<p>LIs:<br />
L.I To recognise the qualities of a healthy friendship.<br />
L.I To learn how to seek support and use strategies to build positive friendships.<br />
L.I To communicate respectfully with friends when using digital devices<br />
L.I To know that there are risks in communicating with someone I don’t know.<br />
L.I To know what to do or whom to tell if they are worried about any contact online.</p>
<p>2014 NC Objectives covered:<br />
About the features of positive healthy friendships such as mutual respect, trust and sharing interests<br />
Strategies to build positive friendships<br />
How to seek support with relationships if they feel lonely or excluded<br />
How to communicate respectfully with friends when using digital devices<br />
How knowing someone online differs from knowing someone face to face and that there are risks in communicating with someone they don’t know<br />
What to do or whom to tell if they are worried about any contact online<br />
To differentiate between playful teasing, hurtful behaviour and bullying, including online<br />
How to respond if they witness or experience hurtful behaviour or bullying, including online<br />
Recognise the difference between ‘playful dares’ and dares which put someone under pressure, at risk, or make them feel uncomfortable<br />
How to manage pressures associated with dares<br />
When it is right to keep or break a confidence or share a secret<br />
How to recognise risks online such as harmful content or contact<br />
How people may behave differently online including pretending to be someone they are not<br />
How to report concerns and seek help if worried or uncomfortable about someone’s behaviour, including online<br />
To recognise differences between people such as gender, race, faith<br />
To recognise what they have in common with others e.g. shared values, likes and dislikes, aspirations<br />
About the importance of respecting the differences and similarities between people<br />
A vocabulary to sensitively discuss difference and include everyone</p>