<p>A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that supports students as they analyse two unseen poems and answer both unseen poetry questions (24 marks and 8 marks) in preparation for AQA English Literature Paper 2. With the exam only a few weeks away it is amazing how many schools focus so much of their energies on the anthology poetry in Power and Conflict and Love and Relationships but seem to sideline Unseen Poetry when it is worth 32 marks in total. This lesson is definitely worth getting if you want to help build students’ independence rather than them relying on you to spoon feed them all the necessary information.</p>
<p>This resource is designed for KS3 and KS4 unseen poetry. The resource is designed to guide pupils on how to approach and analyse any poem by going through the 10 steps. On the back, there is guidance on how to write up an analysis using a variety of vocabulary. In addition there is a section on how to introduce a comparison to the poetry, again going in step by step. This has proved very useful for all abilities. This resource has been used frequently within my own department and has proven very successful. I would recommend using the resource towards the end of your scheme (after pupils are familiar with different techniques and forms) to promote independent learning. It is good practice for GCSE.</p>
Download this popular two-week unit for Year 2 based on classic poetry to perform.<br />
<br />
A two-week literacy unit of work for Year 2, including lesson plans and pupil resources, looking at some classic poems by Christina Rossetti and building up to a poetry performance.<br />
<br />
In these lessons pupils will:<br />
<br />
- read and listen to classic poems by Christina Rossetti<br />
- investigate the effects of sounds and poetic language<br />
- use question punctuation<br />
- write their own rhyming patterns<br />
- use their voices expressively in different ways<br />
- create their own version of one of the poems<br />
- prepare and perform a poem to an audience<br />
<br />
The poems include 'Ferry Me Across the Water', 'What Does the Bee Do?' and 'What Are Heavy?'.<br />
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You may also like our other KS1 poetry packs:<br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-going-to-sea-poetry-planning-pack-11081662">Going to Sea Poetry Pack</a><br />
<br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/summer-performance-poetry-pack-year-1-and-2-11554315">Summer Performance Poetry Pack</a><br />
<br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spring-performance-poetry-pack-year-1-and-2-11247076">Spring Performance Poetry</a>
An assembly script that my year 4 class performed on poetry. The whole script is written in rhyming poetry. It covers onomatopoeia, rhyme and alliteration. We also included some poetry the children had written in class to form part of the assembly. The performance lasted about 15 minutes in total but could be extended or shortened by including more or less of their own poetry.<br />
The poems my class produced are included in this bundle. Children were given two illustrations to create their poetry from. They worked collaboratively to do this.
<p>2022 Unseen Poetry model answer for BOTH questions on Shoulders by Naomi Shihab Nye and Choices by Tess Gallagher.</p>
<p>This model essay is designed to hit the requirements for Grade 9 for AQA English Literature Paper 2 (2023 onwards) or Paper 1 (2022 and before). Includes two answers that weaves together language and structure analysis, relevant comparisons how and why the two writers present their poems in relation to caring for others.</p>
<p>Please note that due to copyright restrictions, the actual poems are not included in this resource, but are available from the AQA website.</p>
<p>REVAMPED! Power and Conflict revision guide that comes in a fully editable PowerPoint or a printable PDF for students, parents and teachers. A fully differentiated revision guide for KS4 students looking at the AQA Power and Conflict GCSE Poetry Anthology for Literature Paper 2. The revision guide includes differentiated activities for every poem, including:</p>
<p>The Prelude; Storm on the Island; Exposure; The Charge of the Light Brigade; Bayonet Charge; Remains; Poppies; War Photographer; Kamikaze; Ozymandias; London; My Last Duchess; The Émigrée; Checking Out Me History; Tissue.</p>
<p>Now includes revision activites to help compare poems and make meaningful comparisons, as well as a guide to the mark scheme and what the examiners are looking for in your answers.</p>
<p>2024 Unseen Poetry model answer for BOTH questions on The washing is never done by Jaan Kaplinski and A Day in Autumn by R S Thomas.</p>
<p>This model essay is designed to hit the requirements for Grade 9 for AQA English Literature Paper 2. Includes two answers that weaves together language and structure analysis, relevant comparisons how and why the two writers present their poems in relation to daily lives and connecting to the natural world.</p>
<p>Please note that due to copyright restrictions, the actual poems are not included in this resource, but are available from the AQA website or online.</p>
<p>6 worksheets which are designed to walk through unseen poetry. These would be ideal for an easy cover lesson for a normal lesson with extra input from the teacher</p>
<p>2020 Unseen Poetry model answer for BOTH questions on I Am Offering this Poem by Jimmy Santiago Baca and The sun has burst the sky by Jenny Joseph.</p>
<p>This model essay is designed to hit the requirements for Grade 9 for AQA English Literature Paper 2 (2023 onwards) or Paper 1 (2022 and before). Includes two answers that weaves together language and structure analysis, relevant comparisons how and why the two writers present their poems in relation to caring for others.</p>
<p>This well-presented PowerPoint contains fifteen engaging one-hour lessons (190 slides) that focus on preparing students for AQA’s GCSE English Literature Paper 2: Section C - Unseen Poetry (8702).</p>
<p>There are a wide range of tasks (listed below) that focus on building the skills needed for AO1 and AO2 - including practice questions, original model responses and extension tasks. The PowerPoint includes a baseline assessment and an end of unit assessment. All of the questions are written in the style of the GCSE exam so that students are familiar with the format in advance of sitting the qualification. There are weekly unseen poetry essay homework tasks, as well as three extra slides with exam-based questions and tasks that could be used as cover work or as extra questions for revision.</p>
<p>A range of poets and topics are included, such as: Owen, Browning, Blake, Bronte, Wordsworth, Orwell, Lawrence, Hardy, Rossetti & more.</p>
<p>Areas Covered:<br />
Lesson 1: The Big Picture & Introduction<br />
Lesson 2: Unseen Poetry Baseline Assessment<br />
Lesson 3: Understanding & Annotating<br />
Lesson 4: Approaching a 24 Marker<br />
Lesson 5: A Full 24 Marker<br />
Lesson 6: Thinking About Structure<br />
Lesson 7: 24 Marks of Practice<br />
Lesson 8: Introduction to Comparison<br />
Lesson 9: Thinking About Language<br />
Lesson 10: Intriguing Language<br />
Lesson 11: Inferences & Connotations<br />
Lesson 12: Modal Verbs<br />
Lesson 13: Practice Assessment<br />
Lesson 14: The Perfect Answer<br />
Lesson 15: Unseen Poetry End Of Unit Assessment</p>
<p>Extra: Three additional exam questions</p>
<p>Please check out my other resources in my <a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/PateResources">shop</a>.<br />
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>2023 Unseen Poetry model answer for BOTH questions on Scaffolding by Seamus Heaney and Yours by Daniel Hoffman.</p>
<p>This model essay is designed to hit the requirements for Grade 9 for AQA English Literature Paper 2 (2023 onwards) or Paper 1 (2022 and before). Includes two answers that weaves together language and structure analysis, relevant comparisons how and why the two writers present their poems in relation to caring for others.</p>
<p>Please note that due to copyright restrictions, the actual poems are not included in this resource, but are available from the AQA website or online.</p>
<p>This lesson is an introduction to poetry for KS3 class.</p>
<p>It focues on the meaning of poetry and poetic devices with a small practice poem at the end of the powerpoint to get them used to annotating and analysing poems.</p>
<p>This powerpoint has been created to encourage confidence in unseen poetry, and to teach students how to analyse and plan for the WJEC/EDUQAS unseen poetry question timings. The first five slides are resources for the class.</p>
<p>Slide 1 - a breakdown of each unseen poetry question - colour coded - to explain expectations from examiner, timings, what the question is asking you to do.<br />
Slide 2 - a reminder bookmark to give students to take home to practise with at home. It has 8 key questions students should ask themselves to ensure clear and detailed answers when responding.<br />
Slide 3 - The first poem handout with annotation boxes (colour coded). This is advisable to be printed in A3 so they have a decent amount of space to write notes in.<br />
Slide 4 - The second poem handout - this one has the original poem and the poem they have to compare it with on- with annotation boxes (colour coded). This is advisable to be printed in A3 so they have a decent amount of space to write notes in. I normally print slide 3 and 4 back to back<br />
Slide 5 - an optional print out slide with a breakdown of what to write in each paragraph, as well as possible sentence starters/cloze paragraphs to use.</p>
<p>This masterclass uses the poems ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’ by Dylan Thomas and ‘Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep’ by Mary Elizabeth Frye. Slides 6,7,8 and 9 talk you and the class through how to quickly annotate with timers to keep the pace. The poem analysis is broken down into sections with written prompts to show on the board.</p>
<p>I have done this masterclass with all of the year 11 classes in my school (other than the weakest ability who weren’t sitting literature) and an overwhelming majority requested a second masterclass as they found it so helpful. I will upload the second masterclass to TES as well- it is the same format but different poems.</p>
<p>The format of the slides is really easy to edit, so you can use this repeatedly and just change the poems in the middle.</p>
<p>This bundle consists of 16 thoroughly planned lessons that take students through all 16 poems in the Edexcel IGCSE English Anthology.</p>
<p>List of poems covered:</p>
<p>‘If-’ by Rudyard Kipling<br />
‘Prayer Before Birth’ by Louis MacNeice<br />
‘Blessing’ by Imtiaz Dharker<br />
‘Search for my Tongue’ by Sujata Bhatt<br />
‘Half-past Two’ by U A Fanthorpe<br />
‘Piano’ by D H Lawrence<br />
‘Hide and Seek’ by Vernon Scannell<br />
‘Sonnet 116’ by William Shakespeare<br />
‘La Belle Dame sans Merci’ by John Keats<br />
‘Poem at Thirty-Nine’ by Alice Walker<br />
‘War Photographer’ by Carol Ann Duffy<br />
‘The Tyger’ by William Blake<br />
‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning<br />
‘Half-caste’ by John Agard<br />
‘Do not go gentle into that good night’ by Dylan Thomas<br />
‘Remember’ by Christina Rossetti</p>
<p>Also included: a powerpoint outlining the way to structure a comparative essay, model answers and exam practice.</p>
A 50 page revision booklet that students should use as a reminder of the key information needed for each of the 15 poems in the Power and Conflict cluster. The booklet opens with a model answer and then four mock questions that students can answer. It goes on to revise structure techniques used in poetry. Each poem is then tackled, with students completing the plot, key quotes, context, imagery and structure for each poem. There are hint words and pictures to assist students as they work. The activities then move on to key themes in the poems and comparison tasks so that all of the Assessment Objectives for AQA are covered.
<p>Revision activities for the Unseen Poetry section of Edexcel English Literature IGCSE. Includes techniques to revise, examples of unseen poems, model answers, the markscheme and the feedback from the exam board for each response.</p>
A resource with worksheets providing an introduction to poetry, including different poetic forms and poem types, features, and exercises to students to write their own poems.
Poetry Train is a teachers pack of activities, poems and advice for teaching poetry in primary schools. David Harmer and Roger Stevens share proven approaches for use in the classroom, based on brilliant poems by top poets such as Carol Ann Duffy and Jackie Kay.
<p>This lesson supports students in understanding, identifying and using personification. It was designed for KS3, but could also be used with KS2 classes. You will need a copy of Judith Nicholls poem “Winter” to accompany this lesson.</p>