Battleships Arithmetic Practice - DifferentiatedQuick View

Battleships Arithmetic Practice - Differentiated

Battleships with a twist! A fun way of practicing the 4 operations.<br /> <br /> When a player scores a &quot;hit&quot; the defending player draws a maths question from the &quot;Ship's Defence Pile&quot;. If the attacking player gets the question right, it's a hit and a counter is placed on the damaged ship as normal. If the player get's it wrong, it's a miss and they will have to try shooting at the co-ordinate on their next round.<br /> <br /> Included in the resource:<br /> A player grid showing attacking ad defending ships<br /> Three levels of differentiated questions: Over 100 Arithmetic Questions <br /> <br /> Green: Y3/Y4 Orange: Y4/Y5 Red: Y5/Y6<br /> <br /> I use this resource primarily as revision before end of term assessments and also with my Maths Club.
Y5 Space Scheme of WorkQuick View

Y5 Space Scheme of Work

<p>In this resource you will find an editable Medium Term Plan and 66 page companion presentation for the Y5 Space topic with a focus on hands on investigations and developing Scientific Working.</p> <p>The presentations mirror the lessons in the MTP with starters, plenaries, guidance on investigation and all the information required by the NC for this topic.</p> <p>If you find the resource useful or have any constructive feedback please leave a comment. Thank you.</p>