<p>Outcome: A character description of Sir Lancelot told through the eyes of the Lady of Shalott, conveying many layers of complexity.</p>
<p>Form: A character description<br />
in the form of a monologue</p>
<p>A 2/3 week learning journey-<br />
Form: Persuasive letter- Lyla wants her father to tell her the secret<br />
Narrative- focus on the last firework scene pg101</p>
<p>Key Writing Statements<br />
Evaluate and edit their own and others’ writing by proposing changes to vocab, grammar and punctuation<br />
In narratives, describe settingsUse relative clauses<br />
relative clauses<br />
modal verbs<br />
brackets and commas<br />
Convert noun and adjectives into verbs using suffxies: ate,ise,ify<br />
linking ideas together in paragraphs<br />
introduce semi colon<br />
“ “<br />
Key Reading Statements<br />
• Provide reasoned justification for views<br />
• Predict what might happen from details stated</p>
<p>comes with powerpoint used too</p>
<p>A 2- 3 week learning journey which uses the beautiful book, Shackleton, written by William Grill.<br />
Covers these skills:<br />
-development of figurative language<br />
-inference<br />
-subjunctive form<br />
-parenthesis<br />
-formality of language</p>
<p>A series of lessons which lead to the outcome of a setting description</p>
<p>Key writing statements<br />
write down ideas and/or keywords, including new vocabulary<br />
learn how to use subordination coordination ( or, and, but) to join to clauses if that because<br />
learn how to use expanded noun phrases to describe<br />
Use commas to separate items in a list<br />
consider what they are going to write before beginning by planning or saying out loud what they are going to write about<br />
develop positive attitudes towards and stamina for writing by writing narratives about personal experiences and those of others (real and fictional)<br />
make simple additions, revisions and corrections to their own writing by evaluating their writing with the teacher and other pupils</p>
<p>Re-read to check their work makes sense, focus on the correct and consistence use of verbs</p>
<p>A 10 lesson learning journey based on the text, Tidy.</p>
<p>Outcome: A letter of apology to the animals of the forest<br />
Purpose: to apologise and ask for help<br />
Audience: animals of the forest Form: letter<br />
Viewpoint: Pete the badger asking for forgiveness and help to put things right again<br />
Experience: litter picking in the school grounds / local park area</p>
<p>Key writing statements:<br />
• develop positive attitudes towards and stamina for writing by: writing for different purposes<br />
• learn how to use subordination (because) and co ordination (but)<br />
• learn how to use questions<br />
• read aloud what they have written with appropriate intonation to make the meaning clear<br />
• evaluating their writing with the teacher and other pupils</p>