A Christmas Carol Extract Practice LFS (Ignorance and Want)
<p>An Edexcel focused series of resources to support students with writing an analysis of Dickens’ use of language and structure.<br />
This is aimed at lower-middle ability students and is based off of mock results averaging grade 2s!</p>
<p>Worksheet 1: paragraphs increasing in quality to show students common mistakes they’re making<br />
Worksheets 2a, 2b and 2c: gap fill answer around mid-ability grade (also included LA which has the first letter prompts for each space) with teacher copy.<br />
Worksheet 3: planning table for other techniques in the extract<br />
Worksheet 4: Ignorance and Want extract I’ve used</p>
<p>To follow: a part B on poverty in the rest of the novella.</p>