<p>This scheme of work gets students to develop their understanding of resilience and consider how it can be displayed. It uses a variety of engaging activities which build up students confidence on the concept. The scheme of work is made up of 3x 1 hour lessons using a booklet alongside lesson slides.</p>
<p>Lesson 1 focusses on the meaning of resilience and the importance of different characteristics in displaying effective resilience (the 7 C’s of resilience). Students consider how our emotions can sometimes impact our ability to display resilience.</p>
<p>Lesson 2 explores 3 famous role models who are examples of resilience (JK Rowling, Michael Jordan and Jim Carey). Students use worksheets to build up a bank of information about each celebrity and there are accompanying videos.</p>
<p>Lesson 3 gets students to think about how you can display resilience. Students are tasked with drawing something and then re-attempting it after some guidance. Students then conclude their knowledge gained by creating a poster.</p>