Anger Support Plan ELSA SupportQuick View

Anger Support Plan ELSA Support

<p>This is an anger support plan resource pack for older pupils who need help with anger. Perfect for ELSA SUPPORT. The plan is a useful reminder for them and others on what they need to look out for, do, or remember when their feelings of anger get too much. The resource is aimed at upper KS2 and Secondary. The plan is meant to be worked through with an adult. When pupils are angry they need that all important one to one or small group support. Helping pupils to manage their anger is the end result of all the work you do with them. The plan must be done with the worksheet pack .</p> <p>Included in the anger support plan pack</p> <p>Fillable form version of the support plan – pupils can fill this in on the computer<br /> PDF form for printing and writing out by hand<br /> 9 worksheets working through all the points on the plan<br /> 3 information sheets with examples of thought challenging questions, assertiveness script and body signs<br /> The 9 worksheets and activities included are:</p> <p>Anger triggers<br /> Body signs<br /> What makes anger worse?<br /> What do I need when feeling angry?<br /> Where is my safe place?<br /> Questions to challenge anger<br /> What might distract me?<br /> Who can I talk to?<br /> What coping strategies can I use?</p>
Supporting SEN in the classroom Staff MeetingQuick View

Supporting SEN in the classroom Staff Meeting

<p>Exploring the EEF guidance on High quality teaching approaches for learners with SEND and applying them to daily practice.</p> <p>Staff Meeting / CPD / Teacher Training</p> <p>Includes a short video, tasks, research summary and reflections</p>
Supported self-regulation booklet - zones approachQuick View

Supported self-regulation booklet - zones approach

<p>It is often recommended that schools implement an approach based on zones of regulation with students to support them in developing better self-regulation skills. This booklet has 3 versions of a 4-zone chart to help students identify how they are feeling. The first is the usual style of poster with feelings zones and suggested strategies that might help if you are feeling that way.</p> <p>However, often the students who most need this approach are those who struggle to identify and name their feelings. They are also those who are presenting with the most challenging dis-regulated behaviours in school. To help those students – there are two further posters which have an additional layer of information. They list what the student might be doing because of their feelings to help make it easier for them to be guided to select appropriate strategies.</p> <p>The booklet also includes a range of other resources that can be used in implementing a supported self-regulation approach. It includes:</p> <ol> <li>Zones of self-regulation poster – standard version.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation poster – detailed version.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation poster – short, detailed version.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation bookmarks.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation – simple and visual strategy chart.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation – lanyard cards/ pocket cards.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation planning sheet.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation : tracking my week.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation strategy sheet.</li> <li>Red Zone time out cards to use as a silent signal when students are in this zone.</li> <li>Zones of self-regulation pyramid template.</li> <li>Calming activity cards.</li> <li>Movement break cards.</li> <li>Links to further information and resources.</li> </ol>
Supporting DyslexiaQuick View

Supporting Dyslexia

<p>A ‘cheat sheet’ for dyslexia. Includes a brief description, indicators of this learning need, and strategies for support. Useful for all school staff. Can be printed and stuck into diaries, CPD journals.</p>
Time Out Support Prompt CardQuick View

Time Out Support Prompt Card

<p>This printable prompt card is designed to help educators and support staff assist students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in effectively managing time out. The resource provides a clear, structured visual aid to support students through requesting time-out, without drawing attention, ensuring they feel supported while practicing emotional regulation.</p> <p>Features:</p> <p>Visual and Text Prompts: Simple, easy-to-understand illustrations and phrases to cater to diverse learning needs, including those with autism, ADHD, or sensory processing difficulties.</p> <p>Portable Format: Compact design for use in classrooms, sensory areas, or at home.</p> <p>How to Use:</p> <p>Present the card and discuss with the student during a calm moment to explain the time-out process.<br /> Allow the student to use it as a visual cue when they need time to self-regulate.<br /> Encourage the student to follow the steps independently or with minimal guidance.<br /> Reflect with the student afterward to reinforce positive outcomes.</p> <p>This resource is ideal for supporting SEND students in mainstream or specialist settings, promoting a positive and inclusive approach to behavior management.</p>
Evidence of impact overview to support EHCP Needs AssessmentQuick View

Evidence of impact overview to support EHCP Needs Assessment

<p>This grid shows the impact of interventions for an individual pupil and can be used to make the provision and impact explicit for EHCP Needs Assessment applications. This has been a key feature in getting some of our applications approved for assessment.</p> <p>The table has been completed with examples for information only.</p>
An Inspector Calls:  Dyslexia Friendly, Essay SupportQuick View

An Inspector Calls: Dyslexia Friendly, Essay Support

5 Resources
<p>Ideal for teaching An Inspector Calls to dyslexic students, this bundle contains model answers, reading fluency tasks, keyword spelling activities and essay questions.</p> <p>The units focus on the characters Gerald, Eric, Birling, Eva Smith and Sheila, offering differentiated activities ideal for students with additional needs.</p> <p>There is a colour-code spelling activity to help students read and remember words to describe each character, along with gap fill activities to use these in context.</p> <p>Each unit contains a typical English Literature exam question, a model, PEEL paragraph and extension activities to write their own paragraphs.</p> <p>Key quotations and reading texts are provided to further support students.</p> <p>This is an ideal resource to teach Inspector Calls to students with additional needs and deepen an understanding of how to write about the key characters!</p>
Disciplining and Parenting Children with ADHD: Training Material and SupportQuick View

Disciplining and Parenting Children with ADHD: Training Material and Support

This product is training material in the form of a powerpoint presentation. This presentation will be great for a Parent University, a focused faculty session, a PTO open house session, or a professional learning community. As well, this material might be used with a parent group in terms of advice regarding parenting and disciplining children with ADHD. In this material, there are seven strategies to work with children where discipline is concerned particularly children diagnosed with ADHD. Finally, this is basically seven great pieces of advice for when a parent reaches the end of his/her rope with an unruly child who raises the volume on challenging behavior!
Supporting Those With Dyslexia BookletQuick View

Supporting Those With Dyslexia Booklet

This booklet gives information about dyslexia and how teachers and teaching assistants can support student's within the classroom. The booklet includes: - A quiz to show understanding - Explains what dyslexia is and why its important to identify - How it effects reading and writing, amongst other information
Social Skills - Friendship Support: Non-Verbal CommunicationQuick View

Social Skills - Friendship Support: Non-Verbal Communication

<p>This PPT and Worksheet bundle discusses the importance of non-verbal communication. Understanding non-verbal cues is a key social skill and one that some children struggle to understand naturally. This lesson helps them to understand what they are and how to identify facial expressions/body language in order to interpret their surroundings. It also seeks to support their own non-verbal expression.</p>
Foundational Handwriting Support Strategies: Occupational TherapyQuick View

Foundational Handwriting Support Strategies: Occupational Therapy

<p>So often I hear teachers, parents and therapists ask about where and how to start teaching children how to write.</p> <p>We are often questioning how to fix poor letter formation habits and how to address pencil grasp issues.</p> <p>This is a 26 page document which highlights the key aspects to consider when teaching a child to handwrite. For example, how to hold a pencil/pen, seating position, techniques and strategies to initiate handwriting and build upon the current skills. This document also highlights various iPad applications to support the find motor skills and handwriting development.</p> <p>This is a great easy instructional document which includes numerous material and can be used by other Occupational Therpists, Speech Therapists, Teachers, Allied Health Professionals and Parents! Give your child the best start in life :)</p>
ELSA Support Anger resource pack for Secondary pupilsQuick View

ELSA Support Anger resource pack for Secondary pupils

<p>This is an ELSA Secondary Anger pack of worksheets to help you support pupils who have anger issues. These are all in black and white for easy and cost effective printing. This is suitable for upper KS2, secondary pupils and adults.</p> <p>We also have another useful <a href="">worksheet pack for secondary pupils </a></p> <p>Included in the elsa secondary anger pack</p> <p>Anger firework activity (11 sheets) This will help explain what happens when an anger episode is triggered<br /> The fight or flight response information<br /> Body response to anger information<br /> Useful coping strategies information<br /> Thoughts information<br /> Self talk information<br /> Anger iceberg information and worksheet<br /> Anger triggers weekly diary<br /> Anger triggers daily diary<br /> Weekly thought diary for reframing thoughts<br /> Daily thought diary for reframing thoughts<br /> CBT cycle info<br /> CBT cycle worksheet<br /> Challenging negative thinking worksheet<br /> Reflection time<br /> Anger synonyms<br /> You could put these into a pack for your pupils and make workbooks according to their needs.</p> <p>26 sheets in the pack</p>
Supporting Students: ADHDQuick View

Supporting Students: ADHD

<p>This PPT training module with focus on how to support students with ADHD.</p> <p>Supporting neurodivergent students in the classroom is crucial for creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment. Neurodivergent individuals, such as those with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and other conditions, possess unique cognitive abilities and learning styles that may differ from neurotypical students. Here are several reasons why it is important to provide support and differentiation for neurodivergent students:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Inclusion and Equity: Every student deserves an equal opportunity to learn and thrive in the classroom. By supporting neurodivergent students, we promote inclusivity and ensure that their diverse needs are met. It helps create an environment where all students feel valued, respected, and included, leading to improved self-esteem and overall well-being.</p> </li> <li> <p>Individualised Learning: Neurodivergent students often require individualized approaches to learning. Implementing differentiation strategies allows educators to tailor instruction and assessments to meet the unique needs and strengths of each student. By accommodating diverse learning styles, educators can enhance engagement, comprehension, and academic success for neurodivergent students.</p> </li> <li> <p>Academic Achievement: Providing appropriate support for neurodivergent students enhances their academic achievement. Neurodivergent individuals may have strengths in areas such as creativity, problem-solving, pattern recognition, or attention to detail. By recognizing and nurturing these strengths, educators can help neurodivergent students excel in their areas of expertise while also addressing any challenges they may face.</p> </li> <li> <p>Social and Emotional Development: Supporting neurodivergent students positively impacts their social and emotional development. By fostering an inclusive classroom environment, students learn empathy, tolerance, and respect for neurodiversity. Additionally, tailored support helps neurodivergent students develop self-advocacy skills, self-regulation strategies, and coping mechanisms, which are essential for their overall well-being and successful integration into society.</p> </li> <li> <p>Enhanced Classroom Environment: Supporting neurodivergent students benefits the entire classroom community. Implementing differentiation strategies encourages flexible and creative teaching methods that can benefit all students. It fosters a culture of acceptance, respect, and understanding, where all students learn to appreciate and celebrate diversity.</p> </li> </ol> <p>This training with focus on supporting students with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.</p> <p>By the end of this training you should be able to:</p> <ul> <li>Define Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder</li> <li>Recall the symptoms of inattention</li> <li>Recall the symptoms of Hyperactivity and impulsivity</li> <li>Apply effective strategies to support students with ADHD</li> </ul>
Anger Management Support PackageQuick View

Anger Management Support Package

This resource is for children of KS3 with anger issues. It has informative information about anger, how to recognise triggers, ways to control impulses and methods of calming down. It also has a diary to keep a log of times when students have managed successfully to control their anger/emotions.
Science specific SEN planning supportQuick View

Science specific SEN planning support

<p>Useful suggestions for staff on how best to support SEN pupils within Science specific lessons. Can be used as a planning tool or guidelines for formative assessment.</p> <p>Strategies are grouped into the following broad areas of need for ease of reference:</p> <ul> <li>Communication and Interaction</li> <li>Cognitive and Learning</li> <li>Sensory and Physical</li> <li>Social, Emotional and Mental Health</li> </ul>
Behaviour Support: Supporting Children with BedtimeQuick View

Behaviour Support: Supporting Children with Bedtime

<p>Some children often have difficulties with bedtime and a routine can often help a child to prepare. This document can be used as a checklist which empowers the child and allows a predictable routine to take place at bedtime.</p> <p><strong>ABOUT US</strong></p> <p>All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!</p> <p>Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.</p>
Honesty Support Story - Elsa SupportQuick View

Honesty Support Story - Elsa Support

<p>Our Honesty Support Story is designed to support children in understanding the importance of being truthful in their words and actions. Honesty is a key value that helps build trust, strengthen friendships, and develop a strong sense of personal integrity. However, for many children, telling the truth can sometimes feel challenging—especially when they’re worried about getting into trouble or upsetting someone. This support story gently explores these feelings and helps children see the positive outcomes of honesty, even in difficult situations.</p> <p>Included in this Honesty Support Story pack:</p> <p>Support story – six pages<br /> Honest response (2) Pupils respond to a graphic image and say what would be the honest response to the image<br /> Honesty promise – Pupils can write their own honesty promise<br /> Honesty scale – Pupils can scale their honesty<br /> Honesty reflection – Pupils can draw a comic strip of a time they were honest<br /> Draw your feelings – Pupils can draw their feelings and label them<br /> Dishonesty cloud – Feelings words around being dishonesty<br /> Honesty sun – Feelings words around being honest<br /> Honesty story – Pupils can finish the story with an honest response<br /> Honest or not quiz – Pupils decide which is the honest response<br /> Consequences – Pupils will look at the consequences of an honest response and a dishonest response<br /> All pages print on A4.</p> <p>This resource is perfect for use in classrooms, small group interventions, or one-to-one emotional literacy support sessions. It encourages open conversations about honesty, supports emotional development, and provides a safe space for children to explore their feelings around truth-telling. By helping children see the benefits of honesty, this story aims to build their confidence in making positive, truthful choices in everyday life.</p>
Positive Behaviour Support PlanQuick View

Positive Behaviour Support Plan

<p>A Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP) is an individualized plan that focuses on understanding, preventing, and responding to challenging behaviour in the school setting. The plan is developed by the school, parents, and other relevant professionals, and is tailored to the individual student’s needs. A PBSP includes strategies to help the student better understand and manage his or her behaviour in the school setting, as well as strategies to support the student’s positive behaviour.</p>