Create your very own Lowry style paintings in KS2 digitally. Copy and paste buildings that have been individually recreated in the Lowry style to create your city scene. Then populate your city with Lowry people. Teach yourself and your children more about layers and perspective by using PowerPoint's send backwards/forwards and resize tools. Finally, you can print out your paintings straight from this PowerPoint file on any size up to and including A3. A perfect activity to group model on the interactive whiteboard and then to be used on laptops/desktops as an individual digital art activity.
<p>Looking for different ways of teaching art? Looking for some inspiration? This bundle has something for everyone! It has presentations, examples of art and photography, and an English writing prompt.</p>
<p>PowerPoint presentation showing examples of Pollock’s paintings. Suitable for Foundation and Key Stage 1. Used in Reception Class to stimulate creative development. Children crreated own splatter painting for brilliant and easy display.</p>
These creative writing sheets help to make creative writing and story telling a lot more fun. The creative writing prompts ask the students to imagine they are directly inside the picture. What do they see, feel, touch, taste and smell. These writing prompts will help your students to write a richer, more detailed description of a scene. This is a great way to practice for the KS1 SATs tests and the KS2 SATs tests while still having a lot of fun! <br />
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You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different locations being shown in each of the photos.<br />
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts.<br />
The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story . <br />
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
<p>Make some colourful bubble art!</p>
<p>Using paint, water, bubbles and your imagination!</p>
<p>More at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br />
Follow for more free teacher resources!<br />
Always FREE!</p>
Light painting, also known as light drawing or light graffiti, is a photographic technique in which you manipulate the shutter speed on your camera to 10-30 seconds to allow more light to be captured in your picture. The exposures are made usually at night or in a darkened room by moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera.
In this unit of work, presented step by step on a power point, students will create a collaborative artwork inspired by Bruegel's painting. They will initially study the painting, comparing and contrasting children's games in 1560 and children's games today. There is also an opportunity to research how children play their games throughout the world. Following this, students will take photographs to gather images of children at play and from these they will select the figure(s) they wish to draw. Ultimately the class will put all the figures together on a background they have designed and created making a stunning piece of collaborative art.
This resource provides visual inspiration for the development of seascape paintings. A wide range of photographs show the textures, colours and movement of rough seas. The slideshow then shows a range of paintings produced using a variety of techniques. each painting includes an explanation of how it was produced. All paintings were produced by the author, Mael Matthews.<br /><br />
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This resource could provide inspiration for students of all ages. The main message is that where painting is concerned, the only rule is that there are no rules!<br /><br />
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The resource also includes Mael's Twitter handle and he is happy to answer all direct questions about the paintings in this resource.<br /><br />
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Happy painting!
<p>Famous artists and paintings cards. Set of 60 cards with a painting by a range of inspirational and well-known artists. The cards can be used to encourage recognition of the most well-known artists and their work. I have included a few examples of sculpture, stained glass, pottery, design. The images I have chosen range from 11th to 20th century from worldwide artists. Pupils can use them as a paired or group ‘guessing game’. Can be placed in the class library area or the ‘Early Finisher’ box/tray. I have used these to help pupils develop work on or research about a famous piece of artwork that they like by finding images of other work by the same artist or derivatives of that style, writing a descriptive piece about the work or a subjective paragraph about what the work means to them. Can be used by Y2 -Y6. Useful for topics on Art, Famous Paintings/Artists, using art as a starting point for writing or historical reference.</p>
595 high quality photographs of the natural world covering animals, plants, landscapes, water, sea, sea creatures, birds, sky, rivers, plants, fire, snow and much more. Provided as both PDFs and editable PowerPoints so that the pictures can be extracted and used in your own documents. Ideal for Art and Creative Writing lessons and also a wonderful resource for fellow educational authors who need copyright free, high quality images. I have taken all the photographs in this resource and once purchased you are free to use them in any way that you like.
This huge visual resource offers 13 individual slideshows of photographic images. An ideal study aid for Art students, but equally suitable for use across the wider curriculum. Suitable for use with all ages.
<p>Here Comes Jack Frost Activity Pack</p>
<li>16 <strong>teacher written</strong> activities complete with matching resources</li>
<li>PDF’s that are easy to print and photocopy</li>
<li>Some resources are <strong>differentiated</strong> when they are to be used 1:1</li>
<li>Everything you need when starting the book topic</li>
<li>Say goodbye to making all of your own resources to support learning</li>
<p><strong>Everything included in this google drive download:</strong><br />
Story Introduction question sheet<br />
Ordering the story pictures and many differentiated templates<br />
Key word photograph flashcards with sound buttons<br />
Key word photograph flashcards without sound buttons<br />
2x differentiated key word mats<br />
Page referenced key questions<br />
Photographs of the 4 seasons with matching sorting activity and targeted questions<br />
Photographs of people dressed for winter<br />
Winter clothing key word flashcards<br />
Hibernation explanation and photographs<br />
Hibernation animal sorting task<br />
Opposites activity including differentiated ability worksheets<br />
Window paint recipe and art ideas<br />
Growing ice experiment<br />
Positional language posters<br />
Instructions on how to build a snowman and matching paper activity - differentiated three ways<br />
Tuff tray activity ideas and links to online resources<br />
Igloo and Inuit photographs<br />
How to build an igloo activity instructions and links to more ideas</p>
This visual resource provides 30 photographic images of numbers. Pictures include numbers on clocks, toys, houses, keyboards, dice and many other objects. Images to help generate interest in numbers. Suitable as a Maths classroom display.
<p>36 high quality copyright free photographs for authors and teachers to use in their publications. A wide range of images covering plant and animal life, natural landscapes, skies and water. Ideal for educational resource authors wanting to illustrate resources without the worry of infringing copyright regulations. Also ideal for teachers wanting to produce eye catching classroom resources or wanting to provide students with images for inspirations. Ideal for Art and creative writing lessons. Provided as a PowerPoint so that it can be used as a presentation, or photographs can be easily extracted from it.</p>
<p>Close up picture quiz. Set of 20. Have fun identifying close up and cropped pictures of everyday objects, food and creatures which will challenge visual perception and creativity. Suitable for KS1 and KS2 as an individual, paired or group activity or competition. Do your pupils have an eagle eye?</p>
A huge visual resource suitable for all subjects and age ranges. Over 1000 high quality photographs organised into easy to navigate files. Included are the following themes:<br /><br />
Autumn<br /><br />
Summer<br /><br />
Monsters<br /><br />
Birds<br /><br />
Buildings<br /><br />
Christmas<br /><br />
Landscapes<br /><br />
Fish<br /><br />
Flowers<br /><br />
Fungi<br /><br />
Graffiti<br /><br />
Hands<br /><br />
Insects<br /><br />
Natural Textures<br /><br />
Numbers<br /><br />
People<br /><br />
Rust<br /><br />
Sky<br /><br />
Sea<br /><br />
Water<br /><br />
Trees<br /><br />
Faces<br /><br />
Halloween<br /><br />
Patterns<br /><br />
Perspective<br /><br />
Colour<br /><br />
....... and more. Also this is a resource that will continue to grow, with new topic files being added regularly. Next to be added (on 19.6.16) is Brazil.<br /><br />
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Purchase of this resource provides you with a live link that you simply click on to send you to the files in the cloud. It works and it's quick and easy to use.<br /><br />
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A wonderful classroom resource which will allow you to pull up pictures at the touch of a button. No need to search the web or flick through books.<br /><br />
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Purchase allows you to use the resource within your school. It also allows you to share the link with colleagues within your school.<br /><br />
<p>I have collected together a wide range of different paintings. The students can look and discuss what they can see in each of historical paintings about the fire of London. They are able to also copy a wide range of paintings. I have also included both a creative writing prompt to encourage children to look at a painting in more detail and also to use their research skills to describe a painting in more detail.</p>
Over 40 high quality photographic images of scenes to support the teaching of 1 point perspective. All images are free of copyright and therefore can be copied, distributed and modified freely.