UK Legal RightsQuick View

UK Legal Rights

15 Resources
<p>16 hours of fully resourced PSHCE lesson packs which all have a focus on our legal rights as UK citizens. From employment and consumer law to CSE, voting rights, anti-social behaviour laws and age of criminal responsibility, this pack contains thorough coverage of both our rights and responsibilities under the British Law.</p> <p>All lesson packs are complete with a detailed PowerPoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs and starters. All are well differentiated to three levels throughout to enable clear evidence of progress for all students.</p> <p>Included:</p> <ol> <li>Our employment rights and responsibilities</li> <li>Health and Safety laws in the UK</li> <li>UK drugs laws</li> <li>Our rights in civil and criminal courts and the differences between these.</li> <li>Anti-social behaviour and the law</li> <li>CSE (child sexual exploitation) and the law</li> <li>Free Press and Media UK Laws</li> <li>Controlling relationships under UK law</li> <li>Age of criminal Responsibility (English focus)</li> <li>Our legal rights in UK democracy and how it works</li> <li>Forced and arranged marriages and the law</li> <li>Hate Crime and UK laws</li> <li>Cyber Crime and UK law</li> <li>How the UK law and legal system works</li> <li>Our legal entitlements in trade unions</li> <li>Our rights under UK law as consumers</li> </ol> <p>Many more inexpensive PSHE, RE and Citizenship GCSE free resources at my shop:<br /> <a href="">EC_Resources<br /> Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)</a></p>
Introduction to politics in Australia and the Labor PartyQuick View

Introduction to politics in Australia and the Labor Party

<p>This lesson defines politics, looks at what is needed to be classified as politically literate, lists various forms of political participation, explains how the party system works and defines opposition/minor/independent parties. It also looks at the Labor party key players, the ideals of the party, the main platforms for the election, the 100 positive policies (their advertisement and the chaser’s response), it then lists all 100 positive policies and looks at some of the most interesting ones (social issues including refugees etc.)</p> <p>PLEASE NOTE: The material in this lesson was created in 2016 so would be good at providing context for where we are now</p>
Voting SystemsQuick View

Voting Systems

An interactive lesson on different voting systems - 'first past the post' vs 'alternative vote'. <br /> <br /> Includes examples of where each type of system works and fails together with resources for holding a real class election (on foods and animals) to really test each system.<br /> <br /> Also includes links to websites and videos explainers, alongside comprehensive lesson notes, all to make life easier for the teacher! <br /> <br /> Successfully tested on a Yr11 class, ideal for able Yr9 or Yr10-13 groups. <br /> <br /> VotingSystems.doc is the key document with all other resources provided too.
Is the 'First Past The Post' electoral system democratic?Quick View

Is the 'First Past The Post' electoral system democratic?

This Unit 1 &quot;People and Politics&quot; lesson is a differentiated, two hour lesson from our scheme of work. Our lessons include examination practice, feedback and interactive activities - as well as academic rigour - to educate students for an A Level Government and Politics course.<br /> <br /> It includes a detailed lesson plan, a PowerPoint with differentiated activities and supporting materials. <br /> <br /> Councillor Tasks: For C grade students.<br /> MP Tasks: For B grade students.<br /> PM Tasks: For A grade students
How far is Britain a two party system?Quick View

How far is Britain a two party system?

This Unit 1 &quot;People and Politics&quot; lesson is a differentiated, one hour lesson from our scheme of work. Our lessons include examination practice, feedback and interactive activities - as well as academic rigour - to educate students for an A Level Government and Politics course.<br /> <br /> It includes a detailed lesson plan, a PowerPoint with differentiated activities and supporting materials. <br /> <br /> Councillor Tasks: For C grade students.<br /> MP Tasks: For B grade students.<br /> PM Tasks: For A grade students
Political issues and the Liberal Party of AustraliaQuick View

Political issues and the Liberal Party of Australia

An introduction to the Liberal party and their ideology. A copy of one of their advertisements prior to the election. Some clips from the Chaser talking about the events in the lead up to the election. Looking at the Jobs and Growth slogan and what it meant. Looking at info on their website which explained how they were going to achieve this. Looking at the trickle down theory (and the flaws with this idea). A brief overview of the 14 election issues.<br /> <br /> Additional resource: voting in Australia booklet 2016 which explains the three levels of government in Australia, what electorates are, how federal elections work, how to enrol to vote, what a ballot paper looks like, how the results are counted, explaining what a referendum is and how to be an active citizen.
US Prison System Escape RoomQuick View

US Prison System Escape Room

<p>US Prison System Escape Room - Great for the start or end of term. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge on US Prison System but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.</p> <p><strong>The plot…</strong><br /> “He’s growing desperate and has decided to ask for help internally. He has a plan to escape and needs your help. It’s not going to be easy, and he’s going to need all-hands-on-deck to help him acquire all of the items necessary for his escape. He’s been working on gathering resources and assistance throughout his months imprisoned, and he’s ready to cash in on some favors.</p> <code>Throughout the prison, his contacts have been acquiring and hiding items to aid in his escape, and he needs your help to procure these items, create a distraction, and help him escape so that he can get back home to prove his innocence. On his computer are hidden files with all the evidence needed to clear his name. </code> <p>”</p> <p>Cre8tive Resources was nominated by TES at the national teaching awards 2021 and came runner up in home learning resources of the year!!</p> <p><strong>Escape Room Contents:</strong><br /> ☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display<br /> ☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)<br /> ☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)<br /> ☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!<br /> ☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape<br /> ☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)<br /> ☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students<br /> ☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!<br /> ☞ Professionally made Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.</p> <p>As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!</p> <p>As students complete each puzzle they will be one step closer to solving the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!</p> <p>This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!</p> <p>Product Code: C8/ES/5</p> <p>✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰<br /> Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.<br /> Leave a review and email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> for a free resource as a thank you!!<br /> Explore all our resources on TES</p>
What are the alternative electoral systems, with strengths and drawbacks? (3 hours)Quick View

What are the alternative electoral systems, with strengths and drawbacks? (3 hours)

This Unit 1 &quot;People and Politics&quot; lesson is a differentiated, three hour lesson from our scheme of work. Our lessons include examination practice, feedback and interactive activities - as well as academic rigour - to educate students for an A Level Government and Politics course.<br /> <br /> It includes a detailed lesson plan, a PowerPoint with differentiated activities and supporting materials. <br /> <br /> Councillor Tasks: For C grade students.<br /> MP Tasks: For B grade students.<br /> PM Tasks: For A grade students
American Indian History - A Legal Landscape InfographicQuick View

American Indian History - A Legal Landscape Infographic

<p>A timeline of American Indian history from Columbus through to present-day. Key acts, treaties, and cases shown to offer a snapshot of legal decisions that affect American Indians. Offered along with Study Ideas (or teaching ideas) to use the infographic as an introduction to American Indian history. Could be used to supplement existing material, on its own, or to compare and contrast alongside other countries and their indigenous communities.</p>
Participation in the Youth Justice SystemQuick View

Participation in the Youth Justice System

<p>In order to stimulate debate about the ways in which children and young people are enabled to have a say within the youth justice system, NCB has undertaken a scoping project. The aim was to explore the ways in which children and young people are currently involved in the planning and delivery of youth justice services, both from the perspective of individual case-management and the service as a whole. This was undertaken with a view to establishing what more needs to be done to strengthen the involvement of young people in order to improve their outcomes.</p>
Origins of World War II: Interactive Revision ActivitiesQuick View

Origins of World War II: Interactive Revision Activities

This is a collection of Interactive Quizzes, Revision Activities and Student Resources that cover the whole topic: Origins of WWII<br /> <br /> The quiz resources are a collection of Flash for web or HTML and can be added to any Learning Management System (LMS or CMS) such as Moodle, Blackboard etc. <br /> <br /> These interactive activities have proven very popular with students both in class and at home. The interactive files do not display so I have included screenshots. You can also go to my website to see samples of interactive activities along with a more detailed description of all the resources.<br /> <br /> Note: Interactive Game Quiz swf files need to stay in the same folder as their matching html files to work.
Pemulwuy and the Hawkesbury River WarsQuick View

Pemulwuy and the Hawkesbury River Wars

This Powerpoint supports the teaching of the History Australian Curriculum Syllabus Stage 4 Depth Study 6: Expanding Contacts - 6d Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples, Colonisation and Contact History. I have used the resource with a Year 8 Gifted and Talented class but the activities in the last two slides can be modified for students in regular or specialist classes (e.g. classes for students with emotional disorders, Autism, intellectual disability etc.) It can also be used to support the teaching of Stage 5 Aboriginal Studies - Core: Aboriginal Identities and Option 9:- Aboriginal Interaction with Legal and Political Systems.
Was Captain Cook a Colonial Hero or an Imperialist Villain?Quick View

Was Captain Cook a Colonial Hero or an Imperialist Villain?

<p>Captain Cook reputation continues to be very controversial. At the time he was seen as a man of science, an explorer, a great navigator and adventurer. His death at the hands of the native people of Hawaii turned him into a martyr who died for the British Empire. However, in our post colonial times, his reputation has been called into question by people who suffered as a result of his actions. Historians are interested in these debates as they question the role and purpose of history and whose story we are telling in the classroom. Other counter that it is wrong to question the reputation of great men like Captain Cook as they didn’t have the benefit of hindsight and couldn’t foresee the consequences of their actions.</p> <p>This innovative and creative activity has been designed to help students assess the reputation of Captain Cook and decide whether he was a Colonial Hero or an Imperialist Villain. This activity involves giving students a card sort with sixteen statements to sort through and decide which statement they support. Once this has been complete, students can then have a go at answering the question: How far was Captain Cook a hero or a villain?’ They could do this in a project, an essay, or they could take sides and write a speech arguing either side. I have included links to two video clips, including the BBC Timewatch video. After they have completed the card sort, students could add facts to either side of the debate. Ultimately, this resource is highly adaptable and can easily be adapted to suit a wide range of learners.</p> <p>The aims and objectives are:</p> <p>Theme: The British Empire<br /> Know: What sort of man was Captain Cook?<br /> Understand: Why are historical events interpreted in different ways?<br /> Evaluate: Was Captain Cook a colonial hero or an imperial villain?</p> <p>WILF - What Am I Looking For?<br /> Identify and describe: Who was Captain Cook and why is famous?<br /> Explain: Why are historical events interpreted in different ways?<br /> Analyze: Was Captain Cook a colonial hero or an imperial villain?</p> <p>If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop, where many have been bundled together to provide you with further savings. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.</p> <p>Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.</p> <p>Kind Regards</p> <p>Roy</p>
The Iroquois ConfederacyQuick View

The Iroquois Confederacy

This lapbook comes complete with full colour and black and white student books. <br /> All information for each foldable is included in the teacher resource<br /> <br /> Foldables included:<br /> -vocabulary mini-book<br /> -social structure flipbook<br /> -Grand Council flow chart<br /> -Tribe council flow chart<br /> -Hoyaneh representative pentagon flip<br /> -Wampum Flip<br /> -Longhouse Flip
First Nations of CanadaQuick View

First Nations of Canada

This is an add-on unit to the Canadian Grade 6 curriculum. It doesn't cover specific outcomes, but it is an important part of our Government Structure that I feel needs to be taught to our students!<br /> This includes a full teacher version, assessment, answer key, black and white version and full colour. <br /> I hope it is useful for you. I would be interested in feedback so please let me know how it is received by your students!<br /> Versions in this download:<br /> Full-Colour Teacher Resources<br /> Full-Colour Student Version<br /> Greyscale Student Version
Prime Ministerial DominanceQuick View

Prime Ministerial Dominance

Lesson and range of resources that can be used to encourage students to analyse and evaluate the extent of prime ministerial power and dominance in the UK political system.
What was the impact of the 1965 Freedom Ride?Quick View

What was the impact of the 1965 Freedom Ride?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum<br /> Stage 5<br /> Depth Study 4: Rights &amp; Freedoms 1945-present<br /> Students analyse a variety of written and visual, primary and secondary sources to make decisions about the impact of the 1965 Freedom Ride on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Australia. The 1965 Freedom Ride was inspired by the Freedom Rides by the American Civil Rights movement. It resulted in immediate publicity about the inequities of all aspects of life for the Aboriginal people. In the longer term it helped to pave the way for the 1967 referendum to include Aboriginal people in the Australian constitution which in turn gave greater legal and political rights to Aboriginal people.
What were the causes & effects of the 1938 Day of Mourning?Quick View

What were the causes & effects of the 1938 Day of Mourning?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. It can be taught as part of:<br /> Stage 5<br /> Depth Study 4: Rights &amp; Freedoms 1945-Present (as background stimulus)<br /> Depth Study 6: School Developed Topic - The Great Depression<br /> It can also be used to support student understanding of:<br /> Stage 5 Aboriginal Studies - Topic 9: Aboriginal interaction with legal &amp; political systems<br /> Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies - Preliminary course Part II - Heritage &amp; Identity<br /> Students analyse a variety of primary and secondary written and visual sources to gain an understanding of the causes and effects of the 1938 Day of Mourning - a public recognition of the damage that European invasion of Australia had on the indigenous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. It was timed to coincide with the non-Aboriginal celebration of 150 years since the British set foot on the shores of Botany Bay and claimed the land for the British Crown. But would non-Aboriginal Australians get the message?
Maori Reparations: video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

Maori Reparations: video worksheets, differentiated.

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. This film discusses reparations between the British Crown and the Māori people, due to loss of life, land, and livelihood, since the arrival of Europeans. Could the US learn from this model, and apply it to Native Americans and descendants of enslaved people? The film covers: the Māori people and their original relationship to the land; their population decimated by the arrival of Europeans. Loss of land. The 1835 Declaration of Independence. 1840 Te Tiriti o Waitangi Treaty. Serious discrepancies in Māori and English versions. Governor William Hobson, coercive land purchases. Māori Wars and further land confiscation. Revisionist views of the Treaty of Waitangi as sovereignty by consent. Māori people’s life-chances compared to European New Zealanders. Urbanization of Māori people, similarities with Black Americans and Native Americans. Māori protests informed by US Civil Rights movements; the Land March of 1975. Whina Cooper. “Not one more acre.” The Treaty of Waitangi Act of 1975, the Waitangi Tribunal. British Crown makes settlements and apologies. Controversy and criticism of some settlements. Could this be a model for the US? 2009 Senate apology for enslavement and Jim Crow.</p> <p>Find the film by searching YouTube’s <strong>Vox</strong> channel for “<strong>What New Zealand can teach us about reparations</strong>”.</p> <p><strong>26 question</strong>s for the <strong>26-min</strong> film. <strong>Differentiated</strong>! Both versions look very similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. <strong>Good subtitles</strong>, typed in by a human, not auto-generated nonsense. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark</strong>. .doc and .pdf of all sheets, <strong>link to film</strong> on all sheets.</p>