EDUCAS Food Preparation And Nutrition NEA 1 Step by Step GuidanceQuick View

EDUCAS Food Preparation And Nutrition NEA 1 Step by Step Guidance

<p>This is a step by step guidance on how to complete the first controlled assessment of the EDUCAS food and Nutrition GCSE.</p> <p>It includes images of examplar work from a student who was moderated and received a level 9 overall in his/her GCSE and tips to try to encourage students to reflect on their own work to achieve a higher mark by referring to the coursework mark scheme.</p>
GCSE Summer Homework food and nutritionQuick View

GCSE Summer Homework food and nutrition

<p>This resource is designed to be given to year 9 students who have opted to do Food for GCSE. It aims to show them what is to be covered and what is expected with a series of questions at the end to develop their knowledge to give them a kick start into year 10 and not think its all about making a nice bit of food!</p> <p>It can be tweaked to be set as a homework for later years as well.</p>