UK Legal Rights
<p>16 hours of fully resourced PSHCE lesson packs which all have a focus on our legal rights as UK citizens. From employment and consumer law to CSE, voting rights, anti-social behaviour laws and age of criminal responsibility, this pack contains thorough coverage of both our rights and responsibilities under the British Law.</p>
<p>All lesson packs are complete with a detailed PowerPoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs and starters. All are well differentiated to three levels throughout to enable clear evidence of progress for all students.</p>
<li>Our employment rights and responsibilities</li>
<li>Health and Safety laws in the UK</li>
<li>UK drugs laws</li>
<li>Our rights in civil and criminal courts and the differences between these.</li>
<li>Anti-social behaviour and the law</li>
<li>CSE (child sexual exploitation) and the law</li>
<li>Free Press and Media UK Laws</li>
<li>Controlling relationships under UK law</li>
<li>Age of criminal Responsibility (English focus)</li>
<li>Our legal rights in UK democracy and how it works</li>
<li>Forced and arranged marriages and the law</li>
<li>Hate Crime and UK laws</li>
<li>Cyber Crime and UK law</li>
<li>How the UK law and legal system works</li>
<li>Our legal entitlements in trade unions</li>
<li>Our rights under UK law as consumers</li>
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