Complete GCSE Science Revision Game - ARTICULATE!
This board game is based on the hit title "articulate", with a similar playing style to Taboo!<br />
This game was adapted with a focus on Year 11 GCSE Science, with topics from all 3 science disciplines and is applicable to most exam boards. <br />
This activity acts as a great revision tool for whole classes or small intervention groups to ensure they are familiar with all the key words from across all 3 disciplines. <br />
This activity has also been used as both a starter/plenary for classes in Year 9 --> Year 11 and as a reward at the end of a term!<br />
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How to use the resource?<br />
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(It does work well if a class set has been printed and laminated in advance of play).<br />
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1. Students play the game in pairs (this is good for accommodating larger class sizes). There should be a maximum of 4 pairs to each board game template.<br />
2. Each pair takes it in turns to describe as many key words (corresponding to the colour they are on, on the playing board) to their partner but...<br />
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a. You cannot SPELL the word, or say how many letters it has.<br />
b. You cannot SAY any part of the word.<br />
c. You cannot use “rhymes with” or “sounds like".<br />
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3. If their partner guesses correctly, these cards are kept to the side and another is picked QUICKLY and described until the time is up!<br />
4. Students count up their number of correct cards and move this number of spaces around the playing board.<br />
5. Students can pass if they are unsure on how to describe the word/can not guess it! This saves time!<br />
6. If students land on a star on the playing board - they need to describe and guess ONLY the words with a star next to them on the playing cards (this is a mixture of words from all 3 science disciplines). <br />
7. The winner is the first pair to move their counter to the finish segment!<br />
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ENJOY!!<br />
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Please leave a review/feedback once you've used this resource so it can be adapted for others!<br />
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(Note: I do not own any of the rights associated with the playing title/game)