals. Main task focuses on students learning about all 17 SDGs.</p>
<p>Creative homework task for students to promote the goals.</p>
<p>AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification unit 2B. In this lesson we look at why countries are in debt and how debt relief can help reduce the development gap. We start with a photo of the G7 and the pupils will think about what the organisation is and who is in it. We then consider why countries have built up a large amount of debt. We then look at the pattern of HIPC’s around the globe and the pupils complete a differentiated activity around a map which shows their locations. We then look at how debt relief can reduce the development gap and then onto micro finance with a brief look at the Grameen Bank. We then tackle a 6-mark GCSE-style question and the pupils use structure strips to answer the question if needed.</p>
<p>In a nutshell lesson includes:</p>
<p>Photo interpretation starter<br />
Activity: Why are some countries in such debt?<br />
Activity: Debt relief and roadmap to reducing development gap<br />
Video clip: Grameen Bank<br />
GCSE-style 6-mark question with guidance.</p>
<p>hope this saves you valuable planning time.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer</a></p>
<p>AQA GCSE Geography lesson. At least 1 hour long. This lesson explores what the concept of development is. the students then explore what factors affect development worldwide by annotating the four categories with ideas, Social, environmental, political and economic. We then look at GNI and HDI as measurements of development and consider both their strengths and weaknesses. We then look at global patterns of HDI, and quality of life. Included is:</p>
<p>Map interpretation starter<br />
Factors of development activity<br />
Video clip on development measurements<br />
Activity on development measurements<br />
HDI questions activity.</p>
<p>Hope this helps.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer</a></p>
<p>These lessons will help to teach the content required to deliver the R059 coursework unit called ‘Understanding the development of a child from one to five years.’<br />
for OCR J809 Child Development</p>
<p>Each lesson powerpoint contains interactive activities linked to the endorsed Hodder Education Textbook with linked page numbers etc.<br />
It contains 10 lesson powerpoints, with starter activities, answers for starters, accompanying worksheets, tasks throughout, homeworks where applicable and sharp start retrieval practice and plenary activities included videos links from youtube etc.<br />
Estimated 6 weeks worth of lesson before commencing the writing of the coursework.</p>
<p><em>Step by step coursework resources available seperately</em></p>
<p>A standalone worksheet which could be used with KS3 or KS4.</p>
<p>The first part involves students reading descriptions of the different causes of the development gap and then adding the correct name of the cause to each one.</p>
<p>The second task involves students categorising them into physical, economic or historical.</p>
<p>The third task requires students to analyse two maps and then identify which possible cause of the development gap they show. The first is structured with gap fills and sentence starters and the second is slightly more open.</p>
<p>There is a challenge task at the end to promote deeper level thinking.</p>
<p>Perfect for a lesson, revision or homework.</p>
<p>This resource is aimed at PSHE and RSE leads in primary schools.<br />
It is for sharing the amazing work you do, across your school, in the area of Personal Development.<br />
It enables leaders to evidence all of the categories covered in the aide memoire for PSHE, RSE and Personal Development.<br />
It includes a completed version to act as inspiration and an editable version for you to add the amazing work you do in school.<br />
A recent OFSTED inspection loved the resource and made it very easy for them to navigate around the Personal Development of pupils at the school.<br />
A great document to save as a PDF and upload to your website.</p>
<p>This book helps learners revise child development questions. It contains word banks with definitions, exam question ideas, graphics to explain concepts and allows the learners to try questions for themselves.</p>
<p><strong>Complete No-Prep lesson</strong> with <strong>exam questions, tasks and answers</strong> on Development of the Model of the Atom for AQA GCSE (9-1) Science / Physics / Chemistry. Exam Spec: This lesson covers all of AQA GCSE Combined Science, Physics, and Chemistry:</p>
<p>As a Secondary Science teacher and Deputy Headteacher for many years I make high quality <strong>no-prep</strong> lessons so busy teachers can teach <strong>outstanding lessons without spending hours planning.</strong> This high quality lesson includes explanations, different types of in-lesson assessment (all <strong>with answers</strong>) and <strong>unique exam questions</strong>.</p>
<p>My lessons are <strong>ideal for non-Physicists</strong> - as a Biologist who retrained as a Physics teacher I know how to take learners on a journey that builds up their understanding step by step, while still going into a lot of depth. The <strong>preview video</strong> shows a representative sample of slides from the resource so that you get a good idea of what it includes before you buy.</p>
<p><strong>What’s Included:</strong><br />
• Starter / Do Now Activity<br />
• Explanation slides in “chunked” sections with <strong>animated diagrams</strong>.<br />
• Multiple questions in different question styles and difficulties - no need for worksheets. Each “chunked” explanation section typically includes a set of “<strong>learning check / quick questions</strong>” followed by a set of <strong>in-depth questions</strong> on the learning from that “chunk” of the lesson. All questions have <strong>answers</strong>.<br />
• <strong>Exam-style questions</strong> on the whole lesson at the end of the lesson- these are unique, based on real exam questions but not just copied from exam boards.<br />
• <strong>Answers</strong> for all questions<br />
• All easily editable to adapt to your teaching or to use in existing lessons.<br />
• Slightly humorous, at points, if you like that sort of thing (or just delete those bits if you don’t).</p>
<p><strong>Learning objectives:</strong></p>
<li>Describe how new experimental evidence may lead to a scientific model being changed or completely replaced.</li>
<li>Describe how our model of the atom has changed over time because of:</li>
<li>The discovery of the electron.</li>
<li>The alpha scattering experiment.</li>
<li>The discoveries of energy levels, protons and neutrons.</li>
<li>Describe the alpha scattering experiment, and the new evidence it produced.</li>
<li>Explain why the evidence from the alpha scattering experiment changed the model of the atom.</li>
<li>Describe the plum pudding model of the atom and why it changed.</li>
<li>Describe the differences between the plum pudding model and the nuclear model of the atom.</li>
<p>The lesson was written for AQA GCSE Science / Physics but is very likely to be applicable to other exam specifications.<br />
Please leave a rating / review and all other feedback gratefully received!</p>
<p>Outstanding Economics A-Level Worksheets / Booklet covering:</p>
<li>The Costs and Benefits of Economic Growth.</li>
<li>The Strengths and Weaknesses of using GDP data to compare Living Standards between countries.</li>
<li>The Strengths and Weaknesses of using GDP data to compare Living Standards over time.</li>
<li>The difference between GDP and GNI.</li>
<li>Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).</li>
<li>The Human Development Index (HDI).</li>
<li>The relationship between ‘Economic Growth’ and ‘Economic Development’.</li>
<p>The tasks develop students’ understanding. Many of the exercises have contexts designed such that students can deduce the strengths and weaknesses of using GDP data by themselves.</p>
<p>The booklet contains 7 pages of top-quality revision notes, and a Model Essay Answer to a past paper question.</p>
<p>I3 pages of Model Answers / Answer Sheets are also provided, so that you can be confident of what the answers are.</p>
<p>This wonderfully edited and comprehensive booklet is a bargain!</p>
<p>Suitable for both Edexcel and AQA.</p>
<p>This contains all 10 lessons in the Development topic for AQA GCSE Psychology. It also contains a Homework booklet, a Starter booklet and the entire Development Workbooklet.</p>
<p>Early brain development:</p>
<p>A basic knowledge of brain development, from simple neural structures in the womb, of brain stem, thalamus, cerebellum and cortex, reflecting the development of autonomic functions, sensory processing, movement and cognition. The roles of nature and nurture.</p>
<p>Piaget’s stage theory and the development of intelligence. The role of Piaget’s theory in education:</p>
<p>Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development including concepts of assimilation and accommodation.<br />
The four stages of development: sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational and formal operational. Application of these stages in education.<br />
Development of conservation. McGarrigle and Donaldson’s ‘naughty teddy study’<br />
Reduction of egocentricity. Hughes’ ‘policeman doll study’.</p>
<p>The effects of learning on development:</p>
<p>Dweck’s Mindset Theory of learning: fixed mindset and growth mindset. The role of praise and self-efficacy beliefs in learning.<br />
Learning styles including verbalisers and visualisers.<br />
Willingham’s Learning Theory and his criticism of learning styles.</p>
<p>Conquer the R057 Child Development TA3 Exam with Confidence!<br />
Packed with everything you need to know, this guide is a one-stop shop for TA3 success.<br />
Inside, you’ll find:<br />
Concise Revision Notes: Clear and concise summaries of all the essential topics, broken down into manageable chunks for easy learning.<br />
Engaging Activities: Reinforce your understanding with interactive activities that challenge you to apply your knowledge.<br />
Misconception Busters: Identify and address common misunderstandings, ensuring you’re on the right track.<br />
Past Exam Question Practice: Hone your exam skills with a wealth of practice questions, including the most recent 2025 paper!<br />
Model Answers: See exactly what examiners are looking for with detailed model answers to all practice questions.<br />
QR Codes: Dive deeper into specific topics with quick access to curated online resources, providing supplementary information and diverse perspectives.<br />
Complete Answer Section: All the answers to activities and exam questions are conveniently located in one section at the back of the book.</p>
Students carry out Dragon's Den style pitches. The information to help with the pitches is on the final few slides on the PPT. Credit for the idea for this resource needs to go to one of my department Miss N Brown.
A powerpoint presentation containing activities on developing new medicines. Aimed at the new (2018) AQA GCSE. <br />
<br />
Some slides adapted from previous TES contributors, thank you to them.
A resource for Health and Social Care AS/level 3. This unit examines child development - physical, intellectual, social and emotional. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
<p>Fitting with the current AQA GCSE specification, this lesson covers C3.1 The development of the periodic table.</p>
<p>Credit to cdaubner for the worksheet I included.</p>