OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 1 Overview of RulersQuick View

OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 1 Overview of Rulers

<p>I have found a real scarcity of A-Level Materials for Russia online. As such, I am sharing my entire Russian Scheme. The time it would take me to port these lessons into PowerPoint would be immense and thus I am sharing them as ActivInspire Flipchart versions only.</p> <p>The scheme includes:<br /> Lesson 1: Comparison of Russia in 1855 and 1945.<br /> Lesson 2: Alexander II<br /> Lesson 3: Alexander III<br /> Lesson 4: Nicholas II<br /> Lesson 5: Provisional Government<br /> Lesson 6: Lenin and Bolsheviks<br /> Lesson 7: Lenin the Red Tsar?<br /> Lesson 8: Stalin<br /> Lesson 9: Khrushchev<br /> Lesson 10: Assessment</p>
OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 7 Depth StudiesQuick View

OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 7 Depth Studies

<p>I have found a real scarcity of A-Level Materials for Russia online. As such, I am sharing my entire Russian Scheme. The time it would take me to port these lessons into PowerPoint would be immense and thus I am sharing them as ActivInspire Flipchart versions only.</p> <p>The scheme includes lessons and interpretations on:</p> <p>Alexander II Depth Study:</p> <ul> <li>How liberal was Alexander?</li> <li>How far did Alexander reform to improve status of peasants?</li> <li>Were Reforms due to Crimean War?</li> <li>Were minorities neglected by Alexander?</li> </ul> <p>Provisional Government:</p> <ul> <li>Were the Provisional Government doomed to fail?</li> <li>Why are they viewed as reluctant to reform?</li> <li>Was WW1 responsible for the fall of the Provisional Government?</li> <li>Did National Minorities lead to the fall of the Provisional Government?</li> </ul> <p>Khrushchev:</p> <ul> <li>Did de-Stalinisation represent a genuine break from the past?</li> <li>Were economic and social reforms a failure?</li> <li>How effectively did Khrushchev deal with challenges posed by the Cold War?</li> <li>Courageous Failure: How valid is this view in assessing minorities, satellites and Asia?</li> </ul>
GCSE Crime & Punishment (1000-Modern) TimelineQuick View

GCSE Crime & Punishment (1000-Modern) Timeline

<p>9m long classroom display on the Crime and Punishment GCSE Paper.</p> <p>As this course is a change &amp; continuity study it helps to visually show the changes. Each time period has a summary of crimes, punishments and policing table which explains the different changes on the timeline.</p>
OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 2 Opposition to LeadersQuick View

OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 2 Opposition to Leaders

<p>I have found a real scarcity of A-Level Materials for Russia online. As such, I am sharing my entire Russian Scheme. The time it would take me to port these lessons into PowerPoint would be immense and thus I am sharing them as ActivInspire Flipchart versions only.</p> <p>Lessons included:</p> <p>Lesson 1: Russia in 1855 and Russia in 1964<br /> Lesson 2: Alexander II Depth Study - Nature of Government<br /> Lesson 3: Alexander II Depth Study - Aims of Alexander II’s Domestic Reforms<br /> Lesson 4: Repression and Opposition in the reign of Alexander II<br /> Lesson 5: Repression and Opposition in the reigns of Alexander III to the Russo-Japanese War<br /> Lesson 6: 1905<br /> Lesson 7: February 1917<br /> Lesson 8: Provisional Government Depth Study - Nature of Government<br /> Lesson 9: Provisional Government Depth Study - Opposition to the Provisional Government<br /> Lesson 10: Lenin and the Bolsheviks<br /> Lesson 11: 1918-1964 Unity and Division<br /> Lesson 12: Stalin and his Rise to Power<br /> Lesson 13: Khrushchev Depth Study - Nature of Government<br /> Lesson 14: Khrushchev Depth Study - Opposition to Khrushchev<br /> Lesson 15: Assessment</p>
OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 4 IndustrialisationQuick View

OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 4 Industrialisation

<p>I have found a real scarcity of A-Level Materials for Russia online. As such, I am sharing my entire Russian Scheme. The time it would take me to port these lessons into PowerPoint would be immense and thus I am sharing them as ActivInspire Flipchart versions only.</p> <p>Lessons in the scheme include:</p> <p>Lesson 1: Overview of 1855 to 1964<br /> Lesson 2: Mikhail Reutern and Free Trade<br /> Lesson 3: Bunge to Vyshnegradskii<br /> Lesson 4: Sergei Witte<br /> Lesson 5: Sergei Witte<br /> Lesson 6: Human Cost of Industrialisation (Tsars)<br /> Lesson 7: World War 1<br /> Lesson 8: Provisional Government Reform<br /> Lesson 9: 1918-1921<br /> Lesson 10: Five Year Plans<br /> Lesson 11: Human Cost of Industrialisation (Communism)<br /> Lesson 12: Reform under Khrushchev<br /> Lesson 13: Assessment</p>
OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 5 Impact of WarQuick View

OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 5 Impact of War

<p>I have found a real scarcity of A-Level Materials for Russia online. As such, I am sharing my entire Russian Scheme. The time it would take me to port these lessons into PowerPoint would be immense and thus I am sharing them as ActivInspire Flipchart versions only.</p> <p>Lessons included in the scheme:</p> <p>Lesson 1: Overview of Wars from 1855 to 1964<br /> Lesson 2: Crimean War<br /> Lesson 3: Russo-Turkish War<br /> Lesson 4: Russo-Japanese War<br /> Lesson 5: World War 1<br /> Lesson 6: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk<br /> Lesson 7: Civil War<br /> Lesson 8: World War 2<br /> Lesson 9: Cold War<br /> Lesson 10: Polish Wars<br /> Lesson 11: Assessment</p>
OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 6 Wider StudiesQuick View

OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 6 Wider Studies

<p>I have found a real scarcity of A-Level Materials for Russia online. As such, I am sharing my entire Russian Scheme. The time it would take me to port these lessons into PowerPoint would be immense and thus I am sharing them as ActivInspire Flipchart versions only.</p> <p>Scheme includes lessons on:</p> <p>Lesson 1: Russo-Polish Relations (1863-1964)<br /> Lesson 2: Asian Expansion<br /> Lesson 3: Russification<br /> Lesson 4: Impact of WW1<br /> Lesson 5: European Expansion and Satellite States</p>
OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 3 Agriculture & PeasantsQuick View

OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) - Unit 3 Agriculture & Peasants

<p>I have found a real scarcity of A-Level Materials for Russia online. As such, I am sharing my entire Russian Scheme. The time it would take me to port these lessons into PowerPoint would be immense and thus I am sharing them as ActivInspire Flipchart versions only.</p> <p>The scheme includes lessons on:</p> <p>Lesson 1: Overview 1855 to 1964<br /> Lesson 2: Depth Study - Emancipation of the Serfs<br /> Lesson 3: Problems and Changes to Peasant Life 1881-1905<br /> Lesson 4: Lenin’s Land Decree<br /> Lesson 5: Collectivisation<br /> Lesson 6: Khrushchev Reforms<br /> Lesson 7: The Virgin Land Scheme<br /> Lesson 8: Religious Freedom under Tsars and Communists<br /> Lesson 9: Famine in the Study Period<br /> Lesson 10: Assessment</p>
Jack the Ripper SoW: Lessons 7 & 8 - Police TroublesQuick View

Jack the Ripper SoW: Lessons 7 & 8 - Police Troubles

<p><strong>Edited to include Powerpoint and Flipchart Versions</strong></p> <p>The seventh and eighth lessons in a scheme of 9. Students are shown letters sent by the police to each other to infer the ways they tried to capture Jack the Ripper making a judgement on their effectiveness. Students also consider the geography of London, social factors and newspapers for how they also hindered their investigations.</p> <p>Fully resourced introduction to Jack the Ripper and a wider study into Whitechapel. The scheme has been planned with differentiated questions on the flipchart denoted by colours:</p> <ul> <li>Blue for lower ability</li> <li>Green for middle ability</li> <li>Purple for higher ability</li> </ul> <p>The way I use these is to challenge students to work as high up the scale as they find they are capable.</p> <p>Students are to learn about different types of sources which have different uses to historians and their limitations as well. This scheme could be used for the KS4 Crime and Punishment Section A but would need some supplementing with further detail on Policing, Society, Robert Peel etc.</p>
OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) Full SchemeQuick View

OCR: Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) Full Scheme

7 Resources
<p><strong>ActivInspire Flipchart</strong> &amp; Resources.</p> <p>I have found a real scarcity of A-Level Materials for Russia online. As such, I am sharing my entire Russian Scheme. The time it would take me to port these lessons into PowerPoint would be immense and thus I am sharing them as <strong>ActivInspire Flipchart</strong> versions only. PowerPoint versions to follow in later updates.</p> <p>The scheme is split into Seven Units:</p> <ul> <li>Unit 1: Russian Rulers</li> <li>Unit 2: Government &amp; Opposition</li> <li>Unit 3: Agriculture</li> <li>Unit 4: Industrialisation</li> <li>Unit 5: War</li> <li>Unit 6: Wider Studies</li> <li>Unit 7 Depth Studies</li> </ul> <p>There is a total of 75 lessons (13 pence per lesson), fully resourced and labelled as Unit then lesson number IE. Unit 1, lesson 1 flipchart and material would be labelled 1.1.</p> <p>For specific lesson content please see the Units included in this bundle.</p>
Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 1 - Introducing WhitechapelQuick View

Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 1 - Introducing Whitechapel

<p><strong>Updated to include Powerpoint &amp; Flipchart version</strong></p> <p>Fully resourced introduction to Jack the Ripper and a wider study into Whitechapel. The scheme has been planned with differentiated questions on the flipchart denoted by colours:</p> <ul> <li>Blue for lower ability</li> <li>Green for middle ability</li> <li>Purple for higher ability</li> </ul> <p>The way I use these is to challenge students to work as high up the scale as they find they are capable.</p> <p>Students are to learn about different types of sources which have different uses to historians and their limitations as well. This scheme could be used for the KS4 Crime and Punishment Section A but would need some supplementing with further detail on Policing, Society, Robert Peel etc.</p>
Edexcel American West Revision GameQuick View

Edexcel American West Revision Game

<p>A game which students have to answer questions correctly to get from the east to west of America. Students use felt tip coloured pens to track their way across the continent to either Oregon or California.</p> <p>The questions and answers are on either side of the cards. Students should make seperate piles of correct and incorrect answers to find gaps in learning and then fill them.</p>
Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 6 - The PeelersQuick View

Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 6 - The Peelers

<p><strong>Updated to include Powepoint and Flipchart Version</strong></p> <p>The sixth lesson in a scheme of 9. Students are shown a general history of policing from 1000-1829. They then explore the reasons for the creation of the Metropolitan Police and the reasons why people didn’t trust the police.</p> <p>Fully resourced introduction to Jack the Ripper and a wider study into Whitechapel. The scheme has been planned with differentiated questions on the flipchart denoted by colours:</p> <ul> <li>Blue for lower ability</li> <li>Green for middle ability</li> <li>Purple for higher ability</li> </ul> <p>The way I use these is to challenge students to work as high up the scale as they find they are capable.</p> <p>Students are to learn about different types of sources which have different uses to historians and their limitations as well. This scheme could be used for the KS4 Crime and Punishment Section A but would need some supplementing with further detail on Policing, Society, Robert Peel etc.</p>
Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 3 - EyewitnessesQuick View

Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 3 - Eyewitnesses

<p><strong>Updated to include Powerpoint and Flipchart Versions</strong></p> <p>The third lesson in a scheme of 9. Students are shown eyewitness accounts to work out a potential profile for the killer and the reasons they may be unreliable.</p> <p>Fully resourced introduction to Jack the Ripper and a wider study into Whitechapel. The scheme has been planned with differentiated questions on the flipchart denoted by colours:</p> <ul> <li>Blue for lower ability</li> <li>Green for middle ability</li> <li>Purple for higher ability</li> </ul> <p>The way I use these is to challenge students to work as high up the scale as they find they are capable.</p> <p>Students are to learn about different types of sources which have different uses to historians and their limitations as well. This scheme could be used for the KS4 Crime and Punishment Section A but would need some supplementing with further detail on Policing, Society, Robert Peel etc.</p>
Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 2 - VictimsQuick View

Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 2 - Victims

<p><strong>Edited to include Powerpoint and Flipchart versions of lesson</strong></p> <p>The second lesson in a scheme of 9. Students are shown verbal records to infer the reasons behind prostitution in Whitechapel and coroner reports on the victims of Jack the Ripper to work out a potential profile for the killer.</p> <p>Fully resourced introduction to Jack the Ripper and a wider study into Whitechapel. The scheme has been planned with differentiated questions on the flipchart denoted by colours:</p> <p>Blue for lower ability<br /> Green for middle ability<br /> Purple for higher ability<br /> The way I use these is to challenge students to work as high up the scale as they find they are capable.</p> <p>Students are to learn about different types of sources which have different uses to historians and their limitations as well. This scheme could be used for the KS4 Crime and Punishment Section A but would need some supplementing with further detail on Policing, Society, Robert Peel etc.</p>
Jack the Ripper SoW: Lessons 4 & 5 - Who was the Ripper?Quick View

Jack the Ripper SoW: Lessons 4 & 5 - Who was the Ripper?

<p><strong>Updated to include Powerpoint and Flipchart versions of lessons</strong></p> <p>The fourth and fifth lessons in a scheme of 9. Students are shown potential suspects of Jack the Ripper comparing it with an FBI profile of the suspect. An exploration into secondary sources is included to develop source understanding .</p> <p>Fully resourced introduction to Jack the Ripper and a wider study into Whitechapel. The scheme has been planned with differentiated questions on the flipchart denoted by colours:</p> <ul> <li>Blue for lower ability</li> <li>Green for middle ability</li> <li>Purple for higher ability</li> </ul> <p>The way I use these is to challenge students to work as high up the scale as they find they are capable.</p> <p>Students are to learn about different types of sources which have different uses to historians and their limitations as well. This scheme could be used for the KS4 Crime and Punishment Section A but would need some supplementing with further detail on Policing, Society, Robert Peel etc.</p>
Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 9 - Rippers Change & ContinuityQuick View

Jack the Ripper SoW: Lesson 9 - Rippers Change & Continuity

<p><strong>Edited to include Powerpoint and Flipchart Version</strong></p> <p>The ninth lesson in a scheme of nine. Students observe changes and continuities in the way that policing over time has happened. They use this example to observe changes and continuities in the police handling of the Yorkshire Ripper investigation to find similarities and come to an overall conclusion whether Jack the Ripper would have been caught today.</p> <p>Fully resourced introduction to Jack the Ripper and a wider study into Whitechapel. The scheme has been planned with differentiated questions on the flipchart denoted by colours:</p> <ul> <li>Blue for lower ability</li> <li>Green for middle ability</li> <li>Purple for higher ability</li> </ul> <p>The way I use these is to challenge students to work as high up the scale as they find they are capable.</p> <p>Students are to learn about different types of sources which have different uses to historians and their limitations as well. This scheme could be used for the KS4 Crime and Punishment Section A but would need some supplementing with further detail on Policing, Society, Robert Peel etc.</p>
Jack the Ripper SoW: Whitechapel, Police and the RipperQuick View

Jack the Ripper SoW: Whitechapel, Police and the Ripper

7 Resources
<p>Fully resourced Scheme of Work on Jack the Ripper and a wider study into Whitechapel and Policing. The scheme has been planned with differentiated questions on the flipchart denoted by colours:</p> <ul> <li>Blue for lower ability</li> <li>Green for middle ability</li> <li>Purple for higher ability</li> </ul> <p>The way I use these is to challenge students to work as high up the scale as they find they are capable.</p> <p>Students are to learn about different types of sources which have different uses to historians and their limitations as well. This scheme could be used for the KS4 Crime and Punishment Section A but would need some supplementing with further detail on Policing, Society, Robert Peel etc.</p>
(9-1) Weimar and Nazi Germany FlashcardsQuick View

(9-1) Weimar and Nazi Germany Flashcards

<p>Colour coded revision cards which span the entire course of Germany. Mainly focussed on AO1 (Knowledge and Understanding) with limited AO2 (Analysis of events).</p> <p>Initially used as a chronology lesson, these formed the backbone of many revision lessons with my GCSE classes.</p> <p>Blue cards are early Weimar Challenges (1918-23)<br /> Yellow are the Recovery of the Weimar Republic (1923-29)<br /> Green are the Rise of Hitler (1918-1929)<br /> Red are Nazi policies and rule of Germany (1933-39).</p>