Earth and Space AssemblyQuick View

Earth and Space Assembly

<p>A great assembly all about space, aimed at ks2 or upper ks1.</p> <p>It contains 2 songs and a dance with youtube links. Printable S-P-A-C-E lettering for the children to hold up in assembly. There is also an optional powerpoint, just add pictures of your kids or their artwork of the planets.</p> <p>Enjoy, this is such a fun assembly which the kids and audience will LOVE!</p>
Science- Earth & Space Year 5 BUNDLE!Quick View

Science- Earth & Space Year 5 BUNDLE!

7 Resources
<p>This unit of work includes lessons on the following:</p> <ul> <li>The Planets</li> <li>The Solar System</li> <li>The Earth, Sun and Moon</li> <li>Day and Night</li> <li>Phases of the Moon</li> <li>Space Travel</li> </ul> <p>This unit covers all of the National Curriculum objectives for Earth and Space for Year 5 and all lessons come with engaging powerpoint presentations, video links, worksheets and a knowledge organiser for Earth &amp; Space.</p> <p>These lessons are intended for Year 5 students but can easily be modified for all KS2 and KS3 students.</p> <p>Leave a review for this resource and send a copy of your receipt to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> to receive a FREE single resource of your choice!</p>
Science- Earth & Space- Day and Night Year 5Quick View

Science- Earth & Space- Day and Night Year 5

<p>In this lesson students will work towards the objective: use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.</p> <p>They will first learn about how our understanding of day and night has changed over time before understanding the science behind the suns ‘apparent’ movement across the sky. They will also learn how sundials work before explaining what they have learnt on the activity sheet. They will then learn about the seasons and the science behind the concentration of the sun’s energy on the Earth’s surface. They will be taught how this links to time zones and again will explain their understanding through the activity sheet.</p> <p>The engaging presentation- with links to online video clips and the activity sheets are all provided. A knowledge organiser for Earth &amp; Space is also included.</p> <p>This lesson is intended for Year 5 students but can easily be modified for all KS2 and KS3 students.</p> <p>This lesson is 1/6 lessons on Earth &amp; Space. To view the other lessons, please visit: <a href=""> science</a></p> <p>Leave a review for this resource and send a copy of your receipt to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> to receive a FREE single resource of your choice!</p>
8L Earth and Space *BUNDLE* Exploring ScienceQuick View

8L Earth and Space *BUNDLE* Exploring Science

6 Resources
<p>5 Lesson BUNDLE for 8L Earth and Space (Exploring Science 8)</p> <p>Lesson 1: 8La Gathering Evidence<br /> Lesson 2: 8Lb Seasons<br /> Lesson 3: 8Lc Magnetic Earth<br /> Lesson 4: 8Ld Gravity in Space<br /> Lesson 5: 8Le Beyong the Solar System Pt.1<br /> Beyond the Solar System Pt. 2</p> <p>All worksheets included in individual lessons.</p> <p>Other Year 8 Bundles:<br /> 8A Nutrients: <a href=""></a><br /> 8B Plants: <a href=""></a><br /> 8I Fluids <a href=""></a></p> <p>Classroom Displays:<br /> Cells - <a href=""></a><br /> Genetics - <a href=""></a><br /> Chemistry - <a href=""></a></p>
The EarthQuick View

The Earth

<p>KS3 new for the Activate 1 unit ‘Space’.</p> <p>Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.</p> <p>Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing<br /> plenary sections for progress checking<br /> Clear learning objectives and outcomes<br /> Modern and engaging layout<br /> Little adaptation needed<br /> Covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification<br /> 32 ppt slides</p> <p>Please give constructive feedback :D</p>
Space (Activate KS3)Quick View

Space (Activate KS3)

4 Resources
<p>KS3 New for the Activate 1 resource.</p> <p>Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’. You’ll struggle to find a set of as many planned lessons this cheap and of similar quality.</p> <p>L1 The Night Sky available free here at the shop<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lessons meet the full criteria for this unit<br /> Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing<br /> Plenary sections for progress checking<br /> Clear learning objectives and outcomes<br /> Modern and engaging layout<br /> Little adaptation needed<br /> Each lesson covers at least an hour of lesson time</p> <p>LESSONS:</p> <p>L1 The Night Sky (FREE)<br /> L2 The Solar System<br /> L3 The Earth<br /> L4 The Moon</p> <p>Please leave constructive feedback :D</p>
Bundle: Space Physics TopicQuick View

Bundle: Space Physics Topic

4 Resources
<p><strong>Bundle of 4 complete No-Prep lessons</strong> with <strong>exam questions, tasks and answers</strong> on Space Physics for AQA GCSE Physics (9-1) , covering the complete topic.</p> <p>As a Secondary Science teacher, Deputy Headteacher, writer and examiner for many years I make high quality <strong>no-prep</strong> lessons so busy teachers can teach <strong>outstanding lessons without spending hours planning.</strong> These high quality lessons include explanations, different types of in-lesson assessment (all <strong>with answers</strong>) and <strong>unique exam questions</strong>.</p> <p>My lessons are <strong>ideal for non-Physicists</strong> - as a Biologist who retrained as a Physics teacher I know how to take learners on a journey that builds up their understanding step by step, while still going into a lot of depth. The <strong>preview videos</strong> show a representative sample of slides from each resource so that you get a good idea of what it includes before you buy.</p> <p><strong>What’s Included in each lesson:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Starter / Do Now Activity</li> <li>Explanation slides in “chunked” sections with <strong>animated diagrams</strong>.</li> <li>Multiple questions in different question styles and difficulties - no need for worksheets. Each “chunked” explanation section typically includes a set of “<strong>learning check / quick questions</strong>” followed by a set of <strong>in-depth questions</strong> on the learning from that “chunk” of the lesson. All questions have <strong>answers</strong>.</li> <li><strong>Exam-style questions</strong> on the whole lesson at the end of the lesson- these are unique, based on real exam questions but not just copied from exam boards.</li> <li>Stretch and challenge where applicable</li> <li><strong>Answers</strong> for all questions</li> <li>All easily editable to adapt to your teaching or to use in existing lessons.</li> <li>Slightly humorous, at points, if you like that sort of thing.</li> </ul> <p>The lessons were written for AQA GCSE Science / Physics but are very likely to be applicable to other exam specifications.</p> <p><strong>Please leave a rating / review and all other feedback gratefully received!</strong></p>
Year 5 Science - Earth and SpaceQuick View

Year 5 Science - Earth and Space

7 session plans and worksheets created by primary school teacher Matilda Munro to accompany the exhibition, DISCOVERIES: Art, Science and Exploration from the University of Cambridge Museums, 31st January - 27th April 2014, at Two Temple Place These resources meet the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum. To really benefit, why not book into a FREE storytelling workshop and come and see the exhibition with your class. Contact Eloise Maxwell on 020 7836 3715 or
Earth and Space Revision SpreadQuick View

Earth and Space Revision Spread

<p>KS3 Science Edexcel Yr8 Revision Spread and Answer Sheet - Physics: 8L Earth and Space.</p> <p>This A4 revision spread condenses the Edexcel topic 8L onto one A4 sheet which can be printed off and filled in to aid revision and help summarize the topic.</p> <p>A full answer sheet is provided which can be used to mark the filled in revision spread and can also be used as a revision poster.</p>


<p>Eight lessons using power point presentations to discuss:</p> <p>Theories about earth and space<br /> The Big Bang Theory<br /> Our Galaxy<br /> The formation of our solar System<br /> Planets<br /> Day and Night on Earth<br /> Season<br /> The Moon</p> <p>There are worksheets for each lesson.</p>
Earth & Space Year 5 Science DisplayQuick View

Earth & Space Year 5 Science Display

<p>Earth &amp; Space Year 5 Science Display Printable Resources<br /> PDF format<br /> Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Key vocabulary</li> <li>Key people</li> <li>Planet pictures</li> <li>Planet labels</li> <li>Key questions posters X3</li> <li>Earth and Space lettering</li> </ul>
Earth and Space - Student bookQuick View

Earth and Space - Student book

This booklet supports a series of lesson and is designed for Entry Level/SEND students to allow them to access the key elements of science. If used in a mixed ability class, these booklets allow students to keep pace with the rest of the class whilst personalising the challenge and support they require. <br /> <br /> The booklet is part of a series of booklets with a variety of tasks including matching keywords and definition, scaffolding, extended answers, research and a lot of practical work with matching results tables/graphs.<br /> <br /> Some of the diagrams have had to be removed for copyright.
Earth  from Space DocumentaryQuick View

Earth from Space Documentary

<p>Earth From Space / Using Satellite Images in Geography</p> <p>A worksheet to support BBC documentary Earth Fro Space, episode 1. Used to help students learn about satellite images and how they are used around the world. Focuses on monitoring changing animal behaviour in different ecosystems and changing landscapes. Could be used as part of a lesson on satellite images or as a geography skills homework task.</p> <p>Find more worksheets to accompany a range of other geography documentaries in my <a href="">shop</a>.</p>
Earth and Space True or FalseQuick View

Earth and Space True or False

<p>This is a ‘True or False’ revision lesson for Y5 science Earth and Space. It is differentiated by outcome so students can work through as many as they can.</p> <ul> <li>Students highlight true statements green.</li> <li>highlight false statements in pink.</li> <li>They then have to correct the false statements, explaining how they know they’re not true or correcting the information.</li> </ul> <p>My students found this incredibly useful coming to the end of their Earth and Space topic. They were allowed to work in small mixed ability groups and it addressed a lot of misconceptions.</p> <p>Before allowing the children to ‘correct’ false statements, I suggest talking through whether the statements are true or false. Some of them are deliberately very challenging and the students need to look carefully at the wording of the statement.</p> <p>A tricky problem solving lesson that all the children enjoy and are actively engaged in.</p>
BEST Earth in Space Lesson 1 - Earth in SpaceQuick View

BEST Earth in Space Lesson 1 - Earth in Space

<p>“Standing on the shoulders of giants!”</p> <p>This is an attempt to combine the excellent Best resources with some of the amazing free materials on the site</p> <p>I will include assessment materials and supplementary materials and as you can imagine, this is a huge work in progress! - it’s taking plenty of my time so any support gratefully received</p> <p>Each lesson has starter, main activities, answers and 2 plenaries as well as practicals and equipment lists</p> <p>No doubt some mistakes, errors and omissions will get through so any feedback is superb!</p>
Earth in SpaceQuick View

Earth in Space

<p>Difficult to grasp concepts explained graphically with interactivity. How do we know the Earth is a sphere? Sizes of Sun, Earth and Moon Why does the moon have phases? Seasons. Position of Sun in sky.</p>
The Earth in spaceQuick View

The Earth in space

<p>This worksheet covers the following Ks3 topics (necessary for Checkpoint examination) on Earth in space:</p> <ol> <li>The origin of the Universe</li> <li>Collision, asteroids, mass extinctions</li> <li>Collisions and the Moon</li> <li>The life cycle of stars</li> <li>Galaxies</li> </ol>


6 Resources
<p>A set of PowerPoints which cover Earth and Space. The engaging PowerPoints include stimulating starters, lesson objectives, key scientific skills, key vocabulary, literacy, numeracy, research lessons, opportunities for class discussions and plenaries.</p>
Earth and spaceQuick View

Earth and space

<p>Why we have day time and night time on Earth, seasons and why the moon appears a different shape over the month.</p>
Earth and SpaceQuick View

Earth and Space

<p>Designed for KS2 learners this fully illustrated, ready-to-use lesson provides an interesting and engaging introduction to Earth and space. It covers national curriculum for science topics including the solar system, geocentric and heliocentric theories and how to tell the time using the Sun. Also featured are some of the astronauts who have travelled into space, the International Space Station and the current Mars missions.</p> <p>The lesson includes an engaging and informative PowerPoint consisting of over 35 slides. It starts with objectives, has a worksheet to complete as the lesson progresses and includes three activities which can be completed in class or given as homework. The PowerPoint includes several links to videos on YouTube to illustrate the lesson. Notes and answers to the worksheet and activities are included.</p> <p>This lesson has five sections:<br /> • Earth, Sun and Moon<br /> • The solar system<br /> • Is the Earth or the Sun at the centre of the solar system?<br /> • Telling the time using the Sun<br /> • People who have travelled into space</p> <p>Duration: Approximately one hour.</p> <p>WaterAid<br /> WaterAid is working around the world to ensure that everyone, everywhere gets access to clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene. Fun and educational resources for schools and teachers as well as fundraising ideas are available on the WaterAid website <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">here</a>.</p> <p>This technology lesson is made available free of charge. If you find it useful please make a donation to WaterAid at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>.</p>
Earth In SpaceQuick View

Earth In Space

Here, we beckon viewers to see Earth in its cosmic context, which includes the stars, interstellar gases, the moon, the sun, and the solar winds.