Multiplication and Division Word ProblemsQuick View

Multiplication and Division Word Problems

<p>Use as challenge cards for early finishers, extension and revision etc in Upper Key Stage 2 (KS2) Year 5 and Year 6 (Y5 and Y6) - <em>or Second Level, Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland</em>). Multiplying and dividing problem solving skills (mostly multi-step) are practised in a range of contexts with these <strong>48 word problem maths task cards plus a double-sided worksheet</strong>. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. The cards are designed to be <strong>self-checking</strong>. Includes some UK money word problems. One of my most popular resources. <strong>DUE TO DEMAND, DOLLAR VERSIONS NOW INCLUDED.</strong> PDF with 21 pages (and dollar versions).</p> <p>These problem-solving activities will suit some Year 7 (Y7) too. The cards work well as an early finisher challenge or as part of your multiplying and dividing focus.</p> <p><strong>SAVE</strong> by purchasing this as part of a <strong><a href="">Word Problems Four Operations BUNDLE</a></strong>, alongside my equivalent pack of <strong><a href="">Addition and Subtraction Word Problems</a></strong>.</p> <p>If you prefer to buy the 2 word problem packs along with some times table games and mental maths puzzles: <strong><a href="">Maths Revision Activities BUNDLE</a></strong></p> <p>This Multiplication and Division Pack features:</p> <ul> <li>48 word problem cards (and answer sides)</li> <li>1-page answer key</li> <li>1-page recording sheet</li> <li>3-page recording sheet (with space for working out)</li> <li>Double-sided worksheet (and answers) with another 8 problems</li> </ul> <p>Concepts:</p> <ul> <li>Multiplication and division by single digits and by multiples of 10 and 100</li> <li>Includes decimals</li> <li>Includes fractions</li> <li>Money problems (in pounds - with alternative dollar versions in another file)</li> <li>Metric measure</li> <li>Many multi-step (2 and 3-step) problems</li> <li>Some addition and subtraction is required too</li> </ul> <p>In the file, the question sides of the cards are on the odd numbered pages and the answer sides on the even numbered pages. You can set your printer to print the answers on the reverse but if you do not have a double-sided printing option, print the odd numbered pages, then put the card or paper back in the printer in the correct order and print the even numbered pages on the other side. You can laminate and have students work individually or in groups, checking the answer on the back once they’ve had a go. Alternatively, make it competitive and have individuals or pairs race to solve them, using a timer. A separate card featuring all answers is included if you prefer not to print the answers on the back of the cards. Recording sheets (2 versions) can be printed too if required.</p> <p>Use the double-sided worksheet for classwork or homework.</p> <p>Also popular:<br /> <strong><a href="">Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 / 6</a></strong></p> <p>Thank you. <strong><a href="">FullShelf Resources</a></strong></p>
Multiplication and Division Maths Working WallQuick View

Multiplication and Division Maths Working Wall

<p>A set of 14 Maths Working Wall posters covering Multiplication and Division.<br /> Posters in this resource are -</p> <ul> <li>Division Poster</li> <li>Finding Half</li> <li>Halving Numbers</li> <li>Finding a Quarter</li> <li>Sharing Equally</li> <li>Division by Grouping</li> <li>Multiplication Poster</li> <li>Adding Equal Groups</li> <li>Making Arrays</li> <li>Arrays</li> <li>Multiplication using Groups</li> <li>Multiply by 2 Poster</li> <li>Multiply by 5 Poster</li> <li>Multiply by 10 Poster</li> </ul> <p>These posters can be displayed on the working wall to support children’s learning.</p> <p>These posters are aimed at Key Stage 1 children.</p>
Year 3 Multiplication and Division - Sharing and Grouping LessonQuick View

Year 3 Multiplication and Division - Sharing and Grouping Lesson

<p>A fully resourced multiplication and division lesson for being able to share and group to support with understanding division in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.</p> <p>Included in the resource is:</p> <ul> <li>A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice</li> <li>A second copy of the lesson PowerPoint that includes animations to support with modelling sharing and grouping</li> <li>Lesson plan</li> <li>Worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers</li> <li>Challenge tasks</li> <li>Support strips that can be stuck in books</li> </ul> <p>Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.</p> <p>Check out a free lesson from the sequence to get an idea of what is included.<br /> <a href="">The 2,4 and 8 Times-Table Lesson</a></p>
Year 2 – Multiplication and Division – Use arrays - White Rose MathsQuick View

Year 2 – Multiplication and Division – Use arrays - White Rose Maths

<p>Carefully crafted teaching presentation with everything you need to teach this small step of White Rose Maths Year 2 Multiplication and Division. This presentation follows the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract, whilst implementing all aspects of Rosenshine’s principles of instruction.</p> <p>This presentation contains:<br /> *A warm-up to start the children’s thinking with AfL and metacognition style questions.<br /> *Guided practice through each new concept, providing models of strategies and worked examples.<br /> *Independent practice through differentiated varied fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving questions.<br /> *Plus, a greater depth extension activity to fully show students’ understanding.<br /> *Answer sheets for teacher or students’ self/peer assessment<br /> *Student refection page to discuss the lesson’s objectives and their individual next steps.</p> <p><a href="">The complete Year 2 Multiplication and Division Unit can be found here.</a></p> <p>-This product is not affiliated with nor endorsed by White Rose Maths-</p>
Year 3 Multiplication and Division - Multiples of 2 LessonQuick View

Year 3 Multiplication and Division - Multiples of 2 Lesson

<p>A fully resourced multiplication and division lesson for being able to count in multiples of 2 and solve calculations using multiples of 2 in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.</p> <p>Included in the resource is:</p> <ul> <li>A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice</li> <li>Lesson plan</li> <li>Worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers</li> <li>Challenge tasks</li> <li>Support strips that can be stuck in books</li> <li>US and UK English spelling versions</li> </ul> <p>Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.</p> <p>Check out a free lesson from the sequence to get an idea of what is included.<br /> <a href="">The 2,4 and 8 Times-Table Lesson</a></p>
Year 2 – Multiplication and Division – 10 times table - White Rose MathsQuick View

Year 2 – Multiplication and Division – 10 times table - White Rose Maths

<p>Carefully crafted teaching presentation with everything you need to teach this small step of White Rose Maths Year 2 Multiplication and Division. This presentation follows the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract, whilst implementing all aspects of Rosenshine’s principles of instruction.</p> <p>This presentation contains:<br /> *A warm-up to start the children’s thinking with AfL and metacognition style questions.<br /> *Guided practice through each new concept, providing models of strategies and worked examples.<br /> *Independent practice through differentiated varied fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving questions.<br /> *Plus, a greater depth extension activity to fully show students’ understanding.<br /> *Answer sheets for teacher or students’ self/peer assessment<br /> *Student refection page to discuss the lesson’s objectives and their individual next steps.</p> <p><a href="">The complete Year 2 Multiplication and Division Unit can be found here.</a></p> <p>-This product is not affiliated with nor endorsed by White Rose Maths-</p>
Year 5 Multiplication and Division (B) - Solve Problems with Multiplication LessonQuick View

Year 5 Multiplication and Division (B) - Solve Problems with Multiplication Lesson

<p>A fully resourced multiplication and division lesson for being able to solve problems using multiplication (including solving word problems, finding strategies for near multiples e.g. 32 x 99 and being able to use factors to solve multiplications e.g. 34 x 16 = 34 x 4 x 4) in Year 5 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.</p> <p>Included in the resource is:</p> <ul> <li>A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice</li> <li>Lesson plan</li> <li>Worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers</li> <li>Challenge tasks</li> <li>Support strips that can be stuck in books</li> </ul> <p>Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.</p>
Decimal multiplication & division tarsia puzzleQuick View

Decimal multiplication & division tarsia puzzle

<p>This tarsia puzzle is based on the multiplication and division of decimals, for Year 6 children.</p> <p>Cut up the triangle into the smaller triangles, shuffle, and get your students to work out the calculations and find the answer. Once they have the answer, place it next to the calculation until it forms a giant triangle.</p> <p>This can be completed individually, in pairs or as tables.</p>
Maths Crossword - Multiplication and DivisionQuick View

Maths Crossword - Multiplication and Division

A Multiplication and Division maths crossword suitable for KS3. Students use their skills in multiplication and division to solve the crossword. Solutions are given in this interactive Activity. Words not numbers, find the famous mathematician.
Year 4 Multiplication and Division - The 3, 6 and 9 Times-Tables LessonQuick View

Year 4 Multiplication and Division - The 3, 6 and 9 Times-Tables Lesson

<p>A fully resourced multiplication and division lesson for being able to complete questions linked to the 3, 6 and 9 times-tables in Year 4 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.</p> <p>Included in the resource is:</p> <ul> <li>A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice</li> <li>Lesson plan</li> <li>Worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers</li> <li>Challenge tasks</li> <li>Support strips that can be stuck in books</li> </ul> <p>Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.</p>
Multiples - Year 5 - Multiplication and DivisionQuick View

Multiples - Year 5 - Multiplication and Division

<p>This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Multiplication and Division objective of “Multiples”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned.</p> <p>The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =)</p> <p>All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated.</p> <p>This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire.</p> <p>Please note - these resources are not compatible with Smart Notebook and the PDF file is not interactive.</p> <p>Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =)<br /> I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =)</p> <p>Kind regards,</p> <p>@MasteryMaths01</p>
Maths: Multiplication and Division WorksheetQuick View

Maths: Multiplication and Division Worksheet

Beat the Clock game. Excellent starter, especially if you want them to settle down really quick, I normally put 10 minutes on the stop watch. They then have to complete the questions as quickly as possible they then mark down the time they finish and as a class we mark them. Pupils can try and improve their score and time each time. You can easily change it so it can include decimals to make it more challenging.
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division PDFQuick View

Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division PDF

Link to the <strong><a href="">editable version here</a></strong>.<br /> <br /> This is an assessment task on basic number operations/algorithms (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) that start with easier questions and end with harder. This helps you as a teacher work out where your students are, and what concepts they might not understand.<br /> <br /> Questions include up to 5 digit addition and subtraction, including trading/borrowing/decomposition, as well as varying degrees of multiplication and division questions.
Year 4 Multiplication and Division (B) Complete UnitQuick View

Year 4 Multiplication and Division (B) Complete Unit

15 Resources
<p>A bundle of fully resourced multiplication and division lessons based on the Year 4 White Rose maths unit for multiplication and divison (B) with 15 fully planned and resourced lessons included.</p> <p>Included are lessons for:<br /> Lesson 1 - Factor pairs<br /> Lesson 2 - Use factor pairs<br /> Lesson 3 - Multiply by 10<br /> Lesson 4 - Multiply by 100<br /> Lesson 5 - Divide by 10<br /> Lesson 6 - Divide by 100<br /> Lesson 7 - Related facts - multiplication and division<br /> Lesson 8 - Informal written methods for multiplication<br /> Lesson 9 - Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number<br /> Lesson 10 - Multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number<br /> Lesson 11 - Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number (1)<br /> Lesson 12 - Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number (2)<br /> Lesson 13 - Divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number<br /> Lesson 14 - Correspondence problems<br /> Lesson 15 - Efficient multiplication</p> <p>All lessons include:</p> <ul> <li>A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice</li> <li>Lesson plan</li> <li>Worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet</li> <li>Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers</li> <li>Challenge tasks</li> <li>Support strips that can be stuck in books</li> </ul> <p>Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.</p>
Division - Bus Stop / Short MethodQuick View

Division - Bus Stop / Short Method

<p>This PowerPoint presentation is designed to teach children how to divide numbers using the short written method, also known as the “bus stop” method. The children will begin by calculating the answers and stating the remainders. Furthermore, the presentation progresses to calculating decimal answers when dividing.</p>
Multiplication and Division CPDQuick View

Multiplication and Division CPD

<p>This is presentation is based on Multiplication and Division - Mastery Maths. This CPD covers the following aims:</p> <ul> <li>What is Multiplication?</li> <li>What is division?</li> <li>Progression of Multiplication and Division from EYFS to KS2</li> <li>The structures of multiplication and division.</li> <li>The laws of multiplication and division.</li> <li>Mental strategies and written methods for multiplication and division.</li> <li>Resources and concrete manipulatives</li> </ul> <p>More specifically this presentation covers:</p> <ul> <li>Skip counting and unitising</li> <li>Multiplication as repeated addition/ aggregation</li> <li>Scaling</li> <li>Ratio</li> <li>Arrays</li> <li>Bar model</li> <li>commutative law</li> <li>associative law</li> <li>distributive law</li> <li>patterns and relationships and balancing equations</li> <li>grid method</li> <li>column method</li> <li>sharing and grouping</li> <li>division as constant ratio</li> <li>Doubling and Halving</li> <li>Division by factor pairs</li> <li>Division and multiplication with place value counters and dots.</li> <li>Division with exchanging and remainders.</li> </ul> <p>This document is useful for teachers, maths leads or maths specialists who have adapted Mastery Maths or Singaporean Maths and need to deliver a CPD in Place value to enhance their staffs subject knowledge.</p> <p>All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated.</p> <p>This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire.<br /> Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =)<br /> I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =)</p> <p>Kind regards,</p> <p>@MasteryMaths01</p>
Multiplication, Division & Divisibility BooksQuick View

Multiplication, Division & Divisibility Books

<p>Are you looking for practical ways to improve your students’ times table knowledge? These Multiplication, Division and Divisibility Rules Foldable Mini Books are perfect for times table practice on the go and are great little gifts or rewards!</p> <p>These compact mini books provide your students with easy access to multiplication and division facts, covering all times tables from 2 to 12, including square number facts. Your students can use the books to practice multiplication and division fact and use the divisibility rules to support their understanding of factors.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Easy to prepare:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Only one page per book needed</li> <li>Instructions are included - your students can make their own books or your could give them as class gifts or students rewards.</li> <li>Cut, fold and glue.</li> </ul> <p><br /> These Mini Books encourage independent learning and self-assessment, allowing your students to practice their multiplication skills anytime, anywhere. They can keep these mini books in their desks, backpacks, or even pockets, turning multiplication practice into a fun and engaging on-the-go activity.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Benefits:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Practice multiplication and division on the go</li> <li>Encourages independent learning and self-assessment</li> <li>Keep these mini books at their fingertips during maths lessons for quick reference</li> <li>Provide students with a handy tool for self-learning.</li> <li>Easy to prepare - students could make them</li> <li>Print friendly black and white or colour options.</li> </ul> <p><br /> <strong>What’s inside:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Multiplication and division mini books.</li> <li>Divisibility Rules mini books</li> <li>One page per book</li> <li>Covers multiplication facts from 2s to 12s.</li> <li>Colour or Black &amp; White Options</li> <li>Teacher Instructions</li> <li>A4 Size pdf</li> </ul> <p><br /> <strong>Look what teachers like you are saying:</strong><br /> Excellent - 5 stars!<br /> The students loved these more than I thought they would! I even had parents message me how much they enjoyed them and thought they were a terrific idea! - Lorena K</p> <p><br /> <strong>How to use:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Independent practice</li> <li>Classwork reference</li> <li>Small group instruction</li> <li>Intervention groups</li> <li>Home learning</li> <li>Maths Tutor</li> <li>Student gift or reward</li> </ul> <p><br /> <strong>Updates</strong><br /> 17/11/2024 Updated to correct and improve instructions.</p> <p><br /> <strong>You may also like:</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Times Table Multiplication Patterns Art Activity</a></li> <li><a href="">Multiplication Activities &amp; Games to Practise Facts</a></li> <li><a href="">Mindfulness Multiples Maths Colouring Pages</a></li> </ul> <p><br /> <strong>Are you looking for multiplication activities in one easy place? I have the bundle for you here to save you time and money!</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Multiplication Fact Fluency BUNDLE fun Activities &amp; Games</a></li> </ul>