This is a practical lesson aimed at KS2, year 5/6 pupils, and designed to introduce some key electrical terms like circuit and current, and to test conductors and non-conductors in a fun challenge.
Pupils should work in small groups.
There is a list of suggested apparatus on the final slide.
An introduction (including derivations) of the key equations of SHM.
The second slide is a bit of fun. Challenge a student to read the text. They won’t know that it gradually scrolls up out of sight (maybe they’ll manage on a second attempt).
This is a PowerPoint that can form the basis of a lesson linking the equations of mechanics to car impacts and safety features.
It has animations and questions.
It can be used to introduce the topic, or as recap / revision.
It can be used for GCSE and or A level with two versions of the final slide giving the option to answer questions using the impulse equation.
Can be used as an introduction to a unit or as a recap / revision lesson.
Newton’s Laws are introduced, and the efects of balanced and unbalanced forces explored with animations and questions.
This is an interactive spreadsheet that initially gets students to think about the fundamental behaviour of a discharging capacitor. It considers (recaps) some basic equations such as Q = It to model the discharge process. The students follow prompts and produce a graph which can then be used to investigate how variables such as resistance and capacitance affect things like Time Constant / Half Life.
It includes a help page and extension task.
This is an interactive lesson where students use data provided in an Excel Spreadsheet to learn about stopping distance and how it is affected under varying circumstances.
They are prompted to use the data to plot graphs and look for patterns.
This resource has two versions built in; a GCSE version and a slightly easier KS3 version.
This collection of resources covers an introduction to the Strong Force and Binding Energy, with examples and tasks.
It could be expected to last for about three to five hour lessons depending on prior knowledge and how much discussion goes on.
The main resource is the Binding Energy PowerPoint.
A second PowerPoint applies the equations learnt in the context of Cockcroft and Walton’s pioneering experiment.
A modelling exercise in Excel allows students to build the binding energy per nucleon graph using fundamental values.
There is also a set of practice questions with answers on a separate sheet.
Many non physicists who have to teach the subject struggle with misconceptions. This powerpoint points out some of the common ones, and explains the correct physics.
Many people still will not accept that the North geographical pole of the Earth is magnetically South. Please contact the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC; French: Commission géologique du Canada (CGC)) if in doubt.
Difficult to grasp concepts explained graphically with interactivity. How do we know the Earth is a sphere? Sizes of Sun, Earth and Moon Why does the moon have phases? Seasons. Position of Sun in sky.
A PowerPoint which introduces graphs of motion using animated slides. It covers displacement and velocity graphs including the significance of gradients and area. Acceleration graphs are introduced at the end for potential use with an A Level class (the earlier slides would then be recap / revision).
A word document is provided for A Level students to transform a velocity time graph into both displacement time and acceleration time (challenging).
The solution to the transformation exercise is supplied as a smart notebook file. If you don’t have smart notebook, there are viewers available so you can see the solution if you’re not a physics specialist.
One can be downloaded here…