Politics A-Level (Edexcel) Essay Questions - US PoliticsQuick View

Politics A-Level (Edexcel) Essay Questions - US Politics

<p><strong>Edexcel Politics A-Level - US Politics Essay Questions</strong></p> <p>77+ essay questions covering all the content in the US Politics section, all organised into the chapters - US Constitution and Federalism, Congress, US Presidency, The Supreme Court and Civil Rights, Democracy and Participation, Comparative Approaches</p> <p>Make essay plans for all these and you’ll be prepared as possible for the US Politics assessment!</p>
Presidency workbook - US PoliticsQuick View

Presidency workbook - US Politics

<p>A workbook with everything you need in for Edexcel A-Level Politics course. This was made with remote learning in mind, with quick quizzes for every lesson, guided reading activities and exam questions. Around 20-22 hours worth of lessons included within the workbook.</p>
A-Level Politics - Political PartiesQuick View

A-Level Politics - Political Parties

<p>Set of 10 lessons for Edexcel A-Level Politics teaching for Topic 2 “Political Parties”. Based on Hodder (Jenkins, Jeffereies &amp; Tuck) textbook. Lessons can be easily amended for those using other textbooks/versions.</p> <p>Lessons cover Component 2 for Edexcel. Lessons included are as follows…</p> <p>L1 - What is a Political Party?<br /> L2 - Left &amp; Right Wing<br /> L3 - Party Funding<br /> L4 - Conservative Party<br /> L5 - Labour Party<br /> L6 - Liberal Democrat Party<br /> L7 - Minority Parties<br /> L8 - The Party System<br /> L9 - What Effects Party Success?<br /> L10 - Review</p>
USA Politics Comparative Model AnswersQuick View

USA Politics Comparative Model Answers

<p>These are for the Edexcel ALevel Component 3a: USA/ UK Comparative Government US and UK.<br /> 12 mark exam questions which compare US and UK government.<br /> Includes examples of both Comparative GOVERNMENT questions and Comparative THEORY questions.</p> <p>These are for the following questions:<br /> Examine the similarities between the US House of Representatives and the UK House of Commons (12 marks)</p> <p>Analyse the different legislative powers between the US Congress and the UK Parliament (12 marks)<br /> Note both the above 12 markers are on one word document.</p> <p>Examine the ways in which the US and UK Constitutions are different (12)</p> <p>30 mark essay: Evaluate the view that Federalism in the USA is in decline. (30)<br /> 30 mark essay- Evaluate the view that the Checks and balances in the US Constitution are effective (30)</p> <p>Some of these are designed for feedback tasks and have tasks for students to complete whilst reading the model answers.</p>
Edexcel A Level Politics Political Ideas Lessons 26-37 (Socialism)Quick View

Edexcel A Level Politics Political Ideas Lessons 26-37 (Socialism)

<p><strong>LIST OF LESSONS IN THIS RESOURCE</strong><br /> 48a Where does socialism come from and why is it a controversial idea?<br /> 48b How do socialists believe that human nature can be shaped by society?<br /> 48c How do socialists aim to use the state to bring about economic equality?<br /> 49ab How have the revolutionary socialist ideas of Marx and Engels been adapted? (2-hour lesson)<br /> 49c What are the disagreements between the revolutionary and evolutionary branches of fundamentalist socialism?<br /> 49d Why do revisionist socialists argue that capitalism is compatible with socialism?<br /> 49e What was the ‘triangulation’ of Third Way thinkers and governments?<br /> 50a What are the tensions within socialism?<br /> 50b How have the key thinkers within socialism disagreed?<br /> 50c Knowledge test 11<br /> 50d Assessment</p> <p>Further to the 125 lessons I have created for the UK Politics components of the Edexcel A Level, I have also created 50 lessons for the Political Ideas element of the course (Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism). These lessons, designed to be taught over ten to twelve weeks, include:</p> <p><strong>LIST OF MATERIALS IN THE FULL 50 LESSONS ACROSS TOPIC BUNDLES</strong><br /> Between 2 and 4 substantial homeworks set per week (answers also provided);<br /> 8 assessment opportunities (4 in class, 4 as homework – two per ideology);<br /> 4 substantial knowledge tests, each out of 100 marks.<br /> Further reading integrated (although you will need to purchase the relevant books yourself).</p> <p>The core textbook for students to use is Political Ideas for A-Level (the version that includes Feminism) by Neil McNaughton and Richard Kelly (Hodder Education). I recommend buying enough for all students.</p> <p>Frequently, activities will reference the Pearson textbook. If you wish to do these activities, this book is Edexcel GCSE Politics AS and A-Level Student Book and eBook - worth snapping up a copy of this also.</p> <p>I also make use in places of Political Ideologies: An Introduction (5th ed.) by Andrew Heywood, and for Feminism I also make use of The Penguin Book of Feminist Writing (edited by Hannah Dawson – easily found on Amazon) and All the Rebel Women by Kira Cochrane (available for £1.99 as an eBook on Google Books).</p>
Edexcel A Level Politics Political Ideas Lessons 14-25 (Conservatism)Quick View

Edexcel A Level Politics Political Ideas Lessons 14-25 (Conservatism)

<p><strong>LIST OF LESSONS IN THIS RESOURCE</strong><br /> 45a What is conservatism and what is the principle of ‘change to conserve’?<br /> 45b Why has conservatism’s view of human nature led to it being described as a ‘philosophy of imperfection’?<br /> 45c What is the conservative view of society?<br /> 45d How have conservatives viewed the purpose of the state and the economy?<br /> 46a What were the origins of traditional conservatism?<br /> 46b How did conservatism change from the 1800s onwards?<br /> 46cd How did New Right conservatism challenge traditional conservative thinking? (2-hour lesson)<br /> 47a What are the tensions within conservatism?<br /> 47b How have the key thinkers within conservatism disagreed?<br /> 47c Knowledge test 10<br /> 47d Assessment</p> <p>Further to the 125 lessons I have created for the UK Politics components of the Edexcel A Level, I have also created 50 lessons for the Political Ideas element of the course (Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism). These lessons, designed to be taught over ten to twelve weeks, include:</p> <p><strong>LIST OF MATERIALS IN THE FULL 50 LESSONS ACROSS TOPIC BUNDLES</strong><br /> Between 2 and 4 substantial homeworks set per week (answers also provided);<br /> 8 assessment opportunities (4 in class, 4 as homework – two per ideology);<br /> 4 substantial knowledge tests, each out of 100 marks.<br /> Further reading integrated (although you will need to purchase the relevant books yourself).</p> <p>The core textbook for students to use is Political Ideas for A-Level (the version that includes Feminism) by Neil McNaughton and Richard Kelly (Hodder Education). I recommend buying enough for all students.</p> <p>Frequently, activities will reference the Pearson textbook. If you wish to do these activities, this book is Edexcel GCSE Politics AS and A-Level Student Book and eBook - worth snapping up a copy of this also.</p> <p>I also make use in places of Political Ideologies: An Introduction (5th ed.) by Andrew Heywood, and for Feminism I also make use of The Penguin Book of Feminist Writing (edited by Hannah Dawson – easily found on Amazon) and All the Rebel Women by Kira Cochrane (available for £1.99 as an eBook on Google Books).</p>
Edexcel A Level UK Politics Lessons 21-23 (Political Parties)Quick View

Edexcel A Level UK Politics Lessons 21-23 (Political Parties)

<p>Topic 6: Political Parties (lessons 06a, 06b, 06c):</p> <p><strong>LIST OF LESSONS IN THIS RESOURCE</strong><br /> 06a What is a political party and what role do parties perform in the UK? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 06b How do political parties operate in the UK? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 06c How are the main UK political parties funded and why is party funding so controversial?</p> <p>To teach the Edexcel A Level I have created 125 lessons for UK Politics, based on the model of one teacher (easily adapted for two). These lessons go beyond the minimum requirements of the specification (e.g. studying more pressure groups, more elections, more minor parties and more prime ministers than required) and include:</p> <p><strong>LIST OF MATERIALS IN THE FULL 125-LESSON BUNDLE</strong><br /> Between 2 and 4 homeworks set per week;<br /> 16 assessment opportunities (8 in class, 8 as homework);<br /> An exam technique sheet;<br /> 8 substantial knowledge tests, each out of 100 marks;<br /> Further reading integrated (although you will need to purchase the relevant books yourself).</p> <p>The core textbook for students to use is UK Government and Politics for AS/A-Level, 5th ed. by Philip Lynch, Paul Fairclough and Toby Cooper. I recommend buying enough for all students.</p> <p>On rare occasions, activities will reference the Pearson textbook. If you wish to do these activities, this book is Edexcel GCSE Politics AS and A-Level Student Book and eBook - worth snapping up a copy of this also.</p> <p>Further reading homeworks make use of the following books (all easily found on Amazon and not expensive): UK Politics Annual Update 2020, UK Politics Annual Update 2019, UK Government &amp; Politics Annual Update 2018, UK Government &amp; Politics Annual Update 2017, Isabel Hardman’s Why We Get the Wrong Politicians and Steve Richards’ The Prime Ministers: Reflections on Leadership from Wilson to May.</p>
Edexcel A Level Politics Political Ideas Lessons 38-50 (Feminism)Quick View

Edexcel A Level Politics Political Ideas Lessons 38-50 (Feminism)

<p><strong>LIST OF LESSONS IN THIS RESOURCE</strong><br /> 51a When did feminism emerge and how has it been misunderstood?<br /> 51b What are the differences between sex and gender and how do these concepts explain feminism?<br /> 51c What is patriarchy?<br /> 51d Has capitalism made women ‘wage slaves’?<br /> 52a How successful has liberal feminism been?<br /> 52b What are radical feminist solutions to patriarchy?<br /> 52c How has feminism adapted to modern society?<br /> 53ab What are the tensions within feminism? (2-hour lesson)<br /> 53c How have the key thinkers within feminism disagreed?<br /> 53d Knowledge test 12<br /> 53e Assessment<br /> 53f What are the tensions within political ideas over human nature, society, the economy and the state?</p> <p>Further to the 125 lessons I have created for the UK Politics components of the Edexcel A Level, I have also created 50 lessons for the Political Ideas element of the course (Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism). These lessons, designed to be taught over ten to twelve weeks, include:</p> <p><strong>LIST OF MATERIALS IN THE FULL 50 LESSONS ACROSS TOPIC BUNDLES</strong><br /> Between 2 and 4 substantial homeworks set per week (answers also provided);<br /> 8 assessment opportunities (4 in class, 4 as homework – two per ideology);<br /> 4 substantial knowledge tests, each out of 100 marks.<br /> Further reading integrated (although you will need to purchase the relevant books yourself).</p> <p>The core textbook for students to use is Political Ideas for A-Level (the version that includes Feminism) by Neil McNaughton and Richard Kelly (Hodder Education). I recommend buying enough for all students.</p> <p>Frequently, activities will reference the Pearson textbook. If you wish to do these activities, this book is Edexcel GCSE Politics AS and A-Level Student Book and eBook - worth snapping up a copy of this also.</p> <p>I also make use in places of Political Ideologies: An Introduction (5th ed.) by Andrew Heywood, and for Feminism I also make use of The Penguin Book of Feminist Writing (edited by Hannah Dawson – easily found on Amazon) and All the Rebel Women by Kira Cochrane (available for £1.99 as an eBook on Google Books).</p>
Comparative Politics US President UK PMQuick View

Comparative Politics US President UK PM

<p>Edexcel ALevel Politics spec but can be used for AQA as very similar.</p> <p>Lesson examining and analysing compartive Politics looking at various aspects of USA President and UK Prime Ministers including:<br /> -Role and Powers<br /> -Cabinets<br /> -Accountability to Legislatures/ Checks and balances<br /> -Styles of Government<br /> -RElationships between branches</p> <p>Also includes updated examples as of January 2024 including James Cleverly controversies and attempts to impeach Biden in US House due to increasing partisanship</p> <p>Includes little video clips to demonstrate examples or show comparisons and a full breakdown of the comparative theories for this topic.</p> <p>Includes a colour code to help students get used to understanding the different theories and how to apply them.</p> <p>Very detailed and no need for any additional resources although can be set as independent work with textbook but all info is contained within resources so no need to own the Bennett book- if you don’t have it ignore page references in the teacher notes.</p> <p>This lesson has a lot of resources, more than enough for 2 hours of lessons (probably 3 hours if you include video tasks) plus homework and there is a 12 mark exam question for Edexcel included.</p>
Edexcel A Level UK Politics Lessons 21-40 (Political Parties)Quick View

Edexcel A Level UK Politics Lessons 21-40 (Political Parties)

6 Resources
<p>Lessons 21-40 are on Political Parties.</p> <p><strong>LIST OF LESSONS IN THIS BUNDLE</strong><br /> 06a What is a political party and what role do parties perform in the UK? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 06b How do political parties operate in the UK? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 06c How are the main UK political parties funded and why is party funding so controversial?<br /> 07a What are the traditional ideas and policies of the Conservative Party?<br /> 07b What was Thatcherism? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 07c How internally divided is the Conservative Party?<br /> 07d What are the current ideas and policies of the Conservative Party? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 08a What are the traditional ideas and policies of the Labour Party? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 08b What was New Labour?<br /> 08c How internally divided is the Labour Party? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 08d What are the current ideas and policies of the Labour Party?<br /> 09a What have been the traditional ideas and policies of the Liberal Democrat Party?<br /> 09b What are the current ideas and policies of the Liberal Democrat Party? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 10a How influential have UKIP and the Brexit Party been?<br /> 10b How influential have the nationalist parties been, in particular the SNP? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 10c How influential have the Greens and DUP been? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 11a Is there now a multi-party system in the UK? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 11b Assessment<br /> 11c How are the main UK political parties structured and organised? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 11d Knowedge Test 2</p> <p>To teach the Edexcel A Level I have created 125 lessons for UK Politics, based on the model of one teacher (easily adapted for two). These lessons go beyond the minimum requirements of the specification (e.g. studying more pressure groups, more elections, more minor parties and more prime ministers than required) and include:</p> <p><strong>LIST OF MATERIALS IN THE FULL 125-LESSON BUNDLE</strong><br /> Between 2 and 4 homeworks set per week;<br /> 16 assessment opportunities (8 in class, 8 as homework);<br /> An exam technique sheet;<br /> 8 substantial knowledge tests, each out of 100 marks;<br /> Further reading integrated (although you will need to purchase the relevant books yourself).</p> <p>The core textbook for students to use is UK Government and Politics for AS/A-Level, 5th ed. by Philip Lynch, Paul Fairclough and Toby Cooper. I recommend buying enough for all students.</p> <p>On rare occasions, activities will reference the Pearson textbook. If you wish to do these activities, this book is Edexcel GCSE Politics AS and A-Level Student Book and eBook - worth snapping up a copy of this also.</p> <p>Further reading homeworks make use of the following books (all easily found on Amazon and not expensive): UK Politics Annual Update 2020, UK Politics Annual Update 2019, UK Government &amp; Politics Annual Update 2018, UK Government &amp; Politics Annual Update 2017, Isabel Hardman’s Why We Get the Wrong Politicians and Steve Richards’ The Prime Ministers: Reflections on Leadership from Wilson to May.</p>
Edexcel A Level UK Politics Lessons 1-20 (Democracy & Political Participation)Quick View

Edexcel A Level UK Politics Lessons 1-20 (Democracy & Political Participation)

5 Resources
<p>Lessons 1-20 are on Democracy and Political Participation.</p> <p><strong>LIST OF LESSONS IN THIS BUNDLE</strong><br /> 01a What is the nature of politics?<br /> 01b What is democracy?<br /> 01c What different forms does democracy take? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 02ab [2 hours] How effectively does democracy operate in the UK? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 03a How has the franchise been extended?<br /> 03b Should the franchise be further extended? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 03c Is there a participation crisis in the UK? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 04a What are pressure groups?<br /> 04b Why do pressure groups use different methods? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 04c Why do pressure groups succeed or fail?<br /> 04d What explains the methods and extent of success of the BMA and Extinction Rebellion? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 04e What explains the methods and extent of success of the RMT Union and Greenpeace?<br /> 04f How do other organisations promote democracy and political participation? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 04g Assessment<br /> 05a What are rights? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 05b How effective has the Human Rights Act been?<br /> 05c Who can better defend rights? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 05d What could be done to improve democracy in the UK? (PLUS H/W)<br /> 05e Knowledge test 1</p> <p>To teach the Edexcel A Level I have created 125 lessons for UK Politics, based on the model of one teacher (easily adapted for two). These lessons go beyond the minimum requirements of the specification (e.g. studying more pressure groups, more elections, more minor parties and more prime ministers than required) and include:</p> <p><strong>LIST OF MATERIALS IN THE FULL 125-LESSON BUNDLE</strong><br /> Between 2 and 4 homeworks set per week;<br /> 16 assessment opportunities (8 in class, 8 as homework);<br /> An exam technique sheet;<br /> 8 substantial knowledge tests, each out of 100 marks;<br /> Further reading integrated (although you will need to purchase the relevant books yourself).</p> <p>The core textbook for students to use is UK Government and Politics for AS/A-Level, 5th ed. by Philip Lynch, Paul Fairclough and Toby Cooper. I recommend buying enough for all students.</p> <p>On rare occasions, activities will reference the Pearson textbook. If you wish to do these activities, this book is Edexcel GCSE Politics AS and A-Level Student Book and eBook - worth snapping up a copy of this also.</p> <p>Further reading homeworks make use of the following books (all easily found on Amazon and not expensive): UK Politics Annual Update 2020, UK Politics Annual Update 2019, UK Government &amp; Politics Annual Update 2018, UK Government &amp; Politics Annual Update 2017, Isabel Hardman’s Why We Get the Wrong Politicians and Steve Richards’ The Prime Ministers: Reflections on Leadership from Wilson to May.</p>
US Politics - Complete OverviewQuick View

US Politics - Complete Overview

Designed for the AQA A Level in Government & Politics - the Government of the USA Video.<br /> Embedded are some videos within that explains some concepts in more detail.<br /> It has been used as a revision aid as a part of lecture series given during Year 13 study leave.<br /> Updated for 114th Congress
Edexcel A Level USA Politics Lessons 43-46 (Comparative politics - Democracy & Participation)Quick View

Edexcel A Level USA Politics Lessons 43-46 (Comparative politics - Democracy & Participation)

<p>Edexcel A Level USA Politics Lessons 43-46 (Comparative politics - Democracy &amp; Participation)</p> <p>Topic 71: Comparative Politics</p> <p><strong>LIST OF LESSONS IN THIS RESOURCE</strong><br /> Lesson 71a How far do party systems and policies in the USA differ from the UK?<br /> Lesson 71b How can we use comparative theories to analyse the US and UK party systems and policies?<br /> Lesson 71c How far are party funding and the role of interest groups in the USA different from the UK?<br /> Lesson 71d How can we use comparative theories to analyse party funding and the role of interest groups in the US and the UK?</p> <p>Further to the 125 lessons I have created for the UK Politics components of the Edexcel A Level and the 50 lessons for the Political Ideas element of the course (Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism), I have created 104 lessons for the US and Comparative Politics element (Paper 3A). These lessons, designed to be taught over four terms (with spare time for mock exams) include:</p> <p><strong>LIST OF MATERIALS IN THE FULL 104 LESSONS ACROSS TOPIC BUNDLES</strong><br /> A mastery-based approach dividing the course up into modules and components;<br /> Between 3 and 4 homeworks set per week;<br /> 15 assessment opportunities;<br /> 39 short knowledge tests, one at the end of each component (the aim of a mastery approach is to use these component knowledge tests to ascertain whether a high enough proportion of your students have ‘mastered’ the content (about 80% correct) before moving on);<br /> Further reading integrated (although you will need to purchase the relevant books yourself).</p> <p>The core textbook for students to use is US Government and Politics (2021) by Anthony J. Bennett, David Tuck and Simon Lemieux. I recommend buying enough for all students.</p> <p>For the Democracy &amp; Participation module ONLY, a copy of this textbook is needed to provide information about the 2016 elections: Anthony J Bennett, ‘US Government and Politics for A Level, 5th ed.’</p> <p>Further reading homeworks make use of the following books (all easily found on Amazon):<br /> Robert S. Singh, ‘In Defence of the United States Constitution’<br /> US Politics Annual Update 2021 (also used in a lesson)<br /> Developments in American Politics, 8th Edition<br /> US Politics Annual Update 2017 (also used in a lesson)<br /> US Politics Annual Update 2015<br /> Knock Down the House (a 2019 documentary film)<br /> The Presidency of Barack Obama, edited by Julian E. Zelizer<br /> Barack Obama, ‘A Promised Land’<br /> Robert A. Dahl, ‘How Democratic is the American Constitution?’<br /> US Politics Annual Update 2019<br /> US Politics Annual Update 2018<br /> US Politics Annual Update 2020<br /> Chris Whipple, ‘The Gatekeepers’</p> <p>A very small number tasks make reference to Politics Review articles, and so it would be useful to buy the back catalogue of this absolutely fantastic magazine. However, if you cannot afford this you can just skip these tasks.</p>
Politics taster Day Lesson 2024Quick View

Politics taster Day Lesson 2024

<p>Updated Politics Taster Day lesson for 2024<br /> This lesson is for the Edexcel course- we cover: Feminism and option 3A USA so some slides are tailored to this.</p> <p>Lesson is largely discussion based with a true or false quiz to promote discussion.</p> <p>Covers: Corruption and Accountability, Participation and Protest etc.<br /> Also includes: careers in Politics, famous students of politics, uses of politics alevel for degree level and quotes from students as well as a breakdown of the course.</p> <p>Also includes some little youtube clips from comedy shows, trailers for Knock Down the House etc.</p>
Citizenship UK Political Parties + VotingQuick View

Citizenship UK Political Parties + Voting

<p>UPDATED FOR 2025 (so now includes Kemi Banenoch and Nigel Farage) - GCSE Citizenship 9-1: A 1 hour lesson on FPTP, PR and the philosophies of the main UK political parties. As required by the AQA spec (but also suitable content for other specs), this lesson covers:</p> <p>1.The major political parties contesting UK general elections; key philosophical differences between the political parties operating in UK general elections.<br /> 2.The nature of the ‘First Past the Post’ system based on parliamentary constituencies; the frequency of Westminster elections. Other voting systems used in UK elections, including proportional systems and the advantages and disadvantages of each.</p> <p>Created for Citizenship GCSE - Politics and Participation - perfect for revision too. Includes:<br /> 1 hour PP, worksheets, exam practice question, clips, well differentiated and easily adapted. Made for AQA Citizenship 9-1 but suitable material for any of the Citizenship GCSE courses or could be used for non-GCSE British Values lessons.</p> <p>This lesson has been planned for Citizenship AQA 9-1 : Politics and Participation, specifically spec point 3.4.3 Where does political power reside: with the citizen, parliament or government?</p> <p>These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes).</p> <p>You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship GCSE AQA and RE resources at my shop: <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources">EC_Resources<br /> Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)</a></p>
Political Ideologies LiberalismQuick View

Political Ideologies Liberalism

<p>Edexcel Politics Alevel<br /> Lessons on Ideologies as a whole and Liberalism as a topic for the Edexcel 2017 spec.</p> <p>I teach Liberalism first because it makes MUCH more sense since it was developed first as an Ideology and Conservatism was a response to it.</p> <p>This bundle includes the first 7 lessons (2 hours each) intro and activities, Core Values with independent research (uses hand outs from Pearson and Haywood book) and Explanation of the Core Values but you could use some of the slides if you don’t have the textbook.</p> <p>Lesson 5 ends up developing a plan for the essay:<br /> To what extent do Liberals agree on the State? (24 marks)</p> <p>I taught these lessons to my Year 13 class and they worked really well for discussion. Also includes some embedded videos and worksheets.<br /> EDIT: I have now amended this resource and added some additional files.<br /> If you have already paid for it- you should be able to redownload the bundle.</p>
US Politics Current AffairsQuick View

US Politics Current Affairs

<p>This is a tracker for students to follow different news headlines and see how they are treated differently by rival media groups with BIAS- in this case I chose CNN and Fox News.</p>